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Theme Park Fanatic

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Everything posted by Theme Park Fanatic

  1. Who else thinks the placement of actual rocks around Trawler Trouble was an obvious oversight? These rocks were installed last year prior to the boat sailing from Thorpe Park. Surly the dimensions would have informed Chessington that rocks weren’t practical. Currently the rocks are being removed. I hope a small pond replaced the rocks.
  2. Following the fire it suffered l July Scourpeon Express has been SBNO. Currently the ride is being repaired and refreshed. Does anyone know if the theming from Old Town will be relocated to Chessington? Mexicana the area where Scorpion Express is located has a similar theme to Old Town at Thorpe Park. Adding some theming from Old Town to Scorpion Express would enhance the ride. It’s evident that Thorpe and Chessington exchange things. Some examples are Eclipse left Thorpe while Samurai arrived at Thorpe and Chessington gained Timber Tug Boat. I think the transfer of Timber Tug Boat was at Chessington’s gain and Thorpe’s pain. This Rockin Tug is an enjoyable ride no matter the age of the rider. Timber Tug Boat now Trawler Trouble is a surprisingly forceful example. Trawler Trouble is more thrilling than most Rockin Tugs. The spin is insane and the backwards and forwards motion exhilarating.
  3. I have just been on the Alton Towers website and Enterprise has finally been removed from the rides list. In other Alton news it’s been confirmed today that a new Retro Squad ride is joining. Finally there is no mention of Nemesis Sub Terra on the Alton Towers website. I don’t interpret it as Nemesis Sub Terra isn’t returning. With the amount of refurbishment work that’s been seen in and around Nemeses Sub Terra is almost certain it’s returning. Now Alton Towers have started teasing The Curse At Alton Manor and new Retro Squad ride I think the return of Nemesis Sub Terra will be announced. Despite the absence of Alton Towers’s most recognisable rollercoaster (Nemesis) 2023 is looking to be a marvellous season. The return of some aspects of the original Haunted House and bigger role for Emily Alton and Snowy alone make 2023 a great season. Should the likely return of Nemesis Sub Terra occur, it’ll hold the following records. Firstly the longest SBNO ride at a Merlin Theme Park to reopen and secondly the shortest lived operational ride of the currant century. What I mean by the current century is since the year 2000. For those who are pedantic The Flying Fish at Thorpe Park was never SBNO. The ride was entirely removed for the 2005/6 seasons before relocated to its current location.
  4. I was looking on YouTube for videos of Chessington and Thorpe Park from the 90’s. I came across this video. Despite it’s title to any enthusiasts like ourselves it’s clearly Chessington. As soon as I saw the thumbnail I realised it was Chessington. The rocks of The Runaway Train are very rememberable. Naturally many elements of Chessington have been changed over time. A few things that remain are the shed on Old Crock’s Ralley. The shed is still the same structurally apart from cosmetic adjustments. Obviously The Runaway Train remains minus the rockwork. I believe the play park featured in the video was located on what is now The World Of Jumanji. On the subject of The Runaway Train aka Scorpion Express I’m overjoyed that Chessington has repaired the fire damage and reopening this beloved classic in April
  5. I don’t know if this has been seen by any of you,but I came across this on YouTube. It’s a teaser for the reopening of Duel now known as The Curse At Alton Manor. The excitement is boiling and my anticipation is jumping. I am elated that Alton Towers have given Emily Alton a main role as she has deserved for 31 years. I’m relieved that the Zombies ultimately lost the Duel. Long before the Duel refurbishment was announced it was an aspiration of mine for Emily Alton to be the lead character. I think back in 2003 the original Haunted House should have been refreshed to an Emily Alton theme rather than Duel. I know the Dining Room and Hall Of Spiders have survived the retheme. I wonder if any other scenes featured in the original Haunted House and Duel will be in Alton Manor. Here’s the video that’s been filmed to heighten excitement and suspense https://youtu.be/hQUVxeW2l_g
