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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEklVDlqwbQ

    The idea of this.

    The design starts with a steep-angled lift to the 510-metre (1,670 ft) top, that would take two minutes for the 24-passenger train to reach. From there, a 500-metre (1,600 ft) drop would take the train to 360 kilometres per hour (220 mph), close to its terminal velocity, before flattening out and speeding into the first of its seven slightly clothoid inversions. Each inversion would have a smaller diameter than the one before in order to inflict 10 g to passengers while the train loses speed. After a sharp right-hand turn the train would enter a straight, where unloading of bodies and loading of passengers could take place.

    The Euthanasia Coaster would kill its passengers through prolonged cerebral hypoxia, or insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. The ride's seven inversions would inflict 10 g on its passengers for 60 seconds -- causing g-force related symptoms starting with gray out through tunnel vision to black out and eventually g-LOC, g-force induced loss of consciousness. Depending on the tolerance of an individual passenger to g-forces, the first or second inversion would cause cerebral anoxia, rendering the passengers brain dead.[citation needed] Subsequent inversions would serve as insurance against unintentional survival of passengers.

  2. I really do think the fastrack system does need to be changed now as batching groups of 8 fastracks to 2 main queue does not work. As well as BWP queue line needing to be sorted as once the front gate opens people will start moving barriers to get closer to the front of the queue.

  3. Whilst this may not be the exact layout/elements of Gringotts, it really makes you wonder what could be in store. It also answers the question of a recent article about where will roller coasters end up in the future. If Gringotts turns out to be anything like this then what an experience we have in store!


    That's a great design! Wish we could get one in the Uk.

    But with all those elements wouldn't that result in the ride having a low throughput and with something that will be as popular as the Harry Potter IP resulting in very long lines.

  4. My review of last night!

    Saw Alive

    Absolutely hilarious. I thought that the intensity had been upped and it was great fun. We were at the back and my friend who was behind me got pulled out of the conga chain 3/4 of the way through the maze and was made to go through again with another group. Leaving me thinking were is he.

    Cabin in the woods

    Found the control room and was a bit disappointed about the controls not working/ no actor. Although the maze was still as great as always. Near to the end of the night one of the clowns had a ice cream toy and was being cheeky with it saying lick it etc and then having some rude humour but it was funny as hell but that actor with the mop hair gets me every time he is very creepy.


    Loved the new lighting and the maze was high intensity as allays I was followed for about half of it!


    For my first time through I thought it was a great addition but it's queue did have some queue jumpers at the start putting us back in the queue however I thought it was great having actors chucking themselves at you. Also not knowing when the next scare was coming.

    Overall a great day with around 30min queues for everything and a lot of fun. Also I know one of the directors shows is at 7:30 for those interested.

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