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About Bucky

  • Birthday June 21

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  1. Oh damn. Might have had a bit too much to drink Saturday, so much that not even coffee could save Really sorry I couldn't make it guys Shall try my best to get to Guildford, can literally bounce off the walls then Just hope there's no embarrassing photos of me going around on social media from the other night...
  2. I thank you all for letting me have a podium spot on 3 of the awards. I will celebrate tonight with 1) an espresso to wake me up 2) a caramel macchiato to keep me sweet and finally 3) an Irish Coffee to finish the night off. I hope to see more of you in 2016 whilst going around on my world adventures! Thank You
  3. I think I could make a good spin of this - count me in!
  4. There are so many stairs though. When you're my height it gets very tiring. Need a caffeine injection to get me back on the go before I have to go find Shrek. Not an easy life, so much coffee is needed.
  5. Not enough for me in a soft drink sir, need a bigger kick....like a coffee
  6. I'm happy to see this new addition at the Dungeons, but it disappoints me that your free drink is either alcoholic or a soft drink! It's not fair for us Caffeine dependent individuals
  7. Bucky


    My coffee is so hot it has its own fire effects! I have been contacted by Merlin to do their pyrotechnics, but until they open Starbucks at their parks I refuse to link myself with them.
  8. Taking it I used to just hang on a stall at Drayton I've finally realised what a good theme park is with my exploring this year! Drayton- birth till 21st June Thorpe some times Plopsaland where the people were my size! Result! Bellwearde, didn't like it. Scary animals that thought I was a toy Walibi Belgium where we went underground overground Phantasialand where my eyes had fire coming out of them Toverland of magic and indoorsness. Was already boiling, don't need the additional outside heat Efteling for 3 days of mining. Urgh, slavery! Bobbejaanland where King Kong scared me so I made a brown spillage. Oh well
  9. Maybe, just maybe if they made a LUV MY COFFEE pop badge then there would at least be one pop badge everyone loves and I could clip it on over my eyes like goggles, or special VR pop badges!!!!
  10. The thing I hate about Thorpe is they never cater for a wide range of guests, ironically larger guests usually can't get the restraints down in the Colossus trains but that's the only bleedin' coaster that actually keeps me secure
  11. Bucky


    Gotta say this is one of my favourite tracks at the mo
  12. Want to keep up to date with my worldwide antics? Then like my page for all the latest goings on. If you're lucky you might be on a trip with me and get included on the site as well! www.facebook.com/Buckytpm It's a great page and now I'm not so busy with theme parks I'll update it more for you all over closed season. Also, shameless plug for my corporate sponsor. DRINK STARBUCKS
  13. Hi all, the names Mack Buck but you can all call me Bucky! I've been a member for a while just never properly set up my account, it's a problem when you don't have opposable thumbs and keep spilling that luscious Starbucks on your laptop. I love theme parks and my many world adventures and can't wait to explore some of these with you on the meets. I'm also the meet photographer a lot of the time. Hope to see you all around soon!
  14. Ewww soft drinks. All about that Starbucks coffee
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