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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. but sill I don't think 750 people don't so much to the ques because they will be separated across the park edit any one know the cap on the amount of people they let in
  2. no sources pisses me off the most go too look if something is real then bam lodes of lies due to no sources.
  3. banned for not likening the smiley
  4. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/487388/British-teenager-dies-on-roller-coaster such a shame rip it wasent his fault and 2nd death at this park suposidly
  5. kinnaird


    we did have to wait an extra cycle due to there not being 15 seats spare
  6. LOOKS like it can be very promising maybe if they get a good cupple of coasters in some well known parks they will maybe ship to international lands
  7. kinnaird


    re paint and re theme would do alot for this ride
  8. if they get rid of it I think they will probably replace it with a tower swinger to help it transition to more family park considering its next to Canada creek
  9. kinnaird

    Youtube Videos

    I'm sorry but nearly all of thos vines are rubbish and tilde wave looks soo good
  10. thanks to peaj for oragnisng such a good event hope to see some of the photo be uploaded soon! good to meet some of you
  11. will defo come to this meet will consider the summer nights bit closer to date but put me as attending looks good
  12. just subbed very good keep it up
  13. nice explanation never been on it never got the chance to always wanted too
  14. I like it entertains me
  15. I like it entertains me
  16. what happened last year /?
  17. are they sticking with the same mazes as last year ?
  18. " The guy that's "all shouty" in his name... " I dont think that cAPS says that it is ment to be shouted
  19. any one been on air race and if so any reviews would love to know if it is any good
  20. banned for not letting people have a opinion
  21. I whuld love to do that sounds quite good
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