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Theme Park Fanatic

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Everything posted by Theme Park Fanatic

  1. I know I’m probably dreaming beyond reality,but I hope a tracked ride system has been installed. I was looking on Interlink (a website for second hand rides). The ride was a Ghost Train. I would say the quality of the carriages and track is on par with Alton Manor. A proper Dark Ride is just what Thorpe Park needs. Thorpe’s had multiple walk through attractions. In over 40 years Thorpe has only had one proper Dark Ride. The Dark Ride was the ill fated Wicked Witches Haunt that burned down in the year 2000.
  2. Flambards in Cornwall is going to have a bumper 2023 season. I have many happy memories from multiple visits to Flambards as a Kid. If you have memories from this attraction please share them. Moreover if you have any ideas on how Flambards could be improved speak up. I think Flambards could do with a major refurbishment and the introduction of Themed Lands. Flambards opened as a Theme Park over 30 years ago. In these 3 decades the place has seen minimal changes. The fact Flambards has hardly evolved gives it a unique charm and reason to return. It looks like major changes are the plan for Flambards going forward. In 2014 Flambards was bought by a National Theme Park company called Livingstone Leasure. Flambards is currently undergoing substantial renovations. Due to this a trio of rides have been removed. Balloon Race,Space Race and The Coolzone Soft Play Area have all closed. The location of Balloon Race is currently under development. A new ride will open this year. The nature of the new ride for 2023 is currently unknown. Frankly Space Race was a ticking time bomb. It arrived at Flambards in 1981 and less then pristine.Unfortunately last July a ride on the ageing ride took a terrifying turn. The metel holding the ride together snapped. There were multiple injuries. For more information you can read thease articles. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi17KvegZ7-AhVpQUEAHXKGBhoQFnoECAgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cornwalllive.com%2Fnews%2Fcornwall-news%2Fflambards-closes-ride-space-race-7384284&usg=AOvVaw37RqQPcL91rKm6H1hfpEV5 https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjljsaygp7-AhXXQUEAHXLVAw0QxfQBKAB6BAgHEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk-england-cornwall-65190288&usg=AOvVaw2QqrcnLqOR7GrE_1de68fP Since last year’s accident Space Race has been SBNO awaiting its fate. After many months of uncertainty Flambards decided to permanently close Space Race. It’s expected that Space Race will be demolished over the winter. Following this the surrounding area will be rejuvenated and a new ride built. Finally The Coolzone is being remodelled to become an indoor entertainment venue with stage. This new venue is scheduled to open in June. Please feel free to discuss your reactions to the removal of some of Flambards best loved attractions. Personally I think the future of Flambards is bright. After years of neglect Flambards is finally receiving much needed regeneration.
  3. You’re exactly right @MattyMoo!! Yesterday I predicted that my housemates favourite Football Team would lose the match at Wembley. Moreover Alton Manor is exhibiting the same problems present when Nemesis Sub Terra opened in 2015. Alton Towers’s response was to close Nemesis Sub Terra for 2 weeks and fix and add effects.
  4. I have a feeling Alton Manor will be closed for a week while extra theming and repairs are installed.
  5. What happened to the Undertaker animatronic that used to be in the Goolish Garden?
  6. I’m happy to say I watched a POV of Alton Manor and noticed the wheel on the hurse is spinning
  7. @Cornflakes what brands of clothing and furniture did you used to be able to purchase on Towers Street.
  8. Does anyone think Alton Manor is unfinished and will temporarily close for a while for finishing touches,like Nemesis Sub Terra did in 2012? I think Alton Manor would benefit from extra theming and minor tweaks. I think that by July/August Alton Manor will be complete and even better than it is currently.
  9. @Exodus Matt it was named after Toys R Us a global chain of toy shops.
  10. @Benin what do you think of the shops new name? Personally I think it’s ridiculous. It’s not an antique shop so why name it Attic Of Antiques.People will enter the shop expecting to purchase an antique and discover Alton Towers merchandise for sale. So far the new name for Sppoks’RUs is the only thing I dislike about the Alton Manor retheme. I must say overall The Curse Of Alton Manor and surrounding refurbishment is a huge upgrade on Duel.