  6. Theme Park Guide have issued a Closed Season update on Chessington. There’s a massive Theme Park wide refurbishment happening. In particular The Rainforest is receiving drastic changes. Jungle Rangers has had an additional Car added in addition it appears more animals will be housed around the circuit. My evidence is a new indoor enclosure in the building. Finally the building is getting further enhancements. Most wouldn’t find this exciting but I do. A new Fire Exit sign has been installed. I have long thought the indoor section of Jungle Rangers is a bit bare and desperately in need of further Theming. I have said this since 2020 but the addition of animatronics,smell pods and smoke would be exhilarating. With the changes made in the building could my ideas have become a reality? The best piece of The Rainforests radical refurbishment is the retheming of the old Toytown buildings. These buildings were wrecked by the awful African Theming installed in 2012. I cannot express my happiness at the removal of the African Theming. With the refurbishment the buildings are more like they were in the days of Toytown. The only difference is that the buildings have been themed into the Rainforest. I think we’ve finally seen the back of Africa. This section of Chessington hasn’t made sense since the addition of The Rainforest in 2020. Chessington classed these buildings as part of the Rainforest despite them being outside of the entrance portals. With the area having a major refurbishment I hope a large entrance portal is installed to replace the smaller pair. I'm literally shocked and pleasantly surprised by the extent of the changes being implemented this Closed Season. Tiger Rock one of Chessington’s signature and unreliable rides is being overhauled and repaired. Hopefully this means Tiger Rock will be at Chessington for future decades. I must say from Closed Season Updates Tiger Rock looks the best it has in years. It’s out of view from the photographs so I’m hoping the Cave you go through has returned to being a Dragon as originally intended. Even Shipwreck Coast is receiving upgrades. The location of Trawler Trouble is undergoing massive maintenance. It appears that the foundations and surrounding scenery is being changed. It’s thought that the foundations for Trawler Trouble are being completely remade. It sounds like the practicality of the rocks at the base of Trawler Trouble was overlooked by the designers. Apparently the reason Trawler Trouble is docked adjacent to Wild Woods is because of the cramped foundations. Although cosmetically pleasing the installed rocks don’t give enough room for people to perform maintenance with the ride in place. I think the rocks are probably being removed. I wouldn’t be surprised if in thier replaced by a small pond/water feature. Rides like Trawler Trouble have ponds around them. As ponds can be drained during closed season people can stand in them while maintenance is performed. Key examples of rides like Trawler Trouble that utilise ponds are The Jolly Rodger at Crealy and Heave-Ho at Alton Towers. Please click the link below to see the Closed Season update. The update is very detailed and includes too many changes for me to mention. In analysis 2023 is looking to be Chessington’s best year. There hasn’t been the level of work currently being done at Chessington since it opened in 1987. https://themeparkguide.co.uk/news-page/Chessington-2023-Closed-Season-Preparations-Continue
  7. @JoshC. do you think the floating carriage will be removed from the former Derren Brown’s Ghost Train ride?
  8. @Trooper Looper Disney does have an animatronic at a window that pulls back a curtain. Phantom Manor isn’t the only Dark Ride at Disneyland Paris to employ this effect. The Snow White Dark Ride has the evil Queen stood at the window. It would be revolutionary should Alton Towers go down this route with Alton Manor. No Theme Park in the U.K has utilised this effect. Note I’ve never ridden Phantom Manor but from watching POVS the animatronic at the window is a great way to make a facade scary. This effect also offers a jump scare prior to boarding the ride. This is great for Parents as if thier Child is spooked by this effect they know too avoid the attraction. I have ridden the Snow White ride once. I was only 6 years old at the time. I don’t remember a lot but I recall being petrified. Additionally I didn’t notice the figure that pulls back the curtain. I was only 6 years old so wasn’t as observant as now. I have watched many POVS of the Snow White ride since. I must confess I don’t know why I was petrified it isn’t even scary. Each time I watch a POV I cannot miss the figure in the window. This effect is simple,easily created and highly effective. John Burton did state that Alton Manor will include technology not seen in the U.K before. Maybe one of the effects Burton was referring to is an animatronic in a window. The first piece of concept art released showed a figure in the right hand top window. I think this is confirmation that this effect will be in play for Alton Manor.
