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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Cabin became so high its now full. 5 hours 5 minutes would bring the allocation times to 10:15 so maybe that wont be opening up again to RnR anytime today. Seems a bit stupid to have it so you cant go on a ride 5 hours before the park closes unless you join the very slow moving main queue. 

  2. I'm not going, that is what I just said. I only complain about things that are easy to get right and RnR for the very idea of it. All of my points are highly valid and at the moment I am quite concerned that the park I had been enjoying for years is about to get ruined by a stupid gimmick which makes things worse. 

  3. They were surveying a load of areas of the park. The arena, the fungle site and the island behind swarm. I don't think that surveying them was too significant. Also removing trees often requires permission. We are pretty much in the dark until we see some planning permission. 

  4. The only viable place is the arena/x site for a dark ride. As I have stated many times to get permission for the fungle site would be quite hard. Thorpe are restricted in where buildings can go because of flooding and one of the reasons the swarm doesn't have a roof is because of flooding but it is also something to do with fire regulations. 

  5. I dont see how it is a trial in anyway. Its in a completely different set up to how it will be used, the dynamics of the people in the park is different. All this trail has shown so far is that the system has no idea what the throughputs of the mazes are resulting in long queues for the RnR guests and anyone in the main queue to have a really really bad day. I guess it has also shown that if you don't have a smart phone Thorpe park don't care at all about you because of the loss of the card system. I knew full well that they would remove the card system to save costs and they reassured me that it would be in full use across the park whenever RnR was in use. Once again thy have lied to me.

    As per usual they are ignoring the hate they get on social media. Seems to be much more this time. I guess that is down the to the 3 hours of virtual waits. And as per usual the people who like the system like it because of the faults in the system making there day better. Like the lack of people using it at first, the glitches saying the queues are full and then empty. If anyone believes that there day would have still been good and that they would have gotten on all the mazes if the system was working perfectly then please do explain it to me.

  6. I meant that reply for marc but I'm willing to put tweeting at them and being at the park today at about level. I hate RnR after the 3 trails ive been to I refuse to go ever again with it active. The last 2 years ive been to thorpe a lot and the rides are no longer something special, especially after going to america. Customer service is awful and I dont like horror mazes.

  7. You have way more faith in Thorpe park than anyone else does. The extra allocation was just system problems. Saw and s13 kept reseting to 0 minutes when they shouldn't have been so people like you were benefiting. I was watching it for a long time, citw and mbv were consistently at the 3 hour mark.

    They don't care about customers at all. They justify all the complaints with "oh its a trail", when I was complaining at them on twitter I got a rather rude response (yes I know I was being annoying to them) but they are a company which should be taking the moral high ground and being kind to their customers to encourage them back rather than saying "oh aren't you charming". People will see that response and I don't think Thorpe will come away looking very good, sarcastic comments about a complaint.

    Ive had enough with them, its highly unlikely that I will be returning to Thorpe anytime soon. I would prefer the extra 3 hours driving to go to alton or BPB.

  8. The people who caught saw and s13 when the RnR was 20 mins probally liked it, but it was only like that becuase of the glitches it was having. If anyone can honestly say that waiting 3hours 21 minutes virtually then being expected to wait 20+ minutes when you get there is good then you must have some kind if mental condition. If the RnR was actually 2 hours for the mazes then you really are mental if you think this system is good. The early trials on swarm had the same problem, waited 2 hours to find I was then forced to join a 50 minute queue.

    Coaster jamie please do let thorpe park know, via twitter and by email. So many people I know hate the system and thorpe think its 100% perfect. The more people they hear the truth from the better.

  9. I don't care about the main queues because come the real thing they wont exist. It is all there to maximise money at the cost of customer experience but the general public seem to be stupid to realise what they are doing.

  10. You cant RnR any more. It closes so the last allocation is 30 minutes after closing time. Another place they are trying to save money by making sure crews are done by 30 minutes after closing. Its a cash grab the entire RnR system. Spend more in shops, save running costs, attract new people by the gimmick of a queue-less park.

  11. Studio 13 and saw are under 10mins because they just reopened. They were closed a few minutes ago which lead to a massive increase in the other 2 times. Remember the park is relatively empty compared to what it will be tomorrow. 90 minute wait isn't good for a small number of the people actually on the park.

  12. RnR seems to be ok at the moment, however that is down to not many people on park and it has only just started. Currntly longest RnR queue is 8 minutes. You may be alright with RnR as no one uses it at first so you will be able to get on a lot in the first hour.

    Update: 2 mazes are completely full while the other 2 are at 1:30hr. Not looking too good.

  13. I would happily rank rita as the worst coaster in the UK compare to price. It would have more value as scarp. Nothing fun about it at all. The queue moves slower than anything since the dawn of time, has no speed, acceleration or anything. Useless ride which should never have seen the light of day.

  14. I don't think Priority passes are going to ruin the fastrack allocation. On a normal day how many people actually have a priority pass and how many will use that on the same ride at the same time. I reckon its between 0-20 people in the space of an hour using it on a ride which will not influence the queue by any more than a train. If I was going to file a complaint I would like the best possible compensation I can get away with unfortuantly thorpes compensation comes in the form of priority passes. 

    The problem with fastrack is that the batchers don't seem to follow any sort of ratio and seem to operate by lets make the fastrack queue empty. It would be a far more enjoyable experience if they were given set numbers they can let through and that they follow them. It also applies to RnR, they dont follow any ratio there either its just make that queue empty. 

  15. Its not may have to wait longer, you will have to wait longer virtually. Everyone in the park will be waiting for rides and mazes at the same time instead of what would have been a split between rides and mazes. I can gaurentee you that the virtual wait for mazes will be longer than they normally would.

  16. They have had the last 2 years for park fixes and they have spent the money on useless items. Like detonator re-theme or swarm backwards. They need something for a thrillseeker again, there has been nothing new for them since 2012 (2013 was just the swarm again). Thorpe will find it amazingly hard to loose that thrillseeker image and becoming a more family friendly park I don't think will have much impact on their profit. The family market is already saturated, it doesn't need more.

  17. The other week I was there I had my shoulder restraints reasonably loose all 3 times. Just a couple of centimetres above my shoulders which made it nice and comfortable. I'm pretty sure that the ride could operate with just a lap bar (not that it should), you would need to go into one hell of an odd position to manage to get out with the lap bar down. It wouldn't be the most comfortable experience with just a lap bar but it would be possible. So to have a new rule of having the shoulder restraints down as far as possible, despite not being how the ride was designed seems rather odd.

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