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Everything posted by Glitch

  1. Glitch

    Rocky Express

  2. I'd say this gets a ghost busters reskin in the next 5 years
  3. Hi, what's the new attraction for 2022? I need a reason to get my friends to go with me however they only like, world's firsts, television and film IP's or a new never before done flat ride. Are we getting any of these?
  4. Odd, is this a distraction from Valhalla
  5. It’s an interesting one. TBH I think Thorpe take the money and run for the 4 or so super peak nights where everything is oversold, at the result of a handful of complaints on social media.
  6. Glitch

    2021 Season

    For me, I only visited once this year for fright nights on Map holders night, well they suckered me in to buy a discovery pass anyway so congratulations on that Merlin. I don’t know if it’s just a thing with my age or height that I just don’t enjoy the park in the same way anymore. So for me Thorpe park hasn’t aged like a bottle of fine wine, it’s the man sitting on the curb with a 3L bottle of scrumpy jacks currently. It doesn’t know whether to be a thrill park engaging broke teens with the adrenaline rush they deserve or a family park catering to every member of the family. For me I want that thrill park as with Chessington and Lego both 30 mins away there is no excuse for another family park. Black mirror was fun but a one and done so meh. Fright nights for me had literally lost its spark. Yes the new maze was good, however 3 mazes at a scare event? At £10 each it’s just not enough for me. Plus the park is infected with those families watching family friendly dance shows and making sure that Timmy age 5 becomes a successful theme park vlogger, it just ruins the immersion of this is a scary event aimed to terrify. I really do miss 2011 fright nights which I think was the highlight for me. Experiment 10 and even the actors in the hazmat suits outside perhaps just walking back to the break room terrified me. The curse and 7, two great marquee attractions, which I miss dearly why not use the tent approach more. The asylum, always the best in my opinion especially when the actors were so passionate and embraced in some cases their own handicaps. Saw Alive, still one of my favourites from a themeing point of view however did this begin the lionsgate and AMC partnerships that in my opinion have done more harm then good? And to top it off we had a rollercoaster being built to heighten the excitement. #LC12. I just don’t ever see the park getting back to being anything as special as it was and I really do miss that and would probably prefer if we could just relive 2011 as a season in 2022, before all the abusing of systems and MAP holders not getting value for money on their £100 a year passes. Basically I’m bored of the park and fright nights now.
  7. Glitch