  9. @MattyMoo I get visions that Ghost Train will open on the 23rd of March. I predict the ride will be a total failure and the least popular ride at Thorpe. I think Ghost Train will have a Network Rail sponsorship attached. Finally I sense unlike Alton Manor Ghost Train will not last long. My instincts tell me that Ghost Train will be totally removed for the 2025/6 season. Whereas I expect Alton Manor at Alton Towers will last 30 years. I don’t have any insider knowledge yet I think Ghost Train is opening as a filler attraction. Basically so Thorpe Park can advertise a new ride and retain interest from visitors. On a slightly different subject I wouldn’t be surprised if the props from the gift shop make the journey to Staffordshire. To be precise I think these props will be located in Spooks’R Us or whatever the Alton Manor gift shop will be called.
  10. For your knowledge Psycics don’t get their information 100% correct. My visions of Rocky Express returning to Thorpe Park could be parts being included in a Scare Maze. As for Forbidden Tomb there’s still a month to go until the 2023 season commences. This is certainly long enough for the ride to return to its name prior to 2002. Even if Tomb Blaster remains untouched this season there are many more in the future when Forbidden Tomb could resurrect.
  11. @Hethetheth I am beginning to think I’m psychic. I’ve predicted 3 events that have happened. 2 of which involve Theme Parks. Firstly I foresaw that Project Amazon at Chessington would be related to Jumanji. Obviously months ahead this new area for Chessington was declared to be The World Of Jumanji. Secondly I immediately had a premonition that the refurbished Duel would grant Emily Alton and Snowy bigger roles. Thirdly about a year ago I sensed that a particular Carer of mine would be pregnant by the end of 2022. To the amazement of myself and my Carer she is now Pregnant. @Hethetheth you should apologies. Your refusing to admit your wrong as your freaked and jealous of my psychic abilities. If your sceptical about my insight into the future explain how I could know the outcome of a couple of Theme Park developments and a pregnancy. Even some of my Carers believe I have been gifted powers.
  12. Please can we all be serious for a second. No sarcasm,unrealistic statements or jokes. Does everyone think the animatronic Duck from The Flume will be incorporated into Alton Manor? When the Duck was first mentioned I thought people were mad. The Duck was far from scary. My then 4 year old Sister rode The Flume in 2014. She was not intimidated or scared. Trust me had this piece of Theming been remotely sinister my Sister would have been prettified. My Sister hated and still hates anything scary. Since the hints of Ducks appeared in Pop Up Dolls House event my views have reversed. I now think maybe the duck will be utilised. It’s an impressive animatronic that has been concealed in an SBNO building for the best part of a decade. Many Manor Houses have Duck ponds within the grounds. In the original version of The Haunted House there was a swamp scene. This scene featured a troll that rose from a bog. Creating a Pond would be a subtle acknowledgement to this scene. Additionally it would make Alton Manor more realistic. You could be chased around the Garden by Emily Alton and pass a pond. The Duck could then rise up from the water. This would provide an amusing jump scene for the whole Family. I have been to many Manor Houses/stately Homes. My Parents were members of the National Trust. Most of these have Duck Ponds. I can imagine the Goolish Garden seeing modifications. As the canopy that sheltered The Grim Reaper was sighted in the queline for The Invitation I think a Pond could be located here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the undertaker from this scene is redressed too look like a butler. If this is the case I think he’ll be relocated to the walk through preshow before you board the ride. the butler could be beckoning you into Alton Manor. Please reply with your actual thoughts and not the jokey posts that are strewn through this thread.
