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Thorpe Park Trip Reports

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I would have thought the buzz of SAW would have died down by now, but today at 10am the SAW queue was 30 minutes, whereas pretty much everything else in the park was walk-on.

Nah no way! A new ride should have buzz for a couple few years, I can remember back in 2005 when Colossus would always open with a 30 minute queue from the word go.Hell Vampire and Fury always get a 40 minute queue upon opening and one of them is 20 next year!
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Stealth: 2 (Walk-on / Walk-on)

When was this? I managed to get a walk-on at the beggining, then fastrack at midday, then 20 mins at the end.Also, pegged it to saw right at the end but the Q line was closed- it was so funny because we got off stealth and first thing we did was RUN. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!! I got a huge headache because apparently my 'blood pressure was high' according to my mum. (still having the adrenaline running through me afterwards).Overall good day though, I'll agree to that :P
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At 9.45am, Stealth's queueline was completely empty. We went on the ride with no queue, and stayed on for a second ride.

Yeah, I always go to Stealth first now, if its open straight away, you can manage at least 4 rides with no-queue, if you stay there you can manage around 7-8 before the queue builds up.
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You can do this with nearly any ride except SAW now.Just adding to my trip report: One ride that I've never really thought much of before is Tidal Wave. But yesturday, for some reason I was seeing the ride in a whole new light. The theming around the queue and ride seemed better that I remember, and the actual ride itself was fantastic. I ended up riding it twice, because I enjoyed it so much the first time. And, I queued 35 minutes for it the second time, which I never would have done before.

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From last Thursday.Far less busy than I was expecting. Which was nice! And the park opened at 9.20am! So many rides in the first few hours. Including 4 Inferno re-rides without moving, 9 Stealth re-rides, then Det, then Loggers, Saw, KFC. That was all before 12. Avoided Slapps today. Didn't want a pounding headache. No ride breakdowns other than Rush once. The PA sound system went down parkwide which caused a shutdown of Colossus. Obviously they couldn't announce that it had stopped operation due to no speakers functioning. All part of H&S.... Saw Chris (Infernus) on teacups. Stuck around him for a bit. Saw was running well today. Quite smoothly. The queue didn't go over an hour. The queue was 15 mins in the last hour! We didn't rush about though. Couldn't be arsed. So we have a rather low ride count... Stealth x9 (1F) Inferno x5 (1F) Colly x2 (1F) Saw x2 (1F) X x1 Fish x1 Vortex x1 Samurai x1 Rush x3 Loggers x1 Det x2
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I aim for 30 - 40 rides per visit. Theres 28 there in that RC. All down to perfect timing and knowing when queues are going to be long/shorter. Thorpe is rather predictable. Stealth, Det, Loggers and Inferno are always dead for ages in the morning. Saw, X and Colly's queues tend to die off towards the end of the day. I never use fastracks.

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Thanks for the advice :P Celebrated my 10th time at Thorpe today!! Yes, I do go a lot lol :P Saw wasn't open till about 10:30am today, so when it did open me and my brother were there at the right time, because it was only a 5 minute wait! Hooray!>ahem<Also, 30th time on Nemesis today! >chuffed and pleased for himself< :lol:

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Thanks for the advice :P Celebrated my 10th time at Thorpe today!! Yes, I do go a lot lol :P Saw wasn't open till about 10:30am today, so when it did open me and my brother were there at the right time, because it was only a 5 minute wait! Hooray!>ahem<Also, 30th time on Nemesis today! >chuffed and pleased for himself< :lol:

10th time this year? Or 10th time ever?
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Had another fantastic day today. I've written some detailed trip reports over the past couple of weeks, so I will keep this one short and sweet. Good PointsThe park opened at 9.15am. I always say that the staff were friendly, but today they all seemed exceptionally friendly - especially the SAW team in the early afternoon. We found Colossus at 4pm with a less than 5 minutes queue. Queues were bearable, especially for a summer event. The ride operators were doing exactly what I like - playing games and competitions and making the queue/ride more fun, without wasting any time doing so. SAW didn't breakdown once in a 70 minute queue!Bad PointsThere was one member of staff that was a real pain in the backside. A female ride operator working on Slammer in the afternoon was very rude to guests in the queue-line and on the ride, sarcastic, and generally being just a pain. This was the only bad member of staff that I came across. Although the ride reliability wasn't half as bad as it has been in previous years, it was probably the worst today than I've seen it this year.No more bad points spring to mind. Ride count:Stealth: 2Tidal Wave: 2Nemesis Inferno: 1Detonator: 1Rush: 1Vortex: 1Quantum: 2Zodiac: 1Colossus: 1SAW: 1Samurai: 1Logger's Leap: 1Slammer: 2X :/ No Way Out: 1Rumba Rapids: 1As you can see from the ride count, we got on pretty much everything. With full ride availability, Thorpe once again provided a great day out. I know some of you might want the queue times from today, if so just PM me.

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