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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. Unfortunately Thorpe have very little choice in having the 3rd standby queue. If you remove that then you have 5000+ people with nowhere to go. flat rides will get flooded with people and the paths will become really crowded. No one will want to wait 2 hours for a flat ride so you end up with a lot of guests which are either left with nothing to do or very angry in a queue they don't want to be in. You can not have 15000 people in a park and expect the coasters to have no queues, it really is insanity.

    The ratios for fastrack are pretty much the same for each ride its just the number of people that are in that ratio is less. 

  2. They have increased the fastrack ratio. if you count the number of fastrack to main queue its about 8-10 fastracks for every 20 people from the main queue. Instead of what used to be around 5-7. However saying that there was a point of Thursday where the main queue didn't move because only fastrack were being let on. by the sounds of things that is what has been happening today but with RnR, If there is set ratios then the people controlling the queues should be told them so they can let the correct amount of people through just like cedar point and six flags. However I wouldn't be surprised if this system of RnR is using a throughput number that many of the rides can not achieve hence the problems. They are not going to succeed in this RnR system, there is too many things that can change which effects it and the fact the people reserving to ride can go anywhere, for example into another queue. I guess there is one good thing, they can now start selling fastracks for guest services.

  3. Anyone want to take bets on when the system will crash, if it hasnt already. If anyone is there on this section of reserve and ride can you please tell me how it is working becuase they seemed to have changed something as the flats are no longer in the trial. Still very anti the idea though, when I was at six flags they had 36,000 people on park and the queues were similar to what thorpes were on wednesday with only 12,000. If they think RnR is going to fix it they really are stupid.

  4. Yep I was one of the two lads in black cedar point tee shirts. There were also 2 other people in cedar point shirts who were part of the european coaster club. The stealth/ swarm/ dodgems/ tea cups team were made up of a mix of new people. Met them all at the end of the day to retreive the car keys and I recognised a few not all of them. I did also see that my favorite ride operator has been given a promotion to some sort of manager with an ipad.

    Also on reflection my initial post may have been a bit harsh on them, however I shall still not forgive them about ignoring both of my complaints about queue jumpers. Why have the signs saying you will be evicted from the park if you let them get on the ride with no punishment at all.

  5. You will not see nemesis start the day with 2 trains, it hasnt all season. I belive the first chance engineers have to add the 2nd train is about 10am as long as another ride hasnt hit some sort of troubble. Stealth and saw did hit 100 minutes in the day. Stealth was at about 4-5pm at 100 which was a little bit after it opened and saw was around 100 at around 2. Also forgot to mention tidal wave was having problems all day where the water down the drop would stop flowing. However they just continued to operate and it leads to a much bigger splash.

    Apologies if you thought I was coming across as rude but the stealth team really did annoy me. Admitingly I could have worded it better and not been so condesending however I do vist rather often and ive seen many other people do there jobs in different ways of which some would have been far better to use. On a side note I would love to do their job but its too far away for a daily commute.

  6. Yes there may have been a reason in why no one was being batched of which I couldnt see but even then I dont see why the staff on the platform were getting impatient if it was a valid reason to hold the queue up for so long. I do understand what you mean by my time keeping, I will ask the rest of my group tomorrow in how long they throught it was but I would say that it was about 10 minutes for the train to dispatch. (Time wasnt exactly flying by the point, the number of queue jumpers was already making me very angry).

  7. Ok we were down in the queue in on of the extentions next to the dried up pond. We were able to see the station want the air gates. The gates opened to allow the front row queue on and the rest of the station. The 2 people in the front row got on however the other gates didnt have anyone at them so remained empty. After a few minutes the staff on the station started doing hand signals to the queue saying that the person over by the stairs ( the batcher) was being derpy.

  8. I wont be returning to the park this year, ill go again when there is less people and new staff in march. As for the queues they are not that annoying its when people jump them and then the staff do nothing. Stealth really was a joke. Having an empty train waiting to load for 10 minutes because the staff were not paying attention is not acceptable. A lot of people paid a lot of money to get in and a large cause of the queues inside are idiotic staff.

  9. For the first hour yes, from then on not really. We lost our car keys in the morning on stealth, so we were waiting for park closing to get them back. That wasn't too bad as it was our own fault. However the breakdowns the massive queues the unhelpful and unfriendly staff, the guest who have no respect for anyone but themselves, the vast number of fastrackers. Normally I put up with quite a lot of stuff from Thorpe but this was a step too far. The rides are not as fun as they were and quite frankly I didnt enjoy myself.

  10. Today I was at the park and it started off well. However that is one of the only good points of the day. Despite the park opening for first to ride at 9:15 none of the rides where ready. Most didnt open until 9:45. We rode stealth 5 times in a row and then went off to nemesis inferno. As always at that time it was running on 1 train so allowing the queue to build and build. We then went off to rush as a person in our group didnt want to do saw or Colossus as he valued his head. At rush we were greated by someone who cant count to 8 and clearly had no idea how to batch so lots of empty seats were going.

