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Everything posted by yeah

  1. Gonna confess - the biggest ride I've ever been on is Dragon's Fury. That's why I tend to avoid speaking about the bigger rides. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  2. Out of interest, what announcement did you make? Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  3. NO WE HAVE NOT Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk>
  4. Record one about Vampire. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  5. DBGT's restraints confirmed. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  6. yeah


    I know, me thinks that Man U's external security team is gonna change soon... Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  7. Hope you know you have to record at least one song now@stretchy
  8. Theres nothing there? Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  9. yeah


    Man U vs Bournemouth abandoned after a suspicious package found. Bomb squad may have to perform a controlled explosion. Scary stuff.
  10. THE RIDE EXPERIENCE REVEALED! You enter the train and it magically teleports to this place (cant tell where it is)- and a new one magically respawns! Then you walk into another carriage and teleport back! That's GENIUS!
  11. yeah


    *Cough* *Cough* Ripsaw *Cough*
  12. yeah


    I give it an hour
  13. The shell idea is a good theory - be interesting to see how it fits into the story (if correct). It seems the best bet at the moment.
  14. Ooh, thats scary! Also, does that all but confirm the train coming towards you effect people were talking about a couple pages ago?
  15. It only plays every like 4 dispatches for some reason now.
  16. You need to change your location from "X Loading Bay"
  17. yeah


    Call me crazy but I think I've sprained it all the way round. I read a bit in a PE book about sprained ankles and how they hurt the most wherever you've sprained it, and it hurts all the way round. And thanks for the tips, I'll look for them, I have got tablets to take (2 paracetamol, 1 ibuprofen, three times a day) as well as a tubi grip bandage.
  18. "pRease keep arms and Regs" I dont think the Mexicana announcements are racism, and I dont think that all announcements should be queens English. However, substituting the "L"s for "R"s is stereotyping, and is actually pretty racist towards people from Asia. Its like saying all English people are posh and drink tea, or that all American people are fat and eat McDonalds all the time. Its really not true, and although most Asian people will have grown to accept it (I have seen a YouTube video called "How to do an Asian accent !!" where an Asian person (who had a very American-sounding accent might I add) spoke in a stereotypical accent), it may be very offensive to some. Most of the times I've come across people talking like that was to take the p*** out of people from the Orient. I'm no over-the-top Tumblr "Everthing is discrimination" kind of person, but that in my eyes is very stereotypical/racist. And yes, I understand racism. The kind of people who don't is those who shout "RACISM!!1!!!!!1!!" if someone states another's colour (while describing them).
  19. yeah


    No they didn't (they did last time) but a family member had some so we borrowed hers! And yeah, they haven't all been serious, but two have. Also done my left ankle 7 times, again only one was serious. I remember the first time I did it, side footed a football as someone else kicked it, my ankle was basically a balloon lol. This ones weird. Hurts the most out of all of them, and hurts all the way up half my shin on the back of my leg, and unlike last time (where I overstretched ligaments) hurts non stop (aches)
  20. yeah

    The Smiler

    I mean the fact that she's been allowed on the ride before AND they let on someone who had broken their arm.
  21. yeah


    I dont wish Ill break my ankle lol, I said its a wonder I havent yet, but now Ive said that... And is it sad I thought you meant the Thorpe Park Saw and was trying to figure out what you meant by "slipped'
  22. yeah

    The Smiler

    Gonna be honest, cant really defend Towers for this. http://www.expressandstar.com/news/2016/05/10/alton-towers-woman-banned-from-smiler-rollercoaster-because-she-only-had-one-hand/
  23. yeah


    Jesus I really am clumsy.. slipped on a football and twisted my ankle, felt a pop but heard nothing, literally couldn't move at all without it hurting like hell, went to hospital today and apparently "theres no broken bones so it's a small sprain" and I "cant do sport for weeks" (thanks then). Also think I've bruised my foot at the same time, meaning I can't put weight on my right foot and can't even put my foot flat on the ground when I'm sitting down. This is now the 12th time spraining my right ankle. Really is a wonder I haven't broken it yet. Touchwood.
  24. Should also add that the cottage has a porch, living room, kitchen, a big square hallway kind of area, a kids room with two beds and a wardrobe (no tv, we usually take the one from my room as there is plug sockets), The bigger room with a double bed (not sure on the size) a bathroom and a conservatory, a big kitchen (tip if you do go- the bin is in what looks like one of the cupboards) and a few little bits of food and drink (some biscuits and a bottle of wine, possibly), the back garden which is fairly big and has a big field with horses in behind it, a closet and of course a full bathroom. I think we got an Alton Towers map once aswell.
  25. No no no no no, we don't own it, the owners rent it out lol, we just stay there every year. I said its mine as it's like my favourite place ever You can also take pets but only one, which is irritating as we have 2 young cats who can't be separated.
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