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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. kinnaird

    This Or That

    penuts the raisins make me sick bebo or myspace
  2. if it was a intamin style restraint but not as a lap bar
  3. Isn't half the track taken out of the ground at the other side of the pool for loggers?
  4. nothing better to be doing just let a cow go for a walk for an hour or 2
  5. I was amazed by it aswell better than I thought it was going to be
  6. kinnaird


    its £3 if I remember correctly it is about 0.5m by 0.5 by 0.5 just guesstimating
  7. kinnaird


    10 mins from reading Hampshire
  8. that's bloody trippy how the hell does that work probably makes you feal mega sick
  9. I belive so he hit it very damn hard
  10. kinnaird


    so hope it stays up for the whole season haven't ridden it in about 1 year and a half never got round to it and cant wait to re ride it again surprised that they dident uploaded it to Facebook shows they dident expect it so soon
  11. single rider made some of the queues shorter and that lovely time when you got front row but I think that it shuld still be an option becouse then you get a full carage and I dont think meny people mind if a stranger sits next to them I have allways had quite nice convosations with the people that are sitting next to me!
  12. pls dark rid for forp we need it but dr who is not for Thorpe it is deffo deemed for alton I think sidders it wright with that one
  13. I wish they did do something because it would do alot for it make it look brand new with a new paint job
  14. kinnaird

    This Or That

    Mystery of Hocus Pocus Hall zero g roll on a inverted b&m or corkscrew on a intamin
  15. I dont think that they can rewen a ride detonator by just changing the name and soundtrack but I may be wrong will find out so it will still give that gut wrenching feeling but I have only seen good reviews from people
  16. chesington on the Saturday and Thorpe on the Sunday is best from my experience but I dont think it will matter to much
  17. please I hope so they wont get rid of fast track thats the problem
  18. what has it been increased?
  19. wonder why they kept them I think maybe a re boot?
  20. I cant wait now for the open I want to know what they are doing I think they wil have redone all the audio and hopefully it conveys the usual rovolio music theme
  21. I cant wait love detonator knew they would re theme
  22. passable maybe a night core mix would make it
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