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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah

    Your Thorpe Park

    Here goes (10 years)... 2016: DBGT opens. Loggers Leap completely refurbished, opened as soon as ready. Flying Fish comes to the end of its last season. 2017: Colossus track repainted to the colour Spinball Whizzer was when it first opened, New theming additions and new food outlet. Construction fences go up around Flying Fish site while the ride is demolished, lockers and food outlets nearby removed. X closed at end of season for the 2018 season with the pyramid repainted over closed season, as is Slammer. 2018: Nemesis Inferno repainted. Maintenance carried out on X track, New lighting and smoke machines. 2015 and 2016 soundtracks merged to create one. Slammer is refurbished to last longer. New posters go up on Flying Fish construction fences, "The Island is Changing, A New Ride is Coming..." 2019: X reopens. Stealth repainted. New posters on the Flying Fish fence: "New Rollercoaster for 2020" 2020: New Mack Mega-Coaster opens on island next to Swarm, 7 inversions, 4 launches and a dark ride section under queue, with a futuristic theme, building housing station, indoor queue and merge point, fastrack queue, disabled queue and restaurant. Lockers and Fish site act as island entrance, with heavy theming. X cattlepen removed. Rumba Rapids closes for 2021. 2021: Rumba Rapids refurbished with all new water effects, New storyline and alot faster. SAW repainted, New trains added and contract renewed. 2022: Rumba Rapids reopens. Swarm repainted. Colossus comes to the end of its last season, on its 20th birthday. 2023: X gives up and dies; removed at end of season. The Colossus area is blocked off with construction fences: "New Rollercoaster for 2024", as the Colossus shop is removed. X's pyramid knocked down over closed season. 2024: New Gerst Infinty, with a drop, cobra roll and heartline rolls that mimic Colossus', lapbars, and a record for inversions. Also goes into the X area; small "pieces" of X's pyramid used as theming as a small nod to the ride. Nemesis Inferno is refurbished in order to keep it open for as long as possible. New food outlet opened near Rush. 2025: Stealth is given New trains with lapbars. Tidal Wave and Slammer come to the end of their final seasons. 2026: New Megasplash replaces Tidal Wave with same name and layout (boring I know) Huge celebration for Stealth's 20th birthday with 10:00pm closures all week and ERT for all guests.
  2. Not sure if this has been posted or not but in TPW's vlog in May they look through a door where there's a "TV" with "Scan Your Ticket" on in the DBGT font. So maybe it is timed tickets, unless it's just theming.
  3. So my last blog lasted long. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up-to-date with this one. This blog will be divided into three sections: My News: Stuff I'm doing (theme park related) UK Theme Park News (that you probably wouldn't have heard about) International Theme Park News (that you proabably won't have heard about) Anyway, on with proceedings. MY NEWS I'm going to Alton Towers in July! We're going to be staying in the cottage I mentioned in the Places near Alton Towers topic and eating in the Rollercoaster Restaurant, as well as hopefully riding my first upside down coaster! Well also be going to Gullivers Land, Discovery Centre and probably Cadburys World too! UK THEME PARK NEWS LEGOLAND are at it again! If you don't love Miniland you don't love at all. This time they've thrown the Queen a miniature LEGO Birthday Party! http://royalcentral.co.uk/uk/thequeen/legoland-version-of-queens-birthday-took-650-hours-to-build-61395 INTERNATIONAL THEME PARK NEWS Power outage in North Carolina leaves riders stranded hundreds of feet in air: http://abcnews.go.com/US/20-riders-stranded-theme-park-ride-nc/story?id=39753172 So thanks for reading! I should be going to LEGOLAND or Chessington, maybe Thorpe soon so will blog wherever we go!
  4. yeah

    Wicker Man

    The entrance is in Mutiny Bay, and that's how I class the location of rides.
  5. yeah

    Wicker Man

    This is going to be themed around pirates. It's directly opposite two or three pirate themed shops!
  6. yeah