  13. Can everybody who was dubious about my hunch apologise? I have been saying for months that Emily Alton and Snowy have “repossessed” The Haunted House and ended the Duel. I am elated to hear Emily Alton has evicted the Zombies but I am proud to have proved the vast majority of the Thorpe Park Mania members wrong. In my soul I always knew Emily could conquer the Zombies it was only a matter of time. I cannot begrudge Emily for turning evil. I would be less than pleasant if some Zombies with guns broke in and squatted in my abode for 19 years. On a serious note which scenes do you expect to remain from the original Haunted House/Duel? I am expecting the Dining Room,Hall Of Spiders and Gholish Garden to be part of The Curse At Alton Manor. I think the Duck from The Flume may be included maybe they’ll be a pond in the Garden with the Duck on. Manor Houses do have ponds and very often Ducks inhabit them. I can confirm the carriages and ride system is 100% the same. If your being pedantic the Carriages have had the guns and scoreboards removed.. @Trooper Looper I think the ride will start of as Emily Alton being a sweet girl then she’ll turn sinister than at the last minute become nice. @Trooper Looper do you share my excitement on Alton Towers dedicating a ride to one of their best and underused characters.
  14. As the date of Emily Alton’s housewarming party nears it appears she wants to play hide and seek. I cannot wait to enter Emily’s Dolls House and explore its eerie rooms. @Trooper Looper from what I’ve heard/been told it’s likely both the Dining Room and Hall Of Spiders will remain. I am eager to see the refurbished Carriages I bet they look wonderful.
  15. I was told by UK Theme Parks in 2021. Obviously a lot can change 2 years. Due to this the ownership could have been passed onto Sands Heritage. This was my question to UK Theme Parks”Who is Richard,I thought Dreamland was owned by Thanet Counsel? this was the answer I received”Richard cadell is the one who is trying to get it running, they have been in administration 2 times in the last 3 years. Caterpillar, pinball x, air race, crazy coaster and bikes have gone. Gyro swing is up for 800k and dreamcatcher for 750k”. @Mattgwise I hope this information is interesting and helpful for you.
  16. Following a few years of focusing on entertainment,Dreamland will once again become an Amusement Park. Since lockdown many rides have been sold. Over the last few months Dreamland has had a massive refurbishment. They’ll be attractions to ,enthrall both the young and old. Prior to the Pandemic the horizon of Dreamland was glowing. Dreamland heavily investigated in a dozen rides manufactured by Zamperla. Unfortunately due to financial strain due to the pandemic most of the Zamperla rides were sold. Furthermore some of the rides restored by David Littleboy left. With the permanent end of Carters Steam Fair could Dreamland be its permanent new home. I know the owners of this Steam Fair were seeking a permanent home for the collection. With this refurbishment could we see The Wedgewood Tea Cup Ride,Dreamland Drop;Dodgems and Caterpillar return. Although these rides left Dreamland they were placed in storage. Dreamland is now under the ownership of Richard Caddell, the man who presents Sooty and Sweep,. Caddell has a track record of resuscitating dying Amusement and Theme Parks. Caddell has recently created Sooty Land at Crealy Adventure Park in Devon. I wouldn’t be surprised if the money omitted from Sooty Land has allowed Caddell to restore Dreamland. I hope Caddell has purchased some permanent Theme Park rides rather than travelling versions. Please can you descuss your thoughts and hopes for the 2023 season at Dreamland Margate? https://blooloop.com/theme-park/news/dreamland-margate-opening-new-family-coaster/
  17. As Alton Towers have named the refurbished Duel Alton Manor,does anyone think certain scenes could be like Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris. I don’t mean exactly like Phantom Manor but similar in the same way Pirate Adventure at Drayton Manor was like Pirates Of The Caribbean. Personally Judging by the marketing and teasers I suspect Alton Manor will be better than Phantom Manor. I don’t know about anyone else but the concept art has 100% convinced me that Emily Alton and Snowy will be the main characters. I suspected this when the refurbishment was announced last year. The recent concept art has 100% cemented my dream. I’ve always wanted Emily Alton and Snowy to feature more. They’re the most underrated characters in a Theme Park Worldwide.
