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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. As a warning to anyone as I have experienced this one before between 15-19 and the 22-26th of september it will be very busy. Do not think it will be off peak as schools can get in for a very low price and there is a load of workshops for schools. Last year when I went and the same thing was on I managed 5 rides in the whole day as everything was 2 hours or above. 

  2. If you go to nemesis before 10 oclock I'm willing to say that 9/10 times it will be on one train. It may be something to do with busy period engineering schedules and may not happen on weekdays/off peak but every trip I have been on this year nemesis has been on 1 train.

  3. It was certainty better than my previous trip I must say but it certainty wasn't faultless. I believe that swarm was on one train due to a problem with it hence its very late addition. The fact there were so many people in the park at closing was odd and maybe they should have extended opening. The number of fastrack was amazing, there was just a never ending supply of them. 

  4. It was very odd yesterday at closing. Unlike normal when people start leaving early a lot of people were still in the park at closing. Colossus and saw finished the day with a 30 and 90 minute queue. Nemesis I think also had a 30 minute queue. I have never seen so many people in the car park at the time we left and it was causing a very large queue. However it only took about 20 minutes to leave so claiming an hour is exaggerating.

  5. Visited today and it was rather busy because of DHL were there. The queues varied a lot but I still did well with the longest wait being 40 minutes. As usual no fastracks were used:

    Stealth x4

    Swarm x4

    Slammer x2

    Rush x3

    Vortex x2

    X x1

    Zodiac x1

    Samurai x3

    Colossus x1

    Dodgems x1

    Nemesis Inferno x1


    Ride total: 23



    - Swarm was very efficient

    - Slammer was working



    - All the DHL people were given a free fastrack which must have been about 3000 people

    - Swarm didnt open until 11

    - saw didnt open until 2 ish

    - Colossus closed at 11:30 ish and didnt reopen until about 2ish

    - Tidal wave kept breaking down

    - Saw once opened had a 90 minute queue until it closed

  6. They could just operate it like nearly every american park and have lockers outside the queueline. SFGA charged $1 for 2 hours and was done by electronic codes so people couldn't loose their keys. Cedar point operated a similar system but for $2 every 2 hours. I'm sure Thorpe would love to cash in on that idea and then they could even remove the need for the bag rooms. 

  7. The recording was changed a couple of years back from "Place your heads forwards, hold on tight and brace yourselves 321 go go go" to "place your head back, hold on tight, 321 go go go" They replaced brace yourselves with silence which I believe is longer than the original.

  8. They will only last that long if they replace a large majority of parts and keep it well maintained. What I meant was that it is due for either a major overhaul or it has come to the end of the line, There is only so long you can use something which is always underwater. 

  9. There is very little ways to know if alton extend opening hours. If they extended opening hours until 9 at summer I'm sure people would stay. Cedar point is in the middle of no where and people stay until midnight there. I'm sure the british public would be willing to stay until 9.

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