    The Blade

    Is Blade shut?
  7. Oh I thought you meant the custom scenery
  8. The CS showed up on the other RCT3 (disk) and the files were the default RCT ones
  9. Once again sorry for quoting older posts (and triple posting but don't know how to quote posts while editing or quote two posts at once) but my primary school French teacher was a bit of a bully too. Not as bad, but she'd basically get me in trouble at any time she could, and its not like I was exactly a bad student - and I was in top group! We used to have a behaviour system where you'd start on green, move up to bronze if you're quite good, silver if you're good and to get gold you'd have to essentially be Jesus (and you'd get stickers for those three) however on the flip side you go down to blue for small thinks like talking, yellow for being a little s___ and red for being the devil incarnate. Any worse and you'd be sent to the head and parents phoned. One kid (one of the bad kids - think he had ADHD so not his fault) was non-stop talking to me so I ask him to stop (politely too), so she moves me straight to blue. Me (and most of the class actually) explained to her that you can't do that and you had to move one at a time (It was true aswell) and I obviously said that it wasn't fair. She moved me to red and nearly phoned my parents! Another teacher I had who taught us for every subject on Tuesdays (same year, 6) openly made fun of a kid in a book who had Aspergers while knowing I had it (Probably didn't enter her mind at the time but the school knew so she should). I obviously told one or two kids. Word spread and the lesson following was utter carnage. Even had kids doing cartwheels. She didn't teach us again for quite a while after that, meaning I may have instigated staffing changes in my school. Oh well, nobody liked her anyway.
  10. I know this post is quite old now but my school wouldn't suspend you. They'd put you in isolation which is where you do all lessons and basically spend the whole day in a portakabin with the kid you hit and loads of other chavs you don't belong with. I know from experience (you do get breaks but only 5 minute walks around just outside). Suspensions for first time offenders only come about if you run away from school, which is quite backwards.
  11. My rant is nobody's fault really but I've had about 5 hours of sleep in 2 days and I'm obviously not going to get much tonight.
  12. *crossed fingers* don't do what they did with Vampire last season pleaaassse
  13. Here's my current project: Greenwood Gardens Theme Park and Zoo. I've used Coaster Goodies (as thats all that'd work for now) but no other CS. Current areas and rides: Entrance: Carousel Enchanted Forest: Treetop Coaster (Junior Coaster), Teacup Ride, Enchanted Disko Racing County: Red Mist (Launch Coaster), (more soon to come) The Gardens & Greenwood Lake: Water Transport Lost Kingdom: Pterodactyl (Suspended) (Say I'm copying Paultons all you want, I had the idea first!!!) (Unnamed, suggestions welcome): Revenge of the Bengal (Spinning Steel), Tiger Twister, Tiger Enclosure Photos: Shot0002.bmp Shot0003.bmp Shot0004.bmp Shot0005.bmp Shot0006.bmp Shot0007.bmp Shot0008.bmp Shot0009.bmp Shot0010.bmp Shot0011.bmp Shot0012.bmp Shot0013.bmp Shot0014.bmp Shot0015.bmp Shot0016.bmp Shot0017.bmp Shot0018.bmp Shot0019.bmp Shot0020.bmp Shot0021.bmp Shot0022.bmp Shot0023.bmp EDIT: It seems you have to download the photos, is there a way to change it?
  14. yeah


    I have actual conversations with my cat. She meows, I meow back, she meows back, and so on. Goes on until she's bored.
  15. This was my desktop photo when I recovered this computer?? I need to change it to Vampire!
  16. yeah


    I used to be scared of the LEGOLAND Heroes Wanted theme
  17. Resurrection time... I love Mystery of Hocus Pocus Hall because of the memory of walking towards the Explorer Gate just before it was fully dark, with the green lights. I love Vampire's because everything about Vampire is perfection, I also love Wild Asia's, Laser Raider's, Tomb Blaster's and X's 2015. However, my favourite, by far is Towers Street 2015.
  18. yeah


    Apparently my friend got soaked in the face. Maybe it depends where you sit.
  19. yeah


    Agreed. Then again I was scared on Bubbleworks until about last year so maybe dark rides as a whole aren't great for me. A confession: The scariest ride I've been on is the Crazy Mouse in Brighton (in terms of, fearing for my life) and the second is CatCF's lift.
  20. yeah

    This Or That

    Been to neither but want to go to Phantasia (and Phantasia is a proper theme park) so Phantasialand. Hot weather or cold weather?
  21. yeah


    The dark ride section of SAW is the reason I have no intention of riding it even when I do start riding coasters - the idea of a corpse spitting water in my face doesn't appeal to me. That's the reason I'm not going to be going on DBGT either - despite my frustrations about it not being open.
  22. yeah


    Where was Ghost meant to go?
  23. Re downloaded RCT from GOG.com, CS doesn't seem to work though as I have some files I already used in the disk version but don't work on the gog version. All my parks carried over though.
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