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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Six flags don't care, cedar fair don't care. There really the only set of other parks I know. That is what the case should be across all merlin parks. If there is no queue, then let people stay on rather than making them run round. Running round oblivion is a nightmare and so is nemesis. Its much nicer hearing an announcement saying "no one is in the line we need at least ## of people to stay on."

  2. It always strikes me as utterly stupid to not allow re-rides. There is no harm to anyone if they let you stay on if there is no one trying to get on. Only 2 rides in a row sounds ridiculous, either allow them or don't, not have some stupid rule which cases delays.

    Cedar Point encouraged re-rides, TTD they forced people to stay on because of the weight of the trains.

  3. Thorpe is very restrcited in space. They have room for about 3 major rides left, possibly 4 at a push. It may not be limiting now but a few years it will be very limited such that it is a problem. A park which cant expand isnt good for anyone.

  4. Looking into it more saw does have 8, I was being lied to by another forum. A common delay with the smiler is them switching over a train which means 4 train op is pretty standard. They do use 5 trains but no where near as much as your making it out to be. Also my point still stands, there should always be a train waiting to replace it if they own more than needed. If they employed the right amount of people then strip down should only occur over the winter.

  5. 5 trains were used twice. Opening week and the first scarefest, since then it has run 4 trains using the 5th as a spare. 5 trains has no effect to the operation of the smiler and results in stacking on the brake run. There is also many other rides which have spare trains. Oblivion has 7 and saw has 9. Not sure if saw operates the same as stealth but I know TTD has 6 and uses 5 with 1 always waiting incase one breaks.

  6. But it should never happen in the first place. Train 3 should always be avalible to use throughout the season like tussauds intended. Many other coasters always have their spare train ready to go, the smiler has train 5 avalible at all times so why cant stealth have train 3.

  7. Saw is hard to achieve full capacity when very little people are there. If they wait to fill the seats then stacking occurs and the ride needs to be "reset" so to speak. 

    1 train op will encourage more fastracksales. If the park is at 0 minutes queues with 2 trains no one will buy one. Put it on 1 train and it goes up to 20 minutes people may start considering it. If it was at 15 minutes 2 trains then still very little people will be buying, however if that goes to 45 minutes with 1 train many more will buy fastrack. It may be less sales than the weekend but it is more sales compared to the same day on 2 trains. 

  8. Or maybe they are saving costs and encouraging more fastrack sales...

    I would prefer a 15 minutes stop to make the queues shorter for the rest of the day. However it should be on full trains from the start. There is only 1 ride I will let off and that is saw. The problems that can have with stacking on the break run can slow operations so I will excuse saw. The rest have no excuse ever.

  9. The potential dark ride is currently designated for the arena. Also some of those trees cant be removed as they are there to hide the park from the other side of the lake. Also if you look on the mtdp it shows that the land behind the old railway tracks they dont own. So achiving planning permission for a large building there would be hard.

  10. Suspended top spin if it has good operations can achieve 900pph (people per hour). That is pretty good on Thorpe park scale so it would reduce the queues. However to do that maybe it shouldn't have water so on cold days people still go on it.

  11. The freeflyer has a better capacity however that or a zac spin I don't think would add much. All it would achieve is long queues and a let down. Top spin may work at Thorpe but it would need to be different to ripsaw. A suspended top spin may work with a few water and fire effects themed around the nemesis volcano going off, or the aftermath. However it wouldn't bring in a load of guests as they are still pretty generic.

  12. 1 train op should never happen. 0-5minute queues are better than 15-20minutes. If you had 0 queues people would spend more times in shops so more money and people wont be robbed for fastrack. They will be more likely to return and guest experince will be improved. Alton very rarley do 1 train, I'm sure europa never do 1 train, nor disney or cedar point. If they want to be good then 1 train op with 45 min queues need to stop.

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