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Everything posted by thorpeparkjack

  1. To be honest, it's not really out of order at all from the park. It's a special event, it's only a fiver and to be honest anyone moaning about this should of brought the premium pass.
  2. STRICTLY ADVANCE BOOKING ONLY - Basically means no on the door tickets.You could try ringing the park to get more info, and you may be able to buy tickets on the door, dependent on the number of guests that turn up - however it is recommened that you contact them before travelling...Does anyone have a rought Gate Figure estimate for tommorow? Are we talking 19K capacity? I Imagine so?
  3. Right, first ever trip to the Alton Towers Resort at Halloween, despite being numerous times in the last couple of years, I had never done Scarefest. I couldn't wait. In the weeks building up to my two day trip, the excitement of getting away to the resort just kept on building and building. I was not disappointed. An early start was called for 6.15am sharp. The trip involved me and 3 other friends, one of which could thankfully drive. We had a good run up the M25 then the M40 where we pitted at Warwick services for an expensive, but amazing cooked breakfast! No more traffic on the M42 or M6, and after a couple of miles of traffic heading to the Resort, we arrived at about 11am. I hadn't been on the monorail for ages. I think it adds to the excitement of it all, traveling through the park, seeing all the rides in action. I loved how Alton had gone to the effort to make a special Scarefest announcement on the Monorail, to inform guests about Halloween based attractions. Fantastic. It is small things like this that really make the difference to me, and hopefully to a lot of you guys aswell. I won't go through each individual ride experience as I did this summer, but what I will say is that Alton's ride lineup is unrivaled in the UK. It really is stunning with all 5 major coasters offering something different and special. Even Sonic Spinball was brilliant I have to say! But it wasn't even the rides that stole the show for me. It was the atmosphere that Alton went to the effort of creating. Maybe it was because I did FN first, and the atmosphere there was pathetic. But not only did you know it was Halloween, almost everything was themed. I mean from banners in Guest Services, to a WONDERFULLY decorated towers street, amazing lighting near hex, and even special food names in the pizza and pasta buffet such as 'Greedy Goblins Pasta'! I just could not get over the effort and detail the park put into the event. Amazing! There was something for everyone at the Resort, from the mazes to the Kids area, a classy family experience was offered. Onto the mazes... We decided to do Bolier and Carnival on the first night and ToTT the next day. On a negative note, lets face it 12 pounds is a complete rip off from Alton Towers. A joke infact. But we paid it nonetheless and headed to the Carnival first. There was literally no queue, which was expected. However this didn't stop Alton putting a group of 12, yes 12 through the maze. I mean I wouldn't of minded waiting an additional 5 minutes to go in as a group of 4, but no we were whacked at the back. And I was at the back of the whole group! The carnival was really good actually. I don't really like clowns, and being at the back of the group I was repeatedly picked on which was pretty good! The maze was a decent length with a great variety of rooms. It was well thought out and was extremely enjoyable whilst still maintaining a limited scare factor! I think it is a 7.5 or 8 out of 10 for me. The Bolier House. A storyline which intrigued all members of my group, including me. The queue was a little longer, but a great atmosphere was created by Alton with the Audio and the fact that you had to go down the stairs into the 'bolier house'. The Maze had a GREAT, I mean GREAT start. The intro scene was great where Viktor Hambles Mask is stolen, and should set up a terrifying maze. But no. It was absolutely, categorically ****. It was similar to The Curse on a bad day, limited actors, limited scares and poor theming. Just an all round disappointment. I don't think I jumped once. The end was decent I suppose, but by then the maze was over. 4 out of 10 for me. So after the disappointment of last nights mazes it was time to do TOTT. I don't think anyone else in my group was expecting much, considering this was the free attraction. But I thought to myself, this could be good. This is Alton Towers. This is a maze inside the towers. As we queued, I thought what a fantastic location for a horror maze. It was midday, yet dark, gloomy with light rain in the air. The Towers were beckoning, and boy did they deliver. We were put into a group of 10, of which I led. The first maze I had led this Halloween at Thorpe or Alton. The health and safety briefing was performed really well by an older gentlemen of I can't unfortunately remember the name of and we ventured into the Towers. From start to finish this was a great maze. The briefing video set the scene for what was to come. The maze was themed so elaborately, and being at the front there was plenty of scares, jumps from actors and special effects alike. At one point I was stopped in my tracks by a brilliant Vampire actor, who got right in my face saying 'LOOK AT ME'! Brilliant acting throughout, with a great finale. Probably the best maze I have ever been on to be honest. 9.5 out of 10 for me. Even the Zombie Scare zone was pretty good to be honest. It was a zillion times better than Thorpe's Dead End. It was really well themed and was a great attempt at a Scare zone. So as we headed down Towers Street, I look one last look back. The flags, the pumpkins, the Scarefest Characters and in the distance the wonderful lit Towers. After my last Towers trip in the Summer, I was slightly down on the place. At Scarefest, Alton most certainly does have the magic it used to have for me, maybe even more. It is a special event, I loved every minute of it. Video to come sometime this weekend.
  4. Agree with this 100%. I love the Intamin's, but am in no way against B&M's. I love Air, Nemesis and Oblivion. Just hate Inferno.
  5. I honestly don't see why Inferno gets so much love. It really offers absolutely nothing. Nemesis on the other hand, is a really great coater. But Inferno, no.
  6. Not really because...1. The Swarm hasn't even opened yet, nobody has been on it. Yes Raptor is similar, but not the same. So how can you say it is better than Stealth?2. Nemesis Inferno is a typical crap, forceless, thoughtless B&M.
  7. thorpeparkjack


