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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Can't the Shoutbox go back to where it started? Hardly anyone uses it anymore!
  2. John Lasseter running out of ideas??? I never thought I'd see the day!
  3. Isn't that what 'Yeti' at Hyde Park Winter Wonderland is? I thought that looked familiar despite the wreckage!
  4. Kerfuffle


    Tell me about it! I somehow see Christmas nowadays as being a whole month of stress and panic. Every year, its always the infamous "ERMAGURDWUTAMIGONNAGETTHEFAMILYANDFRIENDSFORXMASAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"......and furthermore, I'm NOT the religious type!
  5. Kerfuffle


    ...in that time, hopefully you've changed your profile pic!
  6. ^ Well then I better not repeat that to my bro when he comes home tomorrow for the weekend!
  7. If that's the case, then again... Seriously, I can't stand that comic any longer!
  8. Night! *cue the Bastille song* Irresponsible Dad or Wheelchair Guy? (Happy Wheels characters)
  9. Possibly. But what's important is that both groups were created by the amazing Michael Grant.
  10. Night Terror. The Cult obviously think they can kill unarmed... Rain or Snow?
  11. Big Thunder Mountain FTW Koalas or Bears?
  12. The Hunger Games...on the double! District 12 or 13?
  13. Though I'd love to go, I'll most probably be a no. It DOES consist of travelling abroad after all!
  14. Mixed emotions for me tbh. It brings me back to my childhood, especially in 2003...but seriously, a couple of those Rangers are beginning to creep me out!
  15. Big one coming up...*inhales deeply*... I confess that I currently play Angry Birds Stella on my Tablet! The main reason being that the graphics are MUCH better than the original Angry Birds! (eg. Pigs actually having life, rather than just acting like a stool...) The soundtrack for the 'Pig Wall' boss levels is pretty rad too...
  16. With SAW - The Ride just around the corner, I honestly doubt Thorpe will plunder for ANOTHER 'abandoned warehouse' theme!
  17. Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, of course! Expedition Everest or Big Grizzly Mountain? (Hong Kong Disneyland)
  18. Hand sanitiser, because it's MUCH less of a hazard if you leave it lying around...unlike soap! Drum or Bass?
  19. Pfft it's the chainsaw guy in Studio 13 of course! 8/10 for great graphic quality
  20. 10/10 for remembering the "rock on" hint!
  21. Is now summoning THE SWARM to destroy us all!
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