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Everything posted by thorpeparkjack

  1. I hope it's Intamin.Hopefully not another B&M wingrider.
  2. Ok so after losing my Pansonic Lumix TZ8 I'm on the lookout for a replacement. I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend anything?I'm looking to spend under 150 pounds.I need good video quality as I am looking to expand my Youtube channel. Would also like decent photos with a good zoom.Camcorder or Camera not sure really.Any ideas?
  3. Wow, that was an early annoucement. What I love is that would be absolutely nothing to the average visitor, but to us guys we can infer...The flume is a gonna...SW7 is a B&MProbably be pirate themed. Love it. Exicting.
  4. Wow some shallow hills. I bet it is still dull. Why are the park adding another rollercoaster which is virtually the same as one they already have? Werid.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j02G7i6vrqoJust a short clip I edited which I think illustrates how brilliant Lorikeet Lagoon is.
  6. Just a few words about my trip yesterday...Overall I had a really good visit. Just a nice chilled and relaxed day. Reliability is still a huge problem with Tidal being down all day with Rumba, Rush and Saw all having extended periods of downtime. Inferno opened on one train and stayed like that for at least 90 minutes. Rush was on one swing all day, but swinging incredibly high! There was nothing wrong with the Staff, but that was it. They were neither good or bad. Maybe my expectations are too high after my recent trip to Alton. Throughputs on the main queue lines were actually really good early on, but then fastrack kicked in and that went completely out the window. I was disgusted at how the member of staff outside the Colossus entrance was shouting at guests and the surrounding area about the benefits of fastrack. BBQ bar was good as always though and to be honest it was a pretty good visit to Thorpe. Despite all the abuse Thorpe gets, and most of the time deserves, It is still in some way special to me. Alton may be better, but not to the exaggerated extent that I believed before the start of this season.
  7. I also remember it shutting after summer. It's just the language used in my view suggestion some sort of change. Anything but concrete would be good.
  8. Oh does it...Even with a message about brand competitiveness?
  9. I reckon you can tell by the use of language that it is the end for Neptunes. Shame really.
  10. BUMP Found on the Full Ride Listing section of the Thorpe Park website. The end?
  11. Only one swing today, but Swing B was absolutely flying. Best ride I have had in ages, really pushed 100 degrees.
  12. I think all of the parks are just spending their last cash reserves seeing as the world is going to end...
  13. thorpeparkjack


    No way on this planet does X do 1K pph.
  14. So finally it was time for the trip I had been looking forward to for so long. However the morning was just a nightmare. First of all my 5.30 alarm decided not to go off resulting in a last minute panic with us only just making the 6.36 stopper from Woking to Waterloo. It then went from bad to worse as when we departed the train at Vauxhall, I stupidly left my bag on the train. I went after it but it was nowhere to be seen. Thats a good camera and around 200 quids worth of stuff gone. Then our Virgin Train to Stoke departed 25 minutes late due to 'operational difficulties'. But somehow I managed to pull myself together. I thought to myself - it doesn't matter - I am on the way to the best theme park in the UK, one of my favorite places EVER. My positively minded attitude must of impressed 'god' because our train made up time, our Taxi was already at the station and we managed to dump our bags at the wonderful Malthouse B&B and get to the park by just after 11. Now I'm not going into a detailed 'we did that then we did that' report for all four days, I just want to make some overall comments. Firstly the rides themselves. My favorite still is Air. It is simply majestic, despite it's lack of any theme I still enjoy the experience immensely. However, It would be better if they did open the right handed station earlier in the day before the line got longer. Nemesis. Rose into my number two spot after this short break. It was running pretty great. I had never really appreciated Nemesis before this trip and always thought it was 'over hyped'. Although that is still the case to a certain extent, I do understand where people are coming from now. The theme, the setting, the intensity are all brilliant. And if Nemesis didn't lose speed through the overbank and the last turn, I'm sure it would be my number one. Rita. I have always rated this off the shelf Intamin launcher, and this remains the case. The layout is more interesting that Stealth and the ride really does have some ejector airtime. It 'kind of' fits in with the new area, much better than it did in UG land. Oblivion is a one trick pony, but the trick is still as good as ever and the theme is unique and in my opinion enhances the ride experience significantly. I love the drum and bass in the station and that drop still packs a punch. They need to stop stacking the shuttles though, the wait to get back into the station is about 100 times longer than the experience itself. Th13teen is special. The ride station is a masterpiece (minus the celing) and I love the ride's atmosphere and theme. The outdoor section is fun, BUT PLEASE ALTON REMOVE THOSE TRIMS. The trim on the main drop and just after the carousel turn are pathetic and without them the ride would be improved a million times. The last twisty turn dropy thing is taken so slowly that it becomes a pointless element. Still love it though. Hex just gets better and better. It is one of the best attractions on offer at the towers and it saddens me that so many people visit Alton without riding it. It one of, if not the only experience that still retains that bit of 'Alton Magic' for me. It is a spooky, epic and mysterious tale. LOVE IT. Other attractions I enjoyed during my break were Congo River Rapids, Duel and the Mine Train. Katanga is without a doubt my favorite themed area in the park. It works so well and the interaction between the Mine Train and Rapids is fantastic. Also, with all you can eat Pizza, what more could you want!? The flume is fun, but is really old and decaying now. It needs some sort of investment and soon. I am now going to comment on the park as a whole. To be honest, I think it is the fact that I am now visiting the park more frequently the 'Alton magic' is slowly starting to fade. I think it must be that more than the park itself, unless anyone else has had similar experiences over the past year or two? So although I really did have fun during my visit, I won't be rushing back so soon. Not because I didn't enjoy myself, but so that next time I go I will enjoy myself to the same level. On an additional note I just want to comment on Alton's staff. Just brilliant. Words cannot describe how good they were for 4 whole days. Everyone was so friendly, helpful and welcoming. THANK YOU. If anyone is looking for a local B&B in Alton whilst visiting the Towers I would highly recommend the Malthouse. I can't fault the place. The people were so friendly, the breakfast was brilliant it just had everything you could ask for. Thank you for reading guys.