    The rest of the day was normal until we went to ride stealth again. We reached the 15 minute sign when the ride broke down. The queue was evacuated and priorty passes given out (havent seen that happen in a very long time). After about 2 hours stealth came back to life so we joined the queue and started walking round the queue. At which point some moron opened a gate so he didnt have to walk 20 meters and allowed 30 people infront of us (very angry at that). After a few minutes train one collided with a seagull so we waited for the train to be cleaned which for no reason took about 30 minutes to clean (even more angry at there lack of urgency). Then the batcher decided the main queue didnt exist and only let fastrack and disabled go which filled about 12 trains. Eventually we got to the batcher and told them about the queue jumpers of which nothing was done (this point I was basically fuming). So what should have been walk on turned into 60 minutes.

    We went away and redeeemed some more priorty passes from a previous time and did a few more rides. Eventually we returned to stealth as its 100 minute queue went down to 50. If I wasnt in a bad enough state already it was about to get a lot worse. After 2 minutes of being in the queue we saw a new set of about 12 friends opening a gate and queue jumping exactly the same way as before. This time one of our group left the queue to alert the staff as we had had enough. Once again nothing was done. Within minutes they were all on the ride. Then if I couldnt already be more mad at the stealth crew we had a 10 minute delay becuase the batcher wasnt paying attention. He let the station become empty and wasnt letting anyone get on. No it was not a fault the operator and the other ride hosts were telling him to get a move on. All in all customer services will be getting a complaint tomorrow morning.

    Also on another note swarm was broken for an hour in the morning stealth was closed for 2 hours saw was closed for an hour, dodgems opened very late and were closed for about 3 hours and samurai didnt open all day.All coaster were above 60 minutes and rush and vortex were above 50 minutes. Today was a joke and reinforced to me how bad thorpe is. The list of complaints about today goes on but I dont want to spend the next 10 years typing.

  11. So I set off on the 29th of july at a nice and early 2:40am. Due to flight times and numerous delays we didnt get to the park until 8pm local time. So we checked into the hotel and had a nice walk along the beach and a quick look at gatekeeper and windseeker.

    30th july

    Being a hotel guest the park opened at 9am so we had breakfast and walked down to the nearest entrance. There was a 10 minute queue to get in so by the time we got to maverick there was about a 20 minute queue. I had heard very good things of maverick and I can now understand why. It is a fantastic layout and the launch halfway through really packs a punch. After maverick we walked over to millennium force for a 30 minute queue and wow that was worth the wait. I would try and compare it to something in the uk but there is no comparison at all. The first drop is like nothing I have ever been on, it just doesn't end. After that we got off and walked straight onto mantis. Good and fun ride, can be painful if you get the seat wrong. We then walked straight onto iron dragon. Then after that we walked straight onto power tower. At this point we were wondering where everyone was. After a few more rides of walking straight onto we came to gemini. I don't care what anyone has to say, there is not a more uncomfortable ride in the world than gemini. I'm certain it broke 90% of my bones and turned my lungs to dust. After that we did a few more coasters and eventually came to gatekeeper. Thats when we found out where everyone was. Gatekeeper itself only had a 30 minute queue but when the thunder started we then realised where everyone was, at home! We went back to the hotel room and waited for it to pass and then re entered the park and did the remaining rides we hadn't done. All except top thrill dragster when it started to rain again. This is when we called it a day and said we would try again tomorrow.

    The next day was similar but was slightly longer queues so we did some of the water rides. This is when we found out that thunder canyon is apparently wetter than tidal wave. There was not a singly dry patch on me, so we decided to go to soak city. A nice water park but a little crowded.

    The following days were very similar with longest queues being 40-60 minutes for TTD. The only exception was the saturday where it rained in the morning so a lot of the rides were on 1 train which meant there was no queue in the park under 2 hours 30 minutes. Top thrill dragster was at an amazing 3 hours 30 minutes. So we decided to leave the park and play on the beach. Apart from that the park had short queues all the time and was an amazing place. I can not fault it.

    (Ill see if I can add some pics)

  12. Be careful on weekdays, especially mondays and fridays. What is often the case is that because everything is running on a lower capacity the queues can end up bigger than what they sometimes are on a sunday. As for the end of september I'm hot sure how busy it will be. It should'nt be packed but it wont be quiet either. Expect 30-60 minute queues for the coasters and 10-40 for the flats. That could change a lot depending on weather and a few other factors like deals and fright nights.

  13. They should get more if they lower the prices by a lot. Cedar point was charging $5 for a photo to shine some light on how overpriced they are here. And thats just pictures, the dvd's are even worse. No one is going to watch it more than once so to charge what they do is ridiculous. They would be better off lowering the prices to increase sales by a greater proportion. Anyone can work that out as long as they are above the age of 2, so why picsolve havent worked that out is a complete mystery.

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