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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. The queue always goes quickly for me, as I'm always so absorbed in the queueing atmosphere! (being surrounded by suspicious looking devices with sinister music and disturbing radio voiceovers in the background)
  2. Hamilton. At least he didn't STEAL the lead (and the ENTIRE race) from Rosberg a couple of weeks back...it was the other way round! Now I better ask this because I've recently completed Portal 2 and I've still got the end credits song stuck in my head! "Still Alive" (Portal) or "Want You Gone" (Portal 2)?
  3. Banned for being observant
  4. Banned for killing the topic for nearly a week!
  5. 1 is correct. The last one I read was Hurricane Gold...and that was a couple of years ago... 2. While nowadays I'm a fan of Oasis, Coldplay is a band I still listen to (just not as often as Oasis )...but only a few years ago it would be my favourite band. 3. Rule 1 - NEVER forget your first time on a rollercoaster...ESPECIALLY if it's one you've feared for a full YEAR.
  6. Although I really do enjoy SAW, I still find the jolt a bit of a problem...considering on the last day of the season, the second time I did SAW and once we hit the jolt, I could've sworn it felt as if my spine was gyrated straight into my pelvis!
  7. Right then. 1. I have yet to read the Young Bond series by Charlie Higson 2. My favourite band used to be Coldplay 3. I still have my Stealth trophy from 2007
  8. You know, judging by the concept art for the facade of the ride and the size of the building, something tells me it may LITERALLY be Vengeance! Same ride, same film, same concept! If this is the case, then I may just run from Thorpe screaming...never to return!
  9. Kerfuffle

    Video Games.

    So here's an interview with funnyman Stephen Merchant on his role of voice-casting Wheatley from Portal 2 : Voice-casting. One of the main things I really want to take up!
  10. Nah. It kinda ruined the effect of Transylvania being a cute pretty mid-European village. The least they can do is relocate it to somewhere around Vampire's entrance...or even the queueline!
  11. Another great find, pluk! I'm just glad that horse is still around over at Vampire! But I really do wish it wasn't tucked away out of sight next to the second lifthill...
  12. If we do, it better not be like Saw's where it started off as a horror mine potentially...to end up as the IP trash we see today!
  13. If all else fails, do it Tribbiani style!
  14. 2. If it's not...SHOW US THE FOOTAGE!
  15. Been digging around in my bookcase for a while...and here are my THE SWARM pics from 2012! This was from March 2012. Riding THE SWARM in freezing temperatures wasn't pretty... ...and another from the following July! My friend (from Spain) was clearly enjoying himself!
  16. Yep...which means rather than that pleasant walk up to X\:No Way Out we had in 2009, we're now presented with a CHALLENGE before embarking on a ride as mere (but fun) as X!
  17. Just to clarify, I'm mainly shaming MYSELF here!
  18. Actually Ricky you have a point about Tidal Wave - I remember a 5 year old me excitedly dashing through the (pretty empty) queue for the original Flying Fish...and being dripped on by Tidal Wave in the process! (Anyone remember that covered portion of the queue?)
  19. Kerfuffle


    ...and send the molten track pieces to Lego to be salvaged into bricks!
  20. Kerfuffle


    Apart from tear it down, I have no idea...
  21. Banned for absolutely loving Thorpe Park Resort! Don't we all!
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