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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. ...which brings me onto my next confession! Only yesterday when I was enroling at B/W College, we were going upstairs in the lifts to take our initial assessment...and don't ask me how the heck this happened, but instead of going up, we went DOWN! Next minute the lift voiceover goes "Basement" (and this bloke behind us, in a hilarious demonic voice, goes "THE DUNGEONS!" xD). So we (being 10 or so of us) are stuck in this cramped box for a full minute, when suddenly the lift voiceover says "Going up". A few seconds later we arrive at ground floor where we started...and the doors opened to reveal the two ladies who had led us to the lifts sixty seconds before! At this point I just gave a sheepish wave! Then the doors closed to take us up to floor 5...WHERE WE SHOULD'VE BEEN TWO MINUTES AGO!
  2. Kerfuffle


    "Your fray with Slammer has come to an end"
  3. SAW's only smooth if you brace yourself - last time I went on it I wasnt holding on for the whole ride, so it was pretty damm rough
  4. ...but with a 'spooky' sort of theme for the kids
  5. This reminds me of when I had my second time on SAW in 2009, I remember just as it was our turn to ride, it broke down...but at this point, the station lights turn off...and the main lights come on! (I'm sure at this time people would've quoted Vitruvius: "I see EVERYTHING!")
  6. Could there be a better way of simulating lava, cos the painted wood chips obviously didnt work out!
  7. Could've at least had thick jets of mist streaming out of them for interactivity reasons!
  8. If not, then perhaps they're trying to make up for that scrapped Towers coaster! (the one Wardley mentioned at the TowersTimes interview)
  9. Not to mention smoke/lighting effects during the Furnace trap!
  10. Nemesis/Big One/Shockwave - Can the big three compete with Oasis hype?
  11. If it's going to be ignored, then why did they bother adding in the eye-catching bright yellow pipes?
  12. Kerfuffle


    Because people enjoy it and Thorpe would probably want to do everything they can to keep it running. I, for one, will be one devastated fanboy if I see Slammer go!
  13. ...and it'll also be in a family-friendly area! How will THAT work?
  14. You have a point. Many members have complained earlier about there not being enough detail INSIDE the building (me included ), but the thing is, The Smiler isn't meant to be EXACTLY like The Sanctuary - it's nothing more than a huge machine, designed to marmalise others...hence the nickname "The Ultimate Correctional Device"
  15. Fair point - ABL was a last-minute investment, so...
  16. It often runs on one train in the mornings - a couple of times I've been on it, they're running on one train, but then later another one is drafted on..
  17. Kerfuffle


    Something tells me it won't be long til we hear that announcement one last time: "Your fray with Slammer has come to an end!" ...PERMANENTLY
  18. Kerfuffle

    Forum Posts

    I agree Mark, and I do apologize for any spam. But it really has been stressful for me the last couple of weeks (exam results/college etc.) and basically, I just need some time to calm down...
  19. Kerfuffle


    Though in all favour I prefer X:\No Way Out, X today is more of a "larf-in-the-dark" sort of ride, meaning although for a ride experience it IS enjoyable, it's still pretty timid (making this a good move for Thorpe if they want to attract younger family members!)
  20. Too bad Thorpe and Rovio haven't done another film Halloween themed...
  21. I'm agreeing with what Pluk says about it though...
  22. That would be a problem if my legs were numb when coming off Detty! I would just collapse to the ground in full view of the other riders/those queueing!
  23. If you ask me, it's pretty simple to put SAW (sorry, SORE! ) into a few words: Pain, jolt, jolt, jolt, pain, pain, jolt, screams, jolt, pain, death, screams, jolt, more screams, more pain, another jolt...death
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