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Posts posted by Fred

  1. Towers on Thursday were running 2 trains on nemesis and sending one around empty every time...

    Now that pee'd me off far more than them just running one...

    Was the queue out the station at all? They run one empty if they're not filling trains (Cos it's hassle loading two trains and not filling), but the second there's a queue on the ramp then they should use two trains - if they weren't doing that then they're in trouble.


    The Smiler has run 5 trains almost the entire year, apart from the first week of September onwards (same time they removed it from ERT) to prepare for Scarefest. Then an unfortunate issue which led to it being on 3 trains the past weekend. I believe it may well be up to 4 trains now (as the Queue didn't go over 30mins this afternoon according to ride times).


    Oblivion usually runs a minimum 4 shuttles when on one station, 5 shuttles when doing dual station (up to 6, they have 7 like John says).


    Thorpe are just utterly useless at everything.

  2. Only thing which "doesn't work" on sub terra is the water effects downstairs - turned off because it was way too damp down there which would result in huge loads of mould and the lovely themed walls (which you can only see with the houselights on) falling down.

  3. Studio Tour in Florida just feels very dead. When I visited a year ago it closed way before the rest of the park closed. I think it even opened later too. Alongside the also very dead Muppets, and a huge closed off play area.. and then just 'set scenes', the entire area was a constant ghost town.


    Good they're getting rid, it was crappy.

  4. I thought the 15 people rule has been put in to place to allow enough weight to bring it back down if the sensor on the restraints sensor trips and the automatic safety brings it back down, maybe if it's too light it won't happen?

    It's a load of bollocks though. 15 people would make naff all difference to Rameses, whereas 15 people would make a difference to lightweight samurai.


    If Rameses sensors trips the first (and only thing) it does is to lock the gondola into position. Then you're stuck anyway. You need power to the ride to bring it down, be it under manual or battery powered. A miniscule amount of people on the ride (or even a full batch) would make no difference if there's no power. If there is power the only thing it'd do is make the battery lowering *slightly* faster.


    Chessington bringing in ridiculous rules for no reason.

  5. Aww no I want to add to this throughput malarky.


    X.. has 10 people in a train.. say it is being dispatched once every minute (sounds like thorpe) that gives you a maximum 600. They wouldn't be able to do every 45 seconds to get the 900 required.


    Swarm is sexy though. Love a good old swarm train.

  6. Rameses fountains are powered by a stupid button - so you have no choice of fountain level. Either full, or nothing. Operators press it, there's a delay. Accuracy is ****.


    Ripsaw has a sliding control, so you can CHOOSE what level to have it on, it's almost instant rather than any delay. Accuracy is awesome, and so almost all water related things are deliberate!!


    Reason why Rameses water is not touching front row? Bar pressure through the fountains. They can raise them much much higher, and it's LITERALLY just a choice of changing the bar. Ripsaw is the same, and often changes such as over winter to try and make sure the operators dont soak the gondola (they find ways, dont worry!!)

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