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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. kinnaird


    no please open it is such a good ride loved going on this at the end of the day it was a tradition
  2. Sundays are always quieter longest I have qued on a Sunday at Thorpe is half an hour
  3. kinnaird

    This Or That

    peter pans flight running or cycling
  4. ill go to the Thorpe if its on a sat or a Sunday
  5. banned for being post 614
  6. I hope they do make it a BAD PIGGIES THEME I think that it will bring the area alot more emersive because it will be half nem theme and half angry birds
  7. it's all a bit disappointing that they have removed all of the theaming in rumba
  8. banned for being forever alone
  9. banned for no referencing m£rlin in post
  10. its likely I think the new trend around the world will drowning you're visitors
  11. I don't think so keep it a little secret
  12. ^ I dont see a chance for a dive machine same resions mostly Alton and saw
  13. I know it would be a delay to reset the ride!maybe a event for it I would choose tidal instead of stealth when it is raining. due to it not hurting
  14. two screens and very simple and I have a desktop icon issue http://imgur.com/jrPImTe u torrent and redsn0w and that nosTEAM cheeky
  15. possible that they want to just make people feal safer and just another safety net just in case and why do they do that with the seat where they are two in front and 2 behind on the diagonal but think it is a good idea
  16. possible adventure island and maybe Thorpe unlikely tho
  17. I don't think a woodie will go well in Thorpe maybe if it is a rmc hybrid maybe somthing like outlaw run? that might work
  18. I hate stealth so much when it is raining hurts and you just feel so cold hate to be stuck on the launch not being able to go but surprising I thought it would be like a smoother drop than oblivion
  19. BANNED for having a law about you!
  20. please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I will love cwoa if they get one will add another good ride to the collection! I think that it will bring a wider range of people and some of the younger audience will love it!
  21. kinnaird

    This Or That

    apocalypse weaker on the g's and feels a lot slower but I do like the gimmick of apocalypse being stood up but I like the speed and g's of detonator it's a hard one but I like apocalypse more slammer or submission (we miss you)
  22. thank you soo much gonna use this for my engineering course paper just assent able to find respectable sources and I an dieing for a rollback never seen would love to
  23. I thought it was you that posed last :L banned for having a better YouTube than me
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