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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah

    Merlin Name Mania!

    Da Swarm, Stealf, Nemesis, Saw, and that one wiv da 10 loops, what is it - like - da corkscrew one Oh and don't forget BubbleZU
  2. yeah


    Wasn't that already confirmed? The commentators were talking about Cantona getting a role in it on Sunday.
  3. yeah


    Oh my god, they've gone and done it, they've actually gone and bloody done it, Leicester have won the league. I never said they'd slip up what
  4. They're even tying completely unrelated incidents into it (slightly older) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3510696/Firefighters-called-rescue-eight-parkgoers-rollercoaster-halts-20ft-ground.html
  5. yeah


    Star Wars day was a SHAMBLES. They decided to group all the characters outside the hotel, then one or two of the Joker Squad staff got annoyed so told everyone to move back so we can take a group photo with all the kids. I went in with my sister and was told to kneel down so other kids would be seen (despite there being nobody behind me), meaning someone was in my way and I wasn't seen in the photo. It was also very crowded (so much so that I had to walk off and nearly cried because I couldn't cope and I'm normally not bad with crowds) and alot of people were arguing.
  6. So... Are you gonna tell them that's physically impossible or am I? EDIT This is the worst article they've done yet. Misinformation, exaggeration, and the usual Smiler tie in, where even that makes less sense and is just randomly inserted in there.
  7. yeah


    Going today. Anyone want to see anything in particular?
  8. Okay, so my friend went to Thorpe yesterday and was evacuated in IAC. In his words "We got to the bit when you go down the slide, all the lights blacked out, all the airbags deflated and a message played saying "We are no longer able to continue operation, please make your way to the nearest exit immediately" Does anyone know what happened?
  9. Exactly. You guys realise there's a difference between highlighting the fact that rides still at the park are closed and saying "MISS HIPPOS FUNGLE SAFARI WAS CLOSED GRR MERLIN ARE THE WORST" right? I think your just moaning for the sake of moaning tbh.
  10. yeah


    Did forget to mention that Knights Kingdom looks to have been renamed "Nexo Knights Kingdom". Doesn't say it on the map however all banners been replaced by Nexo Knights with the two by the entrance saying Nexo Knights Kingdom.
  11. I'm sorry, why is @Coaster Jamiein the wrong here? This is the closed rides topic and he's stating the closed rides. Thorpe still make sure it's known that Loggers and Samurai are unavailable, so why shouldn't Jamie?
  12. yeah

    Merlin Name Mania!

    THORPE The Nemestealthossuswarmsaw: Insubterraferno Destruction, Disaster and Devastation - The Ride The Chav (The World's First KFC coaster/Coaster to have more brake runs than drops) CHESSIE Dragon's Gentle Ride ZooZu Nemesis Aqua ALTON Shrek The Ride The Toy Story Coaster - You said you wanted Woodie!? (Worlds First Coaster to come alive when nobody else is around - SW8) SBNO - The Ride LEGO LegoOnTheFloor (Worlds most painful coaster) You Got Rid of The Dragon For THIS!? Nemesis Earth
  13. Those look like the zombies from Black Ops 3... Derren Brown's Call of Duty Black Ops Ghost Train confirmed.
  14. No they can't remove Bubbleworks! Either restore it to Prof. Burps or keep it as it is please.
  15. I thought they were completely animatronic? They seem to small and robotic to have actual people in (especially the baby), and the Demon seems to slim.
  16. There's nothing wrong with that!
  17. Exactly, but the thing is people will never be happy. Beg for a coaster for years, we get one, we moan because that's all we get. Pathetic, I for one have set my expectations high but not too high. I have no doubt that we'll get a well themed and thrilling family coaster, but I'm not expecting a big manufacturer or anything.Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  18. I doubt that's it. That's probably the first things coming, or the "headlines" so to speak that they'll promote to the council etc.Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  19. Tbf that'd be amazingSent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  20. Yeah but I mean the designated budget for Chessie. Normally the bigger budgets go to Thorpe and Alton. Out of interest, how likely is it we'll ever see a coaster with an inversion at Chessie? It is a FAMILY park after all.Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  21. And that's a similar type of track... But tbh, with Chessies budget I can't see them getting an Intamin, B&M, or Mack. Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
  22. Chessies investment year is 2017 isn't it? Maybe that's why the picnic area was cleared and why HITH didn't return.Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk
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