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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Well, I must admit that my Merlin VIP experience was not like this.  I got my bit of scrap paper from Guest Services and proceeded to My Bloody Valentine.  I was directed down the fastrack queue like it says and waited 35 minutes for a medicore maze.


    I then went to Studio 13 and again directed down a long fastrack queue which ended up being 45 minutes, which again I found disappointing.


    I couldnt be bothered doing the rest waiting in huge fastrack queues, so cut my losses and whored the rides.


    So, I do wonder how or why other VIP pass holders managed to get straight on and I wasnt......

    It is possible that they complained and were told to go down another queue. 

  2. Yesterday there was a high number of VIP's on park because of towertimes fright night event. It was also the first weekend which encouraged more VIP's. As they have paid £400-£500 on a pass merlin treat them as best as they can because if they go and complain they have very little form of compensation for them. So sticking a VIP in an hour queue wont end well so they just let them go straight to the front.

  3. RnR will only ever work on the mazes and will just result in slightly longer queues else where so it shouldn't be too noticable. However it will still suffer the everybody is waiting effect so virtual queues will go up to a possible 3/4 hours and also the mazes will loose some people it deals with at the end of the day as RnR doesnt let you wait if your reserved time is after closing. So best of luck trying to get all the mazes done.

  4. Fastrack is meant to be 25% of the wait of the normal queue(well its more complicated but it works out as the equivalent of that, there abouts). The main queue should always have a higher allocation, regardless of the wait of the fastrack people. If Thorpe have oversold them, then Thorpe should be held responsible rather than ruining the peoples day who didn't pay. To complain at them for that is fine as it is their fault however to say that the main queue was being let in more isn't really a valid argument. Thorpe will defend themselves by saying that they limit the number of people they let in the park so I would suggest commenting on bad ride operations rather than saying it had way too many people. Saying those things will probably lead to a more satisfying answer as the other points will yield a generic response. Enjoy your priority passes (it will make sense to you in about 8 days).

  5. The human race can make up its own mind. It doesn't need people telling you what to do. It doesn't need people telling you what you can and cant eat and it doesn't need people saying you have just experienced a 200ft drop get off and run round to prove a mediocre ride hasn't lead to your legs loosing circulation. Its like saying you've been driving for 10 minutes, get out the car walk around to check your circulation is all right and continue. If cedar point let people re-ride mantis without an incident then the rest of the world should be the same. 

  6. I would have to agree. Oblivion or nemesis for example. I don't want to be told that I have to be forced through a shop then have to run down a hill to run back up a hill again killing 5-10 minutes before I can get back on a ride which has been sitting there empty. If summer nights had a blanket no re-ride rule it would go down as on of the worst theme park events in history.

  7. I imagine a more permanent stage may come to light but I don't think they will advertise New for 2015 a stage. I don't see it attracting many guests. Did Thorpe ever submit planning permission for the dodgems?

  8. The scorpion express did show that people will turn up for a retheme, having all of the family rides in one place could be useful as it would be better for familys and open up the space the fish is currently in. Remove depth charge and the beach and then they have a massive area for multiple large investments. A large family coaster could go where the fish and the beach currently is which leaves the large coaster spots open for future investments, encourages more familys and still attracts people next year with little money spent.

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