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Everything posted by Whatever

  1. Whatever


    Yeah, well, I suppose, sorry.
  2. Whatever


    Wouldn't they make more money by having the arena turned into a ride which may give them more visitors hence making more money, whilst with the arena they have to pay people to perform and people don't really know about the arena that much that they would go there just because of it.
  3. Whatever


    Yeah, I suppose what I said was kinda wrong. Octopus gardens was only suitable for three year olds.
  4. Whatever


    Probably not-the only way to make it better is to get rid of it! I bet that even Thorpe park wish they hadn't put it there as they had to take away Octopus gardens, and with the new 'Famiwee feem' they would have liked to have kept them.
  5. Whatever


    I once went on Storm Surge with my family and some strangers. As we got to the top I said 'Is this the ride that all the limbs fell of the dummies isn't it?' I think that actually happened on testings for the SWARM but the other people on the boat then looked really nervous!
  6. Da heck?? I don't bother with dodgems at all any more because they are boring and a waste of time, even with a five minute queue! Why have something in a top theme park that you can have in a run of the mill fair?
  7. Whatever


    I would never wait that long for storm surge- even in the access queue it was about half an hour! (I get to skip the queues for the rides that my brother goes on)
  8. They might change Angry Birds Land's music as they changed the music on the carousel last year.
  9. Banned for spending all your free time drawing comics when you were younger.
  10. Banned for not owning a dark green hoodie in real life!
  11. Maybe they would like it to fall apart for a bit of publicity!
  12. Banned for wearing Dumbledore's glasses in your profile picture
  13. But..but...I wuv rollercoasters...
  14. Banned for using MS paint
  15. Blacked out completely? Even I wasn't that dizzy
  16. Whatever


    I got a Thorpe park joke that I found on the internet today.. Yo mama's so fat that she got into Thorpe Park with a group discount! My friend said she didn't have that stomach for stealth- she was too fat to fit in the seat!
  17. You are banned for wearing a strange hat and playing the trumpet.
  18. Boring (for me, as my teacher is soooooooooooo boring. He also happens to be my form tutor )
  19. Haha, maybe they will have something Hunger Games orientated, like roaming Peacekeepers maybe?
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