    2021 Season

    What's everyone's thoughts on this year? Good or bad?
  8. Very bad. Go early, don't turn up at 3pm expecting to get everything done. Book early maze slots, if you leave it till late you have the potential of getting cut off time wise.
  9. Surely you'd want more height on a raptor.
  10. Guess this movie has just lined itself a spot on next years fright nights roster. It has a choir like rendition of the soundtrack to fright nights 2014
  11. Creepy caves POV, tbh not impressed this year. Bar the first room where has all the story gone of 2 years past, skipping last year as not sure if it was the same. A room for disinfection and then there’s no longer any lab/ plant, rather just purge style masks and barrels to bang on? To the tune of the Prodigy and Rammenstein, I just don’t get it. Will be interesting to see if it wins any awards the sparks do look cool though.
  12. Tbf though arnt most Thorpe fright nights attractions crap in the first year, excluding the past 2 mazes Ofc. I think the warning signs of it not being available in previews show that it was a rushed project however hopefully they will have more time to program and prepare next year.
  13. I still don't understand why perfect day is now seen as the flagship song of fright nights. The You're next characters were neither amazing, something to be remembered or a Thorpe IP. Rather a film with an IMDB rating of 6.6/10 why is this now seen as the best music ever present at Fright nights. TBH I would much prefer the ending to be some crazy rendition of the Thorpe Park happy birthday music. In my opinion, although I won't be able to see the show due to pass restrictions the show looks like its seriously lacking visual screens and perhaps some dancers, but not of the PG amity kind.
  14. Hopefully the hotel ERT and quieter Sunday has made up for it. Go to guest services and ask for a refund regarding if the slots arnt long enough due to queues the teams should know and you’d hope keep the mazes open longer. make noise about it rate them on trip advisor/ trustpiolot
  15. Here’s my review from last night thanks @JoshC. for the template: Trailers Nostalgic, really quite cool to relive some great moments from over the years however still lacked a few of my favourites like experiment 10. I enjoyed the story and the carpet was really cool it was nice to see a maze not just themed to blood and gore but an all round theme and great design piece, will it hold up over the coming years though? Perhaps they can change some of the scenes in and out. Heres my issue, I’m happy paying £10 once for this, however this maze needs repeatability to take it all in, the first time for the unexpected and surprises. 2nd to work out all the themes and perhaps a 3rd to find all the Easter eggs. At £10 a shot this just isn’t simply worth it and nobody is going to be racking up £30 on one maze… so that’s my disappointment. Highlights include being operated on at the dentist and being placed into the prison.Also the sparks at the end are cool although the actor forgot to trigger on the 2nd run through. Creek Freak Massacre Weaker than 2019, no longer worth the £10 price point, perhaps Covid has made it a little less intense? Platform 15: End of the Line A nice walk in the woods, enjoyed the lighting, some of the actors chose to just stand still instead of scaring which is odd. By the end section the timings where completely wrong and we were in a big group of 30, so not the best and definitely not worth £10 will be happy to see it go for that RMC they are building lol. Crows of Mawkin Meadow Highlight of the night for me an excellent transformation of the Saw Alice area, saved the event for me especially being a free attraction, the crows are cool but this won’t cope with crowds at all. Birthday bash: Show was meh but the character interactions seem good due to the cast selected to work here. Personally I preferred the carnival theme from last year and am surprised that Thorpe allow such violence to occur on the stage. Amity vs Lycan: Didn’t see the show, went over looked like they had a fun time. But this is the thing fright nights is supposed to be scary not a family event, this just screams families come and spend money to me. I hope they scrap it. Swarm Invasion: Better than prior years however it seems like these actors have drawn the short straw, with Tim foil hats, bottles of urine and chalk they will be bored with in there roles by the end of this weekend. Creek Freaks Unchained Less actors, this won’t fare well on off peak nights if there are any this year. Legacy Is this attraction already a ‘Legacy’ attraction. It’s worrying that they didn’t have anything to show for previews, suggests that there must be an issue. However I think we may only get one showing and that will be on Silkstones YouTube channel after fright nights has come to a close. Overall, it’s good however lacks the charm it once did, realistically a person will do 3 mazes on the night and still be cheesed off that they have had to pay £30 on top of park admission. I think Thorpe has trapped itself into a family event corner to please the families with deep pockets however I do miss going on an off peak Thursday and being able to redo mazes over and over to experience and find ever single Easter egg myself I guess I will now have to leave that to the YouTube POV’s.
  16. I'm hoping to earn my rookie badge soon!
  17. Sounds good, I do worry though as to what happens if they get hit with a Covid outbreak.
  18. Lots of positive reviews coming from staff previews. I still wonder if their opinion would change if they were charged £10 to go through a maze..... for me nowadays the press night preview videos is enough.
  19. Little Easter egg, your favourite vloggers seem to know a tad bit more than what's in their construction updates. In all seriousness we have one new maze, which I assume will also be an upcharge but this really doesn't do the 20 years justice. Comments on socials say bring back XXXX maze and we want this, yet Thorpe never deliver on these comments. We do get a nostalgia light and fire show which I assume will be at the Fearstival stage, another great park of last years event why get rid of it but keep the family friendly cringeworthy dance acts, probably budget? Only good is finally removing the Walking dead but man do I miss the Asylum, Cabin, Experiment 10, Big Top and the other old tented mazes or even Saw, why can't we do what the fans want and bring some of these back rather than having a nostalgia show, hopefully there will be some visuals of POV'S etc rather than just the music, but I even think here a museum, like what what they did for X would be better suited. Then the scare zones, will they be doubling the actors for Creek Freak for example or will the outside just have a few actors on the quiet short staff days while the main cast are inside. Overall Fright nights for me has just lost the scare factor tbh as it takes more of a family friendly path, while charging consumers for the mazes so they won't have time to find all the little easter eggs included.
  20. I just dream for a tent maze to come back, the Curse, 7 something in a white marquee. I think that the cinema will have a history of FN. POV's of old mazes etc, wouldn't be surprised to see highlight reel of our favourite youtubers POV's.
  21. my bet is we see the return of the old X-no way out voltage theming included somewhere.
  22. https://www.foxnews.com/us/woman-struck-small-metal-object-cedar-point-amusement-park Is Cedar point safe? Is their maintenance team up to scratch? So many questions, so little answers. I do hope the woman involved is ok and have thoughts for her family and friends.
  23. Glitch

    2021 Season

  24. This is why enthusiasts are cringe. They complain all the time and then mess with important listings for SEO etc....
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