  15. This is a good idea which I fully support. If this were to happen it would improve the area, and remove the scar on the landscape surge has become.
  16. Hi Guys, just got a quick question for someone who is knowledgable about the local area. What is the cheapest Taxi Service for Alton Village (specifically the Malthouse B& to the resort and from Stoke on Trent station to the B&B. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers in advance.
  17. So was I mate, but there were so many posts I think nobody realised! More evidence is the bees in the top right hand corner of the concept art:
  18. It's bees, just like the 1978 film!Edit: There is going to be a remake in 2012... Surely I am misreading this, or have Thorpe actually gone for a 'killer bees' theme from a 70's movie?
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYubwxKrkbMFor people who are struggling with the video on the site.
  20. Oopps. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078350/The Swarm is the title of a 1978 film starring Micheal Caine in which a huge swarm of deadly African bees spreads terror over American cities by killing thousands of people.
  21. I'm not sure about the name at all. The train visuals look pretty nice. Maybe this is the end of the elaborate story though?
  22. Queued about 35 minutes for Inferno, very reasonable. More two rides - one shot love.Saw was great as per usual, crazy intense. Arty Colossus shot didn't quite work out. Twisty Intamin goodness. Saw this in the Rush Console. Seems like mangement is really pushing the throughput. Sorry if you guys are getting bored of Inferno! Two rides again, one of course is Inferno!Probs to many now...Last one I promise!Thanks for reading! More soon with Alton next week. Hope you guys enjoyed. Any comments or feedback are most welcome.
  23. Right. Thorpe time. I was looking forward to this visit. It acted as a 'warm up' I suppose for my Alton Towers trip which will begin this Sunday. And overall I had a really good visit. However the start was shocking. Arrived at 9.20 and joined the back of a long annual pass line. With no organization whatsoever the queue line quickly collapsed when the park opened and became a free-for-all. Nonetheless we were quickly in and decided to head to Stealth. Closed. Ok, no biggie headed up to Inferno. Made it into the station and waited for about 30 seconds before someone wondered over and said they were closed. Nice of them to close the queue line. So headed back over to Stealth which was testing. Waited with a large group of people for around 10 minutes before there was a another free-for-all run to the queue line. Got in the queue for the front and had a 3 train wait. Train didn't launch for even the first group of people. So we waited for around 30 minutes before the queue line was evacuated. By now it was 10.30 and we had got on nothing in the quietest part of the day. The weather was gorgeous and the park was getting busy quickly with Saw, Colossus and Stealth all picking up 90 minute lines before 2pm. We decided to just chill and enjoy quality of rides rather than quantity. I have decided this is the best way. We rode at the front of all four major coasters and forgot how much the experience is enhanced. The rest of the day was just spent chilling and generally enjoying ourselves. So from a terrible start, we managed to have a great day. The weather helped, as did the banter between staff and guests. Reliability was terrible though, with Saw, Stealth, Inferno, X having periods of downtime and Colossus opening on one train. Thorpe need to get this in their heads, OPEN RIDES AT 9.30 ON FULL CAPACITY not 20 minutes late on reduced capacity. Despite all of the operational flaws, I had fun, and that is what it is all about. I do like Thorpe, no doubt about that I just wish they would start treating their guests with a little more respect. I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking.A busy entrance for a Sunday morning. Bit of Chase and Statuses Blind Faith created a great atmosphere. I love the chart music on entry. Inferno was running OK actually not quite as forceless as a remember. Detonater is always good especially when the operator is in a playful mood!Stealth on pole is one of the best experiences on park. Cheeky little Stealth picture. Quite like this. Can't beat a little old school WWTP. The Stealth team were doing a really good job with the SR queue in the afternoon. Suppose we should so Colossus a little love. Yummy 25+ Temperatures. Saw had problems in the afternoon. Loggers is still one of the best rides in the park, in my opinion. Especially good in these conditions. Colossus shuffling through the Cobra. And out the other side. Thorpe + Sunshine = Pretty picture. I was in the mood of multiple rides in one shot yesterday. Tidal got a 70 minute line. Not surprising to be honest. The splash was pretty poor and wasn't soaking people in the zone or nearby. Lots of dissapointed people!Bit of LC12 theming, sunken gardens is now out of bounds. I believe that is the Dead End entrance from FN10. The fastrack line for Stealth must of been a good 30 minutes, complete oversell. As per usual. No doubt about it, Infero is Photogenic. More Detonater love. Photos are so much better on a sunny day. Love this one.Think this is my best of the day. Inferno was running well in the heat. I was suck on the brake run for about 10 minutes for some... essential cleaning in the station!
  24. Less than 3 hours to go before the countdown is finshed! Pretty exicted tbh
  25. 'On here' is a very niche group of people though, I expect the majority of Thorpe's audience enjoy it with a significant proportion of them prefering it to Alton, and almost all Chessington.
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