  11. Personally I think the rumours about the Duck from The Flume being used in Alton Manor are quackers. Realistically I don’t think the Duck was remotely scary nor can I think of a scene it would be suitable for. I must congratulate whoever started this rumour as it’s got massive. I hope I’m proved wrong and The Flume Duck does feature in Alton Manor. The Duck was hilarious and would soften a ride that is primarily scary. I loved The Duck. Personally I think he’s been wasted by continuing to reside in the SBNO indoor section of The Flume. I’m surprised Alton Towers don’t sell soft toys of this legendary animatronic. The Duck is as probably as symbolic to Alton Towers as Henry Hound was in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
  12. Does anyone know if Spooks’Rus the shop that was adjacent to Duel has been renamed. I know Spooks’Rus has received a paint job due to the Alton Manor retheme. I hope the shop only has cosmetic changes and retains its name. The name Spooks’Rus was awesome it suited the area. The name was also a reminder of Toys’RUs a now bankrupt chain of Toy Shops that I and probably most of you grew up with.
  13. I have just looked back at the Alton Towers 2022 Park map. I was looking at Gloomy Wood. I spotted an inaccuracy in the location of Dave’s Crypt. Dave’s Crypt was in between the former Food Kiosk and Duel. On the map Dave’s Crypt is shown to be at the end of Haunted Hollow.
  14. @Benin what scenes do you think the ones we’ve seen photos of have replaced? Regarding the Dinning Room I’m expecting the column monster to have been dished. It won’t fit into the theme of a Haunted Dolls House. I hope the undertaker from the Goolish Garden remains. Even if the Goolish Garden has been ripped out the undertaker could be repurposed as a butler. For instance the undertaker could be in the first scenes welcoming riders into Alton Manor. Another possibility is the undertaker could be relocated to the Dinning Room. Butlers were often employed in the Victorian era to deliver food.
  15. @Benin do you think the Hall Of Spiders will remain the same as when Alton Manor was Duel? @Benin what scenes other than The Dinning Room and Hall Of Spiders do you expect to still feature? I hope the Goolish Garden remains.
  16. @Benin your spot on, I noticed the Spider scene. I’m glad the Hall Of Spiders is still there. Those animatronic Spiders were cute and funny,unless your arachnophobic. I’m also pleased the Dinning Room has also survived the refurbishment. In actual fact I think the Dinning Room has been massively enchanted,with extra theming and more appropriate lighting. Finally I’m elated that the transit system and carriages are the same. Note the carriages have had slight changes,for instance the boos that were on the back have been removed. I wonder if the original Emily Alton scene in the drawing room will remain. I wouldn’t be surprised if the dolls house is relocated incorporated into the Attic scene. As for the Emily Alton and Snowy peppers ghost I think it’ll be incorporated into one of the new scenes. I really hope the iconic Emily Alton and Snowy soundtrack that has played in the ride for 30 years is made the soundtrack of a scene.
  17. Is it only me who thinks they’ll be an oversized kids bedroom containing some of the theming From Toyland Tours?Much of the theming in Toyland Tours was toys. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Toyland Tours theming has been stored in a staff only area. I can see in my head Emily Alton’s bed with the Elecoptor or one of the massive Teddy Bears from Toyland Tours on it. I think the scenes Alton Towers have realised photos of are the Grand Hall,former skeleton hall and the hideously bad Zombie Lab final. I hope The Grand Hall,Hall Of Spiders and the Goolish Garden remain with slight theming modifications. These scenes would be applicable to a Dolls House. I wouldn’t be surprised if the photographed Attic scene leads into the Hall Of Spiders. I won’t be at Alton Towers on Saturday however I’ll be glued to the internet. I’ll certainly watch any POVS that are uploaded. I expect Theme Park Worldwide will upload a POV if Alton Towers allows.
  18. Regarding Congo River Rapids I’ve been given the following response to asking if the fountains are returning this year. I also inquired about the reopening of Nemesis Sub Terra. The answer to that question is also included.
  19. @coasterverse you say this but Chessington had a Gruffalo animatronic made in 6 months. Bubbleworks closed on the 6th of September and the Gruffalo River Ride Adventure opened the following March. Alton Manor could have been in the making for a couple of years. Duel wasn’t maintained marvellously for a few years. This could’ve been because Alton Towers were working on its refurbishment.
  20. Yesterday Alton Towers dropped part of the storyline for Alton Manor into the world. Judging from the plot of the Ride Snowy could be involved. The plot could be that due to Emily Alton’s loneliness her Parents bought her a Cat which she named Snowy. I’d love to see both Emily Alton and Snowy appear as animatronics. I get the feeling Emily’s Parents will be in the narrative. Should this be true could Sir Henry Alton (Emily’s Dad) return to the ride. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjWvPXG2NL9AhWehP0HHXxyDWEQFnoECAkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.altontowers.com%2Fexplore%2Ftheme-park%2Frides-attractions%2Fthe-curse-at-alton-manor%2F&usg=AOvVaw1ix3JpsoUHAQBLbTnGgw8Q I hope the original effect of Emily Alton in the Dolls House is retained. This effect has been consistent in both the original Haunted House and Duel. Without this effect the seemingly sweet Young Girl we love wouldn’t exist.
