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Everything posted by kinnaird

  1. Hey hey. I was away for last few weeks but if I'm let in I'm in
  2. tbf I hate going up on stealth sounds stupid lol :/
  3. hief Rangers Carousel (1) Colossus (7) Depth Charge (2) Detonator (6) Flying Fish (5) Loggers Leap (5) King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems (4) Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (5) Rush (6) Samurai (6) Saw: The Ride (5) Slammer (7) Stealth (7) Storm In A Teacup (5) The Swarm (7) Tidal Wave (5) Vortex (5) X (5) Zodiac (2) - The Swarm + Detonator
  4. or melt it into a fairly decent play park
  5. I would love to do this
  6. if there was a little bit of photoshop it would look boss
  7. thorpe rangers for christmass number 1
  8. but still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktbhw0v186Q
  9. yeah its gunna be removed to build the building
  10. Now that the ride has had its last pubic ride! I feal this is the right time no matter how sad it is to see a part of thorpes history. :'(
  11. T H O R P E thorpe park rangers yeah
  12. saddly I wont be showing my face at this meet but have a merry tpm xmas
  13. Theme Park: undecided not alot of experiences to say Coaster: nemesis Country: monoco Band: the streets Song: your betrayal bfmv Movie: saw 2 TV Show: peep show Book (by series): chub UK city: landon Restaurant: frankies and bennys Article(s) of Clothing vans
  14. middle mouce button does it as well
  15. it was becouse at the end the desabled entrence was used as the fast track and that the end of the day was becouse the fasttrack tickets where all used up from that day and it it was studio 13 right ?
  16. looks like there wassent meny people on it that will help out there situation out
  17. du du du dud du du du du dud du du du du dud du du du du dud du tequila
  18. sorry cant come the one weekend I'm not going :'(
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