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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. You wont be able to re ride the mazes because of RnR what was a few hundred people per queue is now 100% of people among the mazes vitually. The Virtual waits will be hours long, if a single maze wait with RnR is below 1 hour 30 minutes I will be stunned.

  2. I said my comment in the general sense, RnR only on mazes and being the only way to queue I think will work. You may struggle to get all of the mazes done as the wait times will be longer than if they were a standard queue but I guess people can put up with that.

  3. According to Thorpe park guest services it turns out swarm operates on 1 train in the morning to, and I quote "In order to save energy we will remain on one train unless there is a demand for the second train."  They did also mention that it is down to engineers schedules in why the 2nd train is added late but just so you know why 1 train operation happens on off peak and 40 minute queues form at least you know you are saving the planet.

  4. Dispatching the train before the next train has arrived at the station does improve throughput but not as simple as some people imply. There will be a point in the track where dispatching sooner will have no effect. What needs to happen to get the max throughput is to dispatch the train so it reachs the top of the lift hill by the time the 2nd train enters the station. This can be worked out by circuit time minus the lift hill. If the lift is slowing down then really its been dispatched too quickly and could have been dispatched later. (That is excluding a few things which change that but that is the simplest I can put it).

  5. Its rather hard to keep the themed area's when someone goes and puts angry birds land in the middle of the largest area they had. Loggers leap area as I will now call it consists of 2 rides which are both dying and need some serious work. Slammer I have no idea where that belongs, its by itself as far as I can work out. Calypso quay is very hard to tell what belongs to it other than the rumba rapids which is in need of some serious serious work. I can see the rumba rapids getting an update but the return of themed areas is one I think they would struggle with.

  6. According to huss their top spins can do 1000pph along with the giant Frisbee so high throughputs do exist. Power tower can apparently do 1700pph so to say flat rides don't have high throughputs is entirely correct. 

  7. They have missed an opportunity, if you are having a ride you want guests to hear about it. If they had signs up during the summer saying something new was coming I'm sure more of them would return the following year. A late advertising campaign is never good. Also I know cultures are different but Cedar fair and six flags have already announced next years new rides to get people excited meanwhile Thorpe haven't said anything. Saying nothing isnt going to get anyone excited.

  8. I'm sure stormsurge is the source of nearly all complaints about long queues so I don't think that will help. All of that measuring the other day and tagging trees was for fright nights, so where or what the 2015 investment assuming it exists is completely unknown. If Thorpe wanted to start building the hype, they have missed the opportunity. 

  9. Maybe low numbers is a sign they need to get the thrillseekers back. They either need to convince back the market they had developed for years and the park is geared up to, or invest a lot of money in the family section. So re-theme the rumba rapids, do up the loggers leap area and add 2 or 3 family flats as at the moment there isn't enough to advertise and convince family's to go. However what I fear they have done is the way they are going to get back thrillseekers is advertise the park as the worlds first queueless park and entice family's with a rumba rapids re-theme and if we are lucky a new flat.

  10. They have had a 2 low investment years in a row with nothing new for thrillseekers. They are approaching the point where they are going to have to do something. I think we will see a new flat next season opening the same sort of time as angry birds land did. I reckon it will be aimed at the sort of audience zodiac is aimed at. So good thrills but also family. Along with that they are planning a lot more side attractions like the music performances. So I wouldn't be surprised if a permanent stage was put up, like the one on the MTDP outside stealth.

  11. I wouldnt mind being put in the mecahnics shoes, I am going to do a degree in enginerring so I think I would do better than some. Also iv been over 15 times this year and all of those trips saw them on 1 train. Most other parks can manage full trains on all rides every day of the season I dont see why thorpe cant.

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