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Well heres a place to discuss the wonderful fairs we have!Earlier this evening was at a fair, didnt have that much but 2 rides stood out, firstly the orbiter was a totally amazing very fun and very forcfull! But secondly a Fabbri Top Spin, I thought this totaly amazing, especially compared to ripsaw/ramesis! Whist the fabbri one is smaller it is alot more comfortable and intense, I can honestly say for 99% of the ride I was not touching the seat, totally awesome!

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I have to admit - I'm not a big fan of fairs. I mean, I'll go to one if theres one local or if ive been invited but I'm not gunna run around britain just to pay a tenner to ride some thrill macheine which I probably wont even enjoy.I love thrill rides but fairs not always heighten the sense of adventure and what not. I'm sleepy.

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UK fairs annoy me. 5 pound for a booster?! Thats to much for a ride that does very little exciting. German Fairs are amazing though. 4 Euros for 4 people to ride Breakdance No.1 the most amazing flat ride ever. The lights, the misters the strobes. Simply spellbinding.I Capirola is the most intense ride ever and I say if you see one anyhere.. RIDE IT. It had my screaming expletives and holding on for dear life. Its worse then it looks.

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  • 1 year later...

I worked at my local fair on the Enterprise and the booster needs it to be £5 for reasons.. as in looking after it etc ... and sometimes if the ride looks boring ask the operator for a long intense rides like I do and most will do it for you, I normaly get 10min rides when I ask :Pand yesthe ONLY uk traveling Enterprise went to my crap local fair as the Booster & Enterprise are owned by brothers ....

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I've also been 1 that have never trusted fairs, although saying that I have been to Southsea, Hailing island and Haystings fair.They are fun (I love Enterprise) and the Waltza. At the southsea fair there's a ride that makes you feel like you are dancing (it's so cool!) and named the Disco:DI also like the twisters, although last time I went to get on 1 the wheel fell off the ride and it put me off!:P

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Ahh Clarence Pier fair is the one in Southsea. That was gooood! Operator with a water gun on the Twister was megalolz.Best fair I've ever been to was easily Hyde Park 2006. KMG Booster, KMG Afterburner, KMG Move-It, and Extreme, plus Wild Mouse and a whole tonne of stuff. Was awesome and mega cheap.Wembley, Barham Park 2007 was good too.

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I live near Clarence Pier and Hayling Island, and prefer Hayling by a long way. It just seems a lot more friendly, and me and my Mum are good friends with the owners, and the rides are better, in my opinion.Best fair I have been to is the Fair du Tronne in Paris, exhilerating rides galore, with a 10 minute cycle on a KMG Afterburner, and with some fantasic coasters.

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  Whiteknuckle said:

I live near Clarence Pier and Hayling Island, and prefer Hayling by a long way. It just seems a lot more friendly, and me and my Mum are good friends with the owners, and the rides are better, in my opinion.Best fair I have been to is the Fair du Tronne in Paris, exhilerating rides galore, with a 10 minute cycle on a KMG Afterburner, and with some fantasic coasters.

I prefer Southsea. The disco, The Twister, some stupid um... skyway is it?, Wild River, bumber cars and a Waltza.All that remains from that list at Hailing are the Waltza (not as good). The Twister (not as good) the River ride... and that's it.
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I quite like Funderworld when it comes to Bournemouth! Space Roller is worth the entrance fee alone!Dan_Rush: I think you would kinda like Paultons then because as far as I'm aware the "Wild River" is a Reverchon travelling log flume which Paultons has. They are getting a Disko Coaster next year! (one with the air time hill in the middle). They also have Go Karts and a few other attractions that you would probably enjoy!

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