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Everything posted by JamminGamer

  1. I shall hopefully be able to attend this but I'm not absolutely certain that the date will be free for me. I do really want to come though so if I can I will and I'll be there for everything thanks to my merlin pass! Hope to meet lots of the people I've gotten to know and put faces to names
  2. JamminGamer

    Doctor Who

    Loving Doctor Who is something you should never hate to admit I don't remember any spiders in episode 2 XD There are some in episode 7 if I remember rightly so perhaps steer clear of that one or read a summary instead or something (It's not that good of an episode anyway) Loved the finale of this one and that Xmas teaser has me thoroughly hyped!
  3. Sounds like fun I'm interested at least! We'll see though since it's a long way off. I have also never been to a Disney park so that makes this more intriguing
  4. Got stuck at the very top of Tidal Wave once a few years ago. That was fun Watching the ride attendants have to climb all the way to the top of the ride had us in stitches and they could barely tell us what was going on because they were so out of breath! We weren't up there for more than 10 minutes though and everyone was fairly calm and in a good mood
  5. Lord of the Rings by a long shot! Batman or Superman?
  6. Is it even still there? I would have thought it left with the Summer.
  7. Back to normal now, probably changing/fixing something minor.
  8. I might actually make this one... huh XD That feels weird to say Only if it's not the 6th though! Hope to see some people I've been chatting to there I would have no idea what to get for Secret Santa........ what was given last year? Also Toofpikk the dungeons are hilarious not scary trust me I was exactly the same as you this year and I've been twice since and loved it Especially when you're doing it with a group like this one!
  9. I think "The Motel" is the name of the film being shot in Studio 13 by the Director.
  10. University means that I cannot attend :/ One of these days I'll do a meet I swear! XD Hope it goes smoothly or more accurately horrifyingly
  11. Man being dead and watching from the sidelines was entertaining! Glad you guys got them and bravo to Turtle for making this happen
  12. We're not voting yet! Night actions still have to be resolved
  13. Wahey my character is finally here! So then, the mafia are going to murder one of us during the night? (For clarification when exactly will that be Turtle?) Also R.I.P Jason but your silence was what killed you, glad everyone is known now so we can try and figure this out a little more!
  14. So essentially giving the Mafia a free kill whilst the townies gain nothing? Well guys I think that speaks for itself, we need to make a decision on someone to lynch otherwise we won't get anywhere or learn anything.
  15. Pretty sure he's back at this point, he's just a busy guy So does the vote count reset if we don't reach 8 votes? There isn't a majority lynch rule or anything? Maybe people should think about their current voting stances then......
  16. Okay maybe my wording was a little harsh there XD I just think that once somebody is inevitably lynched by this group we'll finally have some more information to go on. That should help us work out who the true Mafia members are but I can promise you that I am definitely not associated with the Mafia. I'm here to help this town prosper and recover after our beloved leader Mickey Mouse was cruelly taken from us too soon. Also, how can someone this innocent be involved?
  17. I feel like I should be defending Peaj considering he's my actual character but hes the only one who has so far said nothing........ though I am far more worried about the individuals who have posted but have not revealed who they are..... does this not worry anybody else :S Speak up JoshC and Jason! Reveal who you are! Regardless, after our first kill this should get a bit more interesting and tactical, I look forward to it!
  18. Damn....... that's not an easy one for me to answer..... Delorean for Style but TARDIS for practicality (Coincidentally today I was wearing a T-Shirt with both the TARDIS and the Delorean on, hence my first question So you clearly read minds Mer! XD) Physical Books or Digital Versions?
  19. Zaphod! Doctor Who or Back to the Future?
  20. I leave for one goddamn day XD Anarchy ensues! Also update of this if we still want it! : People who have posted and role is known: 1. JamminGamer - Meet Organiser Peter (Peaj) 2. Tommy - Miller Rob Alvey (Who appears guilty when checked, or so he says ) 3. kinnaird - Miss Hippo (Just wants to get 'threw' this) 4. J.S217 - Rita (Needs to learn how to vote correctly! It's ##vote member name or ##unvote in bold mkay ) 5. Ryan - Kanonen Guy (Who goes in dry) 6. LePaigeHalil_ - Urg the Gringotts Goblin (Hates Muggles) 7. pluk - Br'er Rabbit (Gotta be good? Just look at his face!) 8. CornFlakes - Euro Mouse (Speaks entirely in German!) 9. CoasterDude - Nemesis (Still a little angry about the whole 'chains' incident) 10. Dan9 - Mr Six (Dances like a maniac) 11. Mark9 - Marc Simpsons (Our lord and savior? Or our common enemy?) People who have posted since role allocation but haven't said who they are: 12. JoshC 13. Jason People who are participating but haven't posted since role allocation: 14. Peaj I'm looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds as this progresses
  21. Well then! Now that you've come out of hiding..... ##unvote ##vote Jason
  22. Oh my god! I've never seen that video or this mascot before! It's incredible (Never been to America ) but just because of how much I enjoyed it I'm going to do my damnedest to keep you in this game! (Providing you don't turn out to be Mafia of course!) Peaj at your service Mr Six!
  23. Just because this might be useful I'm gonna write down the names of everyone who's participating and who they are portraying: 1. JamminGamer - Meet Organiser Peter (Peaj) 2. Tommy - Miller Rob Alvey (Who appears guilty when checked, or so he says ) 3. kinnaird - Miss Hippo 4. J.S217 - Rita 5. Ryan - Kanonen Guy (Who goes in dry) 6. LePaigeHalil_ - Urg the Gringotts Goblin 7. pluk - Br'er Rabbit 8. CornFlakes - Euro Mouse People who have posted since role allocation but haven't said who they are: 9. JoshC 10. CoasterDude 11. Dan9 People who are participating but haven't posted since role allocation: 12. Mark9 13. Peaj 14. Jason
  24. I voted for the wrong person for the wrong reasons XD Although they also haven't responded yet so I'll stick with my vote
  25. Fair enough. Let's bring people out of hiding by making them fight their case! ##vote Mark9 Has he even been able to get his PM yet Turtle?
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