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Everything posted by HermanTheGerman

  1. Well this isn't at all silly.
  2. Yeah, but no one cares about Land of the Dragons.
  3. Yes, they did. And it was an absolute disaster. Tomb opening two days late, Seastorm not opening until the final weekend, and Scorpion Express and Tomb Blaster both shut on the final day. Not to mention the nightmare that was the season opening... Anyway, it wouldn't be a very good offering this year, with both dark rides currently having significant work done.
  4. None of you even know what it is yet. Don't call it disappointing before knowing what will happen. For all you know it could be a rollercoaster with high capacity and strong reliability. That seems to be what everybody wants these days. Maybe that's too good to be true.
  5. Or just remove Toadies and use that pathway they mysteriously closed...
  6. Bear in mind this freshen up is only happening because they forgot to think of a replacement in time...
  7. Haha, VR Tomb Blaster would be the biggest waste of space imaginable.
  8. Well there's lots of hope for this season certainly. Its great to see all the talented people at the park can now afford this make over. Hopefully all the other, smaller improvements next year are just as good.
  9. They always use a different logo for merchandise for some reason on Bubbleworks.
  10. The work being done to Tomb Blaster is still looking pretty exciting. It appears to be an attempt at bringing the ride back up to scratch, from a state it should had admittedly never fallen into. Massive is certainly a bit of an over statement, I doubt it'll feature a change in the plot line, or fix any of the ride's key flaws, but this is certainly more than your average closed season tart up. As to whether or not this update will actually make the ride entertaining... Well, I would be doubtful, it's still going to be a boring old waste-o-space with guns at the end of the day.
  11. Its like the FAQ page has become their favorite place to break bad news that they don't want anyone to notice. Except we all have, because its so stupid that it makes for an interesting read.
  12. And the ride is also knackered... It'll need as much of a rest as it can get, even with those juicy new Ripsaw parts...
  13. I personally don't see what's to bad about the name - The Rollercoaster Restaurant. Sure its simple, but its to the point and rolls off the tongue with considerable ease. Its not like its boring with the intention of sending you to sleep.
  14. OOOOH, look at those under maintained, overgrown and grotty steps. Delightfully under-loved. I'm starting to miss Skyway already.
  15. A planning application has been put forward and was supposed to have been decided upon on the 18th, and well that didn't happen. Hopefully they're just being slow.
  16. Yes, that's it really. It's quite strange to think that such a punky ride ever existed, in the now so safe, and business driven industry. Imagine Marianne and the gang sitting round a boardroom table coming up with such a ride; it just wouldn't happen. I suppose that's the saddest part of the modern theme park world. Everyone's afraid, nobody is willing to push the boat out. It's all very boring. Damn it, you've made me think. Anyway, well done. I've enjoyed the episodes.
  17. Hmmm, the actual park-wide work sound good, an alarmingly large portion of the park had fallen under par recently, so this can only be a good thing. As for the actual ride closures, well... I'll be surprised if this actually happens. Hopefully any work done will be of a high standard, maybe Merlin have finally come to their senses and given everyone a proper maintenance budget.
  18. The right people have always been there, they've just never had the money.
  19. To those who said the entrance wasn't worth doing...
  20. Just thought I'd say that is not the new logo. There is no new logo. That flat, blandish one has literally been around for years. Someone silly has clearly used the low quality version of the actual logo and put it over the Chessington area of the Merlin Annual Pass website. In fact... Look at the park map from this year, that logo was accidentally used for both entrances before being subtly covered over on the bigger, on-park maps.
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