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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. I'm not french I am a great British citizen made in china and I trust this rob. Showed no retaliation when I accused him of being apart of that dreadful mafia. ##vote kanonen
  2. Why are you voting a woman just trying to get to the bottom of a crime that effected my whole life this "rob" is strangely talkative and is boasting if we give him time the truth might slip. Just respect your elders and who are you to vote we are all here randomly and you vote me when I don't know who YOU are! enlighten us!
  3. new video outand I think maybe just put the 2 seats on br like the video
  4. if you wish to address madam just call Miss Hippo. Need help I will deliver I just need to catch them pesky bad people! it was all I had that and my my sweet style. I'm just a big girl trying to get threw this x.
  5. I think so Because would be hard to get them threw the Que's
  6. I think the studio 13 will be very controversial because a snuff film is a bit extreme
  7. I think your right! The feeling when you are looking down and all you can see is a bit of track and falling at 60 mph at the floor but I thick it would e quite fun to change to norm and would be fun to try it to see if it lives up.
  8. rumba rapids style ride but 5min+ ride very relaxing very enjoyable not to wet name Cool waters
  9. banned for not agreeing to the cost of fright nights
  10. kinnaird

    This Or That

    Vortex FTW! pirates 4d or angry birds 4d?
  11. kinnaird

    This Or That

    Google it you'll find the answer No Limits 1.6 or No Limits 2
  12. I know there not just at theme parks but there is few and far between.
  13. I don't mind paying for Fright Nights I don't see any where where you can get horror mazes outside of a theme park? But some of the prices and fast track shouldn't be there!
  14. Waltzer's are always good in my opinion only if you like getting dizzy.
  15. Hopefully the war between America and soviet union ends with no one getting hurt no one has died yet luckily.
  16. kinnaird

    This Or That

    Nemesis. Pen or Pencil?
  17. So today Mack rides announced they have been testing with Oculus Rif on rides Blue Fire and Pegasus in Europa-Park. Is this a future in theme parks or is it just going to stay a test? Looks awesome, I would love to try it.
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