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Project LC

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Posts posted by Project LC

  1. It does have the ability to please but so did the old system of actually queuing. It was using basic free market mechanisms but using time instead of money. Its always best to leave it to the free market than intervene. many other parks think queueing works, well in fact all of them think queuing works. Its the years of neglect and poor investment choices which have led to the creation of RnR to try and solve a problem which shouldn't be there. If they had enough rides with good throughputs long queues wouldn't be a problem. The fact they are even considering this system should be huge warning signs that somewhere the park has gone wrong. Longer opening hours, better operations and more rides are an easy fix but instead they want to try this stupid RnR. I'm starting to think that this system will work when there isn't many people in the park but when it gets busy again it just wont work. 

  2. I do understand that and your post makes sense. However It is only good if you are wanting to wait for the flats. I have had many a day at Thorpe where we have been on 1 flat and have just spent the day queueing for coasters. If I have paid to get in and travelled to get there I expect to go on what I want rather than be forced to ride some flats I don't care about or find thrilling. I would be annoyed if I waited 50 minutes for a ride on swing B when I could have just queued an hour to go on stealth under the old system.

  3. Are you on park or are you looking at the RnR thing? As of an hour ago I could no longer access RnR. the highest time I saw was 40 minutes for nemesis. 

    I think that this system can work on quite days however on busy days like saturdays and summer holidays I dont think it can work.

  4. I honestly believe that this system will not, cannot not and wont work. Its not me being anti-change, when I first heard they were trailing this I was excited so at the first possibility I went to a trail. It wasn't the best day I've ever had and I pointed out some concerns. I then went to another with the full system active to see none of my concerns had been addressed and in fact all of the problems and more were now worse. Now this far into the trails it appears that they still haven't addressed the problems like where these people are going to go. Ive been asking the same question for about a year and no one has been able to say what happens to the 5000+ people. No one here has been able to answer, no one on other forums, no one from guest services (person and email) and no staff have been. The only place these people can go is into the flat queue lines which is just moving the queues and not eliminating them. Which results in the situation becoming worse as no one wants to wait 60-100 minutes for a flat ride.

  5. It is not possible to operate this gimmick without the main queues. I would also like to point out that a majority of good feedback is coming from people who used it in the morning. When the system isn't working how it will be becuase in the morning no one knows about it. So those people are getting on instantly and therefore like it. However what the system will actually function like cant be seen becuase the main queues are still open and no one knows about it. I really want to see thorpe park trail the system with no standby queue to see the effects. Then management can have a nice long review and see how the system isnt solving anything. The coaster queues are now 2-3 hours long instead of 40-90 minutes so people cant get on as many. The flat rides will then suffer as there queues go up and you have more and more unhappy fastrack people as they have made them pay for what others are getting for free.


    Is there something wrong with it today? only swarm and nemesis have a queue time. I highly doubt the others are at 0 minutes.

  6. Guest services do never listen. I have never seen any complaint get dealt with properly. It is always here is a free fastrack. I'm willing to put money on the fact that there is lots of complaints, I'm not saying that there probably isn't good feedback as well however I'm sure that Thorpe are now so heavily invested in this that bad feedback doesn't have anywhere near the weight of good feedback. If RnR does work magic for the park I will truly be astonished. However I'm sure that its another scheme where not every angle has been covered and will ultimately result in a way for Q-Bots to make an appearance and rake in the money. The trails have been poorly executed as they are not trailing it in conditions in which it will be used. Any bad bit of feedback they turn round and say no your wrong. It is a complete joke which I'm really not willing to put up with any more. 

  7. The advertised times are wrong as no one has adjusted them for the RnR system. This forum alone should be a warning sign to Thorpe that some of their biggest fans and getting very annoyed by this system. I'm sure that "your concerns will be passed on to the relevant manager". Recently they have made me very angry and it sounds like that they are going to make the park a lot worse if they really think this is going to work.

  8. TPJames maths does check out. That is the case and what will happen. bare in mind next season the coaster queues will be closed so you have 15,000 people divided among the flat rides whilst at the same time those 15,000 people are waiting virtually for the coasters. Both resulting in massive queues.

  9. Thorpe park are stupid enough to have invested so much money into this that all they can see is good and they are point blank ignoring the bad comments. I have seen tons of bad feedback via social media and very little good feedback. I have seen lots of people saying it sounds good and they will like to visit but very little from people who have actually visited. No coaster ever should reach 3 hours 30 minutes real or virtual and especially not saw. With that you could come away with a good 3 coasters for the day. I know some of you will say that the RnR at the beginning of the day was 0 minutes however the second it becomes permanent that wont happen. The queues will be the exact same as they are in real life but longer as now the people on the flats are in that queue as well. So instead of the normal 90 minute start for swarm it will be at 2 hours virtually. I'm never going to stop going on about this absolute stupidity Thorpe park is suggesting. This system will never work. 

    Coaster Jamie you also have hit the nail on the head. This years operations have been terrible. They were fine up until the end of may. They are hoping that this RnR will fix that but it never will.

