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  Theme Park bloke said:

So if we've got 400 members, it means that over 2500 of the people who have applied have simply applied and thought "Sod this" and left their account to rot - correct?This is the kind of numbskull that irritates me - one member who signs up, posts one topic and then f**ks off:Clicky: http://forum.maniahub.com/index.php?showto...amp;#entry27390

Why do you have to be so aggressive?
  rush addict said:

when it comes to members joining a forum, there are 3 things that anoy me:1. people sign up, and never even visit the site2: people that visit the site, but to post the same advert, or other spam in multiple areas and spoil it for everyone else.3: people that can't spell, and none of there posts make any sense

  Jonny said:

Their. ;)

  rush addict said:

thanks johny, always getting those words mixed up!;)education nowadays;)

I hate the way you complain about people's spelling... then doing it yourself, and THEN acting all innocent as if you had not COMPLETELY contradict what you just complained about.Anyway on a completely different subject...I hate members who turn up thinking they know everything and complain about other members ;)
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  Will said:

Its called Dyslexia, which any smart person knows what that is. Plus there is spelling correction (ABC) icon.

I know what that is, in fact I think even a junior would probably know. I never once said that was not okay, I just don't like people that don't even try to spell correctly (see above). that for example, is not a cause of dislexia, she's just doing that to wind me upof course I know what that is, in fact I know people with it
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I love how utterly terrible their new slogan is, the sitcom with Bill and Sinfield was FAR better, I actually thought they were good (see my post up there ^) and was really looking forward to the next one. "Life without walls" Well if you have no walls, WHY DO YOU NEED WINDOWS. So so silly. And mimicking the Apple ads only draws more attention to them, why draw attention to the minority. Idiots.

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Nowadays buildings are pretty much made out of windows TBH.I think the overall point is when your using microsoft software, your not limited to what you can do, what hardware you use ETC! I think there better that the apple v pc ads, there getting abit boring, they also dont have the baby music in the background =DIts got the mac fanboys up in arms which is LOL enough for me!

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I'm not up in arms at all, I just think they're stupid. The Gates and Sinfield ones were awesome, I watched them a dozen times, I thought they were very clever. This is a very silly move to draw attention to a company that is FAR FAR FAR smaller than you. Either way the fact that Microsoft are on the attack shows they're scared, and seeing as Apple Mac usage has grown significantly speaks volumes for how affective the 'baby music' adverts have been.

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It was only a matter of time until microsoft launched something back, you dont sit there whilst other company's take the mick out of you! I personally think they are good, I also like the wall thing where users can get involved with it aswell!This is all one huge series of adverts, this is only the start of them.

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  Alex said:

I hate members that post on forums for a few months and then start strutting around like they own the joint.

  rush addict said:

at least I am not as bad as some other members, someone left a comment on my profile and I removed it out of pure frustration, not even a single word was spelt correctly, not even rush!I have problems with words yes, there and their, here and hear, where and wear, witch and whitch, but then when you can't even construct a proper sentance, I don't think you should be here.note: I'm not refering to anyone currently, just experience

Where have I not managed to construct a proper sentence? ;)Find a quote of mine from the last month (so I can actually remember that I posted it)In fact don't worry about doing any of that; I give up, I surrender.I try, but fail.
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