  18. @Trooper Looper I also got this reply “Can certainly say the spiders scene will be staying,but I’m not allowed to say anything else regarding the ride. The vehicles have been sent away for 2 reasons 1)to have the guns fully removed 2) a refurb with a paint up and a slightly different design,but again that’s all I can say unfortunately. @Trooper Looper does it give you comfort that a percentage of the original Haunted House/Duel will live on in Alton Manor?
  19. I read the following on a Facebook Group I belong too “I can confirm cars are back on site, and also can co firm that set pieces from duel will be staying”. The same person confirmed the same ride system and carriages will remain. According to my source the Cars have had a lick of paint and the guns and scoreboards removed. Finally my source said the Spider Scene has been kept. @Trooper Looper I know how passionate you are about The original Haunted House/Duel so I thought I’d share this information. I’m relieved the ride system,arguably the best in the world, will be part of Alton Manor. It’s brilliant that Emily Alton has let the spiders reside in her Dollshouse. The Spiders are amazing. Despite this I bet people with arachnophobia won’t be so pleased. Let’s hope Alton Manor enables the ride system to survive another 30 years. @Trooper Looper do you look forward to seeing the carriages minus the guns and scoreboards?
  20. @Benin are you saying you think the rides carriages will remain but the mechanical side will be updated? I’d be happy if the same carriages are used with slight alterations. @Benin do you agree that the girl on the promotional photo looks like Emily Alton? You comparing the girl in the promotional picture to M3gan is laughable. Comparing the 2 is like saying a Watermelon looks like a Banana. Yes their both Horror based female characters but that’s where the similarities end.
  21. I was reading this magazine,there’s an article on the Duel refresh it mentions the ride system will receive a new Steering System. Can someone please tell me what a Steering System is? I have not heard of this terminology before. https://www.eap-magazin.de//48-News/12199,GB:-Alton-Towers-Announces-Name-of-Its-New-Dark-Ride-Attraction.html
  22. If Alton Manor opens on the first day of the the 2023 season its only 1 month and 3 weeks before we’ll be given a tour of Emily Alton and Snowy’s Dollhouse. Punters have seen Emily Alton and Snowy for 3 decades and 1 year and wondered what decor and spooky surprises are in their house. Finally after all of this time we’ll be able to venture into the Dollshouse.
  23. For anyone who doubts that the main character of The Curse At Alton Manor will be Emily Alton please watch this. The girl seen in the promotional art looks exactly like Emily Alton. The only difference is the girl in the artists impression has more colour. Please look at the clothes the age of the girl and finally the hair ribbon. It’s clearly Emily Alton. Note even though the girl in the artist’s impression doesn’t have a hat on its still Emily Alton. During her cameo in the Drawing Room Emily takes her hat off. Note the linked video wasn’t filmed by myself. I’ve linked it to thicken my evidence. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwid__rZ3eP8AhUdhf0HHdchBzcQwqsBegQIAxAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUsB1fgHt3YA&usg=AOvVaw0lnBijvkVsr4vaJc0Vsffu
  24. @Benin Rocky Express is reopening at a Theme Park it’s called Ride Heaven. With Duel becoming The Curse At Alton Manor Tomb Blaster could be returned to Forbidden Tomb. After all Tomb Blasters popularity was the reason the original Haunted House became Duel with guns.
  25. @Benin you’ll feel like a right twonk if everyone’s suspicions are right. There are more people that believe The Curse Of Alton Manor will be a tour around Emily Alton and Snowy’s Dollshouse than not. Come March you’ll be seriously shocked that your in the minority of enthusiasts that are sceptical about Emily’s involvement. All of the teasers and public knowledge point to Emily Alton being the main focus. I’m optimistic that come March Alton Towers will have the best Ghost Train style ride on Planet Earth. This will put the Disney versions too shame. I can guarantee that The Curse At Alton Manor will be a firm favourite for many years,and last years longer than the Original Haunted House and Duel did added together. John Wardley is involved in the creation of The Curse At Alton Manor so it’s guaranteed to be good. Wardley has NEVER designed a Dark Ride that is unsatisfactory.
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