  10. To make clear I have tried it, one on full and the other was an initial trial just on swarm when it was the only way to queue, and you could see that the other rides had longer queues. Also I think you will find that the people in the main queue are using the system from midday onwards. There is nothing stopping people from reserving one ride and queuing for another. The virtual wait times are actually ridiculous. They have gone from queue times containing 5000 people to the full 15,000 people on park. Hence the 3 hour waits. Come next season that will still be the case. Everyone in the park will be using the system so virtual waits will be around 2-3 hours and the flats will be amazingly high as well because the normal coaster queues no longer exist. They need around another 5 flats around the 1000pph mark to compensate for the closure of the queues which is not going to happen. The system benefits 2nd time visitors and people who don't visit often. 1st time visitors still wont get on anything as all rides will be 2-3 hour waits. Recurring visitors know what rides they like and will find a very limited line up for them. Year 1 will see a boost in people because of the gimmick however towards the end of the season and the following years will see a massive drop in people.

  11. I do expect quite a lot from Thorpe as I cant see why it cant be like the other places I've been to. I do enjoy Thorpe when I visit but only select parts of it. For example the only rides worth doing are stealth and swarm. This new system is going to ruin that. I don't want to wait 3hrs 16minutes for swarm virtually and be forced to ride the crappy flats which would have a massive queue. I would much prefer to head over to swarm towards the end of the day and walk straight on without any stupid virtual stuff, or in my case paper based. There is no good thing about this system and it would be very bad idea to implement it permanently.

  12. There is very little choice for RnR to work because it never can. The only solution to massive queues is lots of high throughput rides. Coasters in the 1700pph region and flats which can achieve 1000pph. The solution is not close off the coaster queues and force people to ride the flats you can get anywhere which have low throughputs and at the end of your 5 hour queue for slammer you can go and ride swarm once to be forced to go and wait around for another coaster for hours. Ive got news for you Thorpe your flat rides are crap. The only half decent ones are rush and slammer which both have terrible throughputs and would be lucky if they were both open. Its nice to see that many others wont visit if this becomes the only way to queue. The RnR times will be longer because suddenly all of the people in the flat queues are now queuing for the coasters as well. Then you have all the coaster people in the flat queues so those times will more than double.

    If they really wanted to fix the problems they would install high throughput rides and open longer. 2 things I'm sure we will never see.

  13. Only realistic way of doing that would be to count the number of people entering the queue. Then combine that with the throughput being achieved and you may be able to work out the queue time to some level of accuracy. However that requires a person at the entrance and batching or a turnstyle.

  14. Displaying the actual queue times wont help. They will still exist and people will be forced into waiting as there is nothing else to do. I thought by now I would have calmed down about the idea of making it the only way to queue for the top 5 next year however I haven't. It really is the most stupid idea anyone has ever put money into. I hope it crashs and burns and costs thorpe a lot for even testing the idea. 

  15. Sorry what? 3 hours!!! No ride should ever reach 3 hours regardless of if it is virtual or not. The flat rides will sky rocket come the closure of the main queue which I'm sure is what will happen. If the other coaster queues what on earth do you do in the 3 hours your waiting for saw. Oh I guess you could wait for rush which is what everyone would do which would give rush a 3 hour queue. Arh good problem solved. Love the logic thorpe, love it.

  16. Well if its true and is becoming permanent, I hope guest services and merlin complaints department are ready for an email longer than the works of Shakespeare. If they even think this system may work then they are all a bunch of absolute morons. I wont write a 2nd rant here, ill vent my anger towards merlin rather than this forum.

  17. How long did you wait for rush? I struggle to believe that I am the only one seeing this massive massive problem with the system. You cant just make the 5000 to 10,000 people go else where when they are in a THEME PARK! Thorpe park is a THEME PARK NOT A SHOPPING CENTRE. What do they think will happen to that lot if you close the main queue, they wont suddenly stop existing. If anyone at Thorpe can answer where do those people go from ride host to the creator of this stupid system themselves it would be greatly appreciated. On a side note does anyone have merlin entertainments complaint email place because ive had enough of this stupid idea. You would think having an annual pass since 2005 would get you some sort of value but apparently not. The entire idea of RnR is a stupid gimmick which doesn't solve anything at all. You have 15,000 people in the park either have a large majority in the high throughput rides or offload them all to low throughput flats. Great idea Thorpe, truly an original idea of ignoring physics and thinking that your park can be queue less. Look at all the other massive theme parks which are already doing this where it works so well, oh wait none of them are! Disney tried and failed. Cedar fair and six flags never tried because they know it is impossible. Merlin know its impossible and wont work hence why its being done to Thorpe and not its flagship park of Alton. In case you cant tell the entire idea makes me very very angry and I highly doubt I'm the only one. Yes at least they are trying. WRONG. Any normal park would have seen queues were getting bad and invested in high throughput flats to bring down the queues. Instead they buy stormsurge and redecorated a thearter. So to combat the problem you develop a system which will never work because the throughput of the entire park is still the same. It has a fixed number of people it can deal with and until that rises Thorpe park will be forever plagued with its queues. Go ahead and argue with what ever point you like but my mind is fixed on this entire stupid gimmicky waste of time and money system known as Reserve and ride.

  18. Still no one has been able to answer where do the people go. The 5000 people wont just disappear, they are at a theme park to ride rides. Queues get moved to lower throughput rides which makes the whole situation so much worse. So when the flats get introduced to the system and you have 15,000 people with no rides at all to queue for what happens then? I asked Thorpe park and they couldn't give me an answer (it was guest services so they may not know but the point still stands).

  19. I more made the comparison of exact counting not the numbers of which they sell. Cedar point was literally counting 5 of fastlane then 20 of the main queue. That worked quite well as it didnt seem random and didnt have massive increases of fastlane all of a sudden. I also applaud Thorpe in trying however I seriously doubt it will work.

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