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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. "may find fright nights is more extreme than usual"...does that mean if you fail somehow the actors will pick on you more or something??? :lol:


    interesting video..

    My bet is that whatever everyone fails every time. The breakout is impossible.

  2. How did you skip the photo section? At Blackpool (Tower) we had to explain to the person 'no thanks, we've got no money on us so don't waste your time taking the photo' and they let us through, is there a short cut to avoid it at Shrek or is it pretty much the same?

    My son is a sucker for photo's and I don't fancy having to fork out £30 or whatever it is for the album.

    I've also long suspected WC16 could be Shrek's big brother (since Merlin announced they intended to build a lot more of the 'ride systems').

    I guess as I was just on my own and was only really there to see the bus.

  3. Went today after a long interview. No queue. The bus ride is definitely one of Merlin's best attractions, its a shame they can't just build a load of these. Even if WC16 took on this sort of ride system I would be happy seeing as I was expecting some sort of Madedeme Tussawds esk bus ride. Although the 4d wasn't the best the ride felt intense. Skipped the photo section at the end.

  4. I change my mind I'm now thinking the stanley parable which uses that cheat code. Fits the idea of this "voice" talking to us. Could fit a DIY coater as the game is based on choices. However the industrial  theme?


    It's a game based on mind control guys!!!!

  5. There will probaly more tents, maybe even using both sides of the beach.

    I would guess one side for a queue line (those circle tent?!) and then a large rectangle tent on the other side for the actual maze. As hopefully the queue line will be under covered/themed.

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