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Everything posted by Cal

  1. So when its packed it the holidays, the water doesn't work, and now when it's less busy its all working again. Typical chessington. I remember coming of soaked last season.
  2. They could be doing something about it today, they posted on there Facebook it's going to be closed today
  3. Cal

    The Smiler

    ... and closed again
  4. If you live far away like me though, get back from school at about 4:30 then have to have dinner
  5. Whenever I go to thorpe I seem to see this atleast once a day
  6. Having a coaster around 150feet or taller will make Stealth look rubbish
  7. Do you know if I could use the friends and family tickets for fright nights?
  8. Cal

    Top 10's

    1) Nemesis - Brilliant ride and love the speed and force of the ride. 2) Stealth - Love the launch of the ride, and the view from the top. 3) Saw - Everything about this ride is amazing, never seems to hurt my head. 4) Colossus - The layout of the ride is amazing but it does hurt. 4) Oblivion - Love the vertical drop but the ride is too short. 5) Thirteen - Love the free-fall drop of the ride and the fact that it's so different. 6) Nemesis inferno - The layout of the ride is really good, but the ride is too short. 7) The Swarm Forwards - Good ride but seems to go quite quickly and quite slow, Love the drop and the near misses. 8) Dragons fury - Love spinning coasters and I really like the layout of this one. 9) Air - It's different and quite fun, but feels quite slow when your on it. 10) X - So much better than it use to be, Just fun I guess. Haven't yet ridden The Smiler just in case you were wondering. My Favorite flat rides: Slammer, Detonator, Rush and Remisis revenge
  9. Slammer Slammers one of my favorite flat rides. I can't think of a coaster, but Zodiac, I don't know why but I find it really boring
  10. Cal

    The Smiler

    Was ment to last weekend, but looks like I'm not going to get corrected by next year!
  11. Thought this would be an interesting to see peoples opinions so choose your answers via the pole and give your reasons below.
  12. Thanks, is there any details on when it is yet or not?
  13. Is there going to be an annual pass day for fight nights? Saw it somewhere and not sure if it's legit or not?
  14. Hahaa that's where it normally parks at the end of the day. Do you know if they had to be evacuated?
  15. Cal


    I don't see how they give people a lifetime ban? Surely every staff doesn't know what they look like haha
  16. Cal

    The Smiler

    They are open, They open at 11 daily
  17. Cal

    The Smiler

    TH13TEEN has reopened with a 25 min que
  18. Cal

    The Smiler

    Once again the Smiler is closed according to both ride times and what people have posted on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151633239883358&set=o.21765316200&type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151633243603358&set=o.21765316200&type=1&theater
  19. It is just some of the trains that give you a rough experience. The first time me and my friend rode it, it was fine but the second was really rough. We looked at the number of the car (4) and then dodged it for the rest of the day. We didn't have a rough experience for the rest of the day.
  20. I'm there on Monday so I'll let you know in advance. The thing is there will probably be quite a big que for Vortex because there isn't another 'thrilling' attraction open.
  21. Having Detonator there made me want to stay, Now I really don't!
  22. Whats that song called?
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