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Everything posted by yeah

  1. Yes they do... The ride was advertised as closed. So why should hotel guests get to go on it first? Hotel guests get enough priorities, riding the new ride first should never be one of those.
  2. Flamingo Land sponsor two Championship football teams, both of which got promoted! (Hull and Burnley)
  3. yeah


    Speaking of - New soundtrack in that area. Personally, I feel it was wayyy too dark for that particular area - it was good, but it'd fit Gloomy Wood better at Alton.
  4. Whereas its good because it means it'll open soon, I totally agree, even if I have no plans to ride if it's scary...
  5. yeah


    Dino Safari is officially no more... second picture is so sad
  6. So you all know of my love for Vampy, but these unfortunately pretty much died out with Arrow. The reason I'm making this topic is that designing rollercoasters is my dream job, and I think I may have come up with a way inversions could work on these (however, I'm probably wrong, so correct me if I am). Basically, I think a long inline twist could work on a swinging coaster, as the swinging would probably work in your favour (if I got the physics right) at the right speed (not too fast, not too slow). There wouldn't be too much swinging during the inversion, however a bit after. Could this work? Please let me know. We don't do Arrow Suspended Coasters in physics lol.
  7. yeah


    Really wanted to watch the game (and every other class did watch the game) but my Chemistry teacher didn't let us. Found out about Bale's goal when she let us film an experiment and a kid got a notification, found out about Vardy's goal thanks to my mum when she picked me up (cba to walk on that day) and saw Studge's goal.
  8. The thing is though, considering @Insidersaid he does not work for Merlin not long ago, he'd have no way of knowing unless Thorpe went out of their way to tell him (which... they didnt)
  9. Because that worked perfectly last time a park tried it
  10. What are you doing? Does pretending to know the secret for a theme park ride make you feel above everyone else?
  11. Hasn't @Owen just asked if we could stop arguing? It's really quite annoying alot of people.
  12. And on Vampire and Fury
  13. Whats a surprise? @StevenVig wasn't slightly involved earlier. Someone has an opinion, shock horror.
  15. Ah great - I do have the RAP but with that comes the great hatred of large crowds.
  16. I dont really like the sudden pauses, or typical epic theme, or the fact that it sounds like a halloween theme. To be fair though I might like it a bit better if it didnt replace one of the best pieces of music on park.
  17. (Last post sorry) @Insider No matter how hypocritical I'm being, I do agree with your points. I think you just couldve phrased them nicer. @Tom I think the Flume and Ripsaw is the wrong example. Ripsaw has been ripped apart (pun intended), and Flume is being taken apart as we speak (I think?), whereas Sub Terra and co are just sort of sitting there. @Marc To back this up, we all love the theming, whereas my friend simply doesnt care, he says he only likes "big theming" such as Swarm's.
  18. How is the park right at the end of July?
  19. Destroy every fence?
  20. yeah

    Your Thorpe Park

    True. Edited my post.
  21. Revival time! Sorry in the mood. From 2017 - 2027 2017 - SW8 Opens, Pirate themed. Spinball Whizzer repainted to original colours, queueline games repaired. Blade shut at end of season for the 2018 season, the game where Ripsaw was relocated to near Woodcutters. Hex, Sub Terra and Driving School reopen. Try and renew the Charlie contract for a year, with a deal that the contract can be renewed yearly until the ride is replaced. 2018 - Three new flat rides unveiled (one opens in 2019), a small Discus where Rippy was, and a new ride concept for X Sector, much like Temple Heights at Paultons however the gondola swings and locks like a TopSpin, also can invert (OTSRs). Blade refurbished. CaTCF reopens. 2019 - New flat opens, a Whirling Dervish if you play RCT3, next to Spinball. New restaurant comes next to the flat, with an empty building next door. Blade Reopens. 25 Years of Nemmie is celebrated with a scaremaze (like Vampy was <3) Molly Crowe says bye bye, replaced by new scare maze 2020 - Spinball comes to the end of its time at Towers, as does Charlie. New restaurants open in X Sector and Forbidden Valley. 2021 - Plans for new coaster pushed back a year, because... Toyland Tours restored and modernised. 2022 - New intense Maurer Sohne spinning coaster opens, except it's indoors! Themed to a temple, so the Adventure Land name means something, building joins up with restaurant next to flat. Empty building next to restaurant becomes a shop for the ride.. 2023 - Rita removed. Sub Species goes next after 8 successful years of operation, replaced by a new Phalanx based extremeish maze. 10 years of Smiler celebrated with the return of the Sanctuary for May! SW9 queued up for next year. 2024 - SW9 is built - Mack megacoaster on Rita site - 10 inversions and 5 launches! Nemesis is 30! MASSIVE celebrations! Park begins 2-year preparation for biggest investment ever, almost everything over the next two years ties in with the investment. 2025 - New restaurant is built in Gloomy Wood (to do with investment) Nemesis unfortunately comes to the end of its 30 year lifespan. 2026 - Absolutely everything in Gloomy Wood is demolished at the end of the season with the exception of Duel's warehouse and Nitrogenie. FV is temporarily closed on 1st September, Gloomy Wood fenced off, construction immediately starts for new investment. 2027 - Gloomy Wood becomes a part of FV. Altons biggest investment yet is unveiled, set to open May: SW10, AND SW11, aswell as new dark ride to replace Duel... SW10 - Mack Multi Loop going along the back of Duel with the biggest Corkscrew in the world which stretches over the pathway; anti-rollback technology such as on Smiler. SW11 - B&M Wingrider - First out and back wingrider (I think) Dark ride - Trackless dark ride with alien themed cars about the legacy of Nemmie - aptly named Nemesis: Legacy
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