  21. @Benin I suspect the guy who posted this knows an Alton Towers employee. The same poster has made statements about The Curse At Alton Manor.
  22. I read the following post on Instagram. Note it was posted by another enthusiast and not officially by Alton Towers. It appears that after 7 years the Fountains are returning to Congo River Rapids.
  23. I’ve heard the beloved,Thorpe Park classic was sacrificed due to Granfather rights. Can someone please explain what this means? I’ve not heard this terminology before. If Grandfather rights prohibited Thorpe from relocating Rocky Express why was Lumber Jump allowed to be relocated to Amity and rethemed to High Striker. I am really worried that Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat is on borrowed time. Rocky Express and Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat opened within a year of each other. The loss of Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat would be a bigger punch in the guts. This ride is the sole surviving ride themed to the iconic Thorpe Park Rangers. Furthermore it’s a great attraction that can be appreciated by every generation. Should Thorpe Park redevelop Mr Monkey’s Banna Boat I hope it’s relocated. Ideally Thorpe Park would see sense and keep Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat until it’s irreparable. I hope that in the future Mr Monkey becomes the mascot of Thorpe Park. When the Angry Birds IP expires I would like it to be replaced by an area themed too The Thorpe Park Rangers. This area could include a relocated Mr Monkey’s Banana Boat,rethemed King Pig's Wild Hog Dodgems and a film of The Thorpe Park Rangers in the 4D cinema. Does anyone else think the Thorpe Park Rangers should be given an area upon the redevelopment of Angry Birds Land?
  24. Dreamland is nearing the end of an extensive refurbishment. As some will know the rides at Dreamland have taken a backseat since 2020. Fortunately this is changing. Dreamland are once again investing in the rides. Each ride has been thoroughly overhauled. It appears that the rides restored by David Littleboy are becoming operational again. Unfortunately for those who liked The Speedway it’s been removed and sold. After a couple of years under the influence of Richard Caddell Dreamland are opening their own attractions. Included in the refurbished Dreamland will be the Big Wheel that has been renovated,the David Littleboy rides expect the Speedway,Scenic Railway, Busy Bee Rollercoaster and Helter Skelter. In addition they’ll be new additions. Yes you read it correctly NEW ADDITIONS!! Dreamland has supposedly recovered from the implications of The Coronavirus pandemic. These new additions will be a refurbished Hall Of Mirrors,new Crazy Golf Course,Train Ride. I’m overjoyed and surprised to be saying this but Dreamland have bought Cliffhanger the Rollercoaster from Blackgang Chine on The Isle Of White!! There’s construction workers at Dreamland who are installing the supports into the ground. Once this Rollercoaster opens it’ll be around for the foreseeable future. Dreamland would not pay for supports to be dug in the ground for a temporary addition. Note The Dreamland Drop installed in 2018 will never be ridden again. Despite only being a few years old apparently many new parts are required. Sadly Dreamland would rather invest in other new rides. It’s tragic that such an iconic and brilliant ride only operated at Dreamland for 2 years. I Dreamland didn’t want to invest in this ride they should sell it. I hate rides being left SBNO at Theme Parks and left to rot. Overall I’m happy that Dreamland has undergone a huge renovation. I look forward to seeing what it’s like. Apparently they’ll be a grand reopening day. It goes without saying that the music and entertainment section of Dreamland has also had a refit. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjZ1_Tqtsv9AhWCQ0EAHRdnCksQxfQBKAB6BAgbEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Faccessaa.co.uk%2Fdreamland-margate-to-double-number-of-gigs-following-winter-renovations%2F&usg=AOvVaw1OL6JauJTcfFj1IrkAimPA
  25. @JoshC. Old Town was vertically Thorpe’s Mexicana. I know that Old Town was themed too a Canadian Town and Mexicana is a Mexican Town. Despite this both areas shared a similar appearance. An example of theming I think could be relocated is the man who stood at the centre of Rocky Express. You cannot guarantee Theming won’t be relocated because of a different theme. The vehicle that was the operating booth for Ripsaw,in Forbidden Valley,at Alton Towers made its way to The World Of Jumanji.
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