    I don't think the first red card was a sending off, but apart from that he got it pretty much spot on. Chelsea players just couldn't cope with a team that got in their faces...
  8. thorpeparkjack


    SUPER HOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO38MiqTvo0My event video
  10. Great updates! Keep them coming please!!!!
  11. To show that each individual restraint has locked in place successfully.
  12. Nice one Marc, like the shots with the sunset
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awd-LZTIR5w???
  14. My Vloggy Review/Description of the Maze: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTOtBQznn7E
  15. Report by ITV's London Tonight Team on the park hitting 80.
  16. Right. Cheeky trip to Thorpe on Thursday. Arrived at just after 3pm, to a dead park. As expected. After nomming McDonalds Drive-Thru, we found just how dead the park was. There were NO queues, and it got even quieter as the evening went on. Overall, I was really impressed with the park. Operations were really smooth, staff were friendly and the mazes were good. The one thing I will say is that the problem with visiting on 'dead' days is that no atmosphere is created. I think this is a key component of the Fright Nights experience and was severley lacking on Thursday. This is not the parks fault, just something that happened. Furthermore, I HATE the new PA system for the Aslyum. The H&S briefing cuts into the music, totally killing one of the best atmospheres in the park, I used to love queuing in that last cattle pen, watching the groups head up to the platform, but oh well. Now for the new Maze E-10. Totally caught offguard. Thought It was gonna be the standard maze experience, but for those of you that have been on it you will know this is defo not the case! First time, I was seriously scared, more than any scare attraction before. It is simply world class from Thorpe, the real gem of Fright Nights. This is without a doubt one of the best things Thorpe have done. After a couple more goes, the experience was not the same. But as a first go, it really is fantastic, great job from the Park. Will defo be heading back to the park, where hopefully there will be more atmosphere. Media from the visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlBgZpnZSCwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf61_Tqq6Cghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfbaqU7mLsM
  17. woo 100 rep, thanks guys :)

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfbaqU7mLsMCheeky little POV in the dark. Sorry about the blurryness at the end, the launch is pretty sweet though.
  19. My pretty sexy photos, If I don't say so myself...
  20. Wow, exicting stuff! Can't wait to check it out this evening!
  21. Yeh to be honest It is pretty dissapointing. I think the Thorpe one shows a little too much of the mazes, but is still far superior to this.
  22. BUMP Looking good this year, wonder what the new attraction will be about...
  23. thorpeparkjack


    So happy to get a point in the end, it was the least us Rangers deserved. REF WAS A ****ING JOKE. Two penalties we should of had, and one Villa should never of gotten. Joke.
  24. thorpeparkjack


    Love it! Used to go all the time but haven't been in years...Would love to see the Aldershot - Man U game though would be great.
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