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Your Thorpe Park

Guest thorpe101

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2010) Rumba Rapids are closed to be exnteded and rethemed into Rumble River Rapids, meanwhile you a get a token for a free photo on loggers leap to make up for the ride's closure.However the park keep quiet that something else is being constructed to it is stated about the extra indoor buidling people think it's juts a storage thing, untill roller coaster supports are placed and the track pieces arrive.2011) Rumble River Rapids , the rapids now feature two wave pool areas and four small drops as well as water guns istuated in the island for passers by the fire water and several turn and corner sections. The indoor section has been extended to last two minutes and now features sprinklers on the ceiling that soak riders in the dark and a way down a large barrel is filled with water and bursts to overflow the water onto riders and soak them, the shower remains and is now working and there are also some animals dotted around such as a bird, a hippo and a aligator that squirt water at riders passing and a large water fountain explosion. The ride now lasts around seven minutes and features seatbelts.The roller coaster track is constructed and electrcial work, enignerring etc also, it becomes clear the ride is simalair to sequoia adeventure only over water.2012) The new roller coaster opens and the bridge is no longer blocked of giving acces to the ride. Th ride is called Temple Tremer.The roller coaster is part of the Calypso Quay area and is vased around a temple on the Tropical Island, the temple featured features cursed treasure that was once attemped to be stolen by the pirates, the pirates spirits are ecountered on the ride in the indoor section and then you reach outdoors. You reach 115ft and then you turn over for the first time over the water and then travel over the top of several spikes with some skulls on and then over the second turn over the water to travel over a coffin filled with gold and a skeletons hand rising out, over the third turn riders pass a group of skeletons all holding gold pieces in a circle and fire effect to make a fire, over the fourth and final turn riders turn right over Rumble River Rapids being splashed by several jets aimed at them, they then barrel roll and a half and return to the station.2013) X is close to be replaced by a new ride next year.2014) X is replaced by interatice walk through Pyramid fun house repainted to lost city colours and themed around completing the challenges of the roman gods and then escaping the pyramid with the gods essence.The new rides is called Plunder and is a classed as a adult fun house with a horror scene theme etc.It is revealed that X has been kept in storage and like Flying Fish will be brought back in a few years time in a new area.2015) Construction continues on the new area.2016) to be continued :(2017)

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2010) Retheming arrives for Ranger County and construction of a new ride in the fungle spot begins.2011) Ranger County Is Renamed into Tibetan Gardens.With a new mine train roller coaster opens in a building themed to a Tibetan Temple, the new ride reaches speeds of 40 mph. he ride is based around Tibetan Monks praying to the god when they become enraged.Features- Figruines, light shows, banked cruve's and air time hills aswell as trick tracks, Tibetan God statues.Monkey Banana Boat keeps name and theme.Carosel is rethemed to feature donkeys and Tibetan Carriages.X is closed to be replaced by a new ride, with the pyramid repainted lost city colours.2012) Supernova opens, a backwards in the dark roller wooden roller coaster, the ride also rises to a new height of 50 foot and speeds of up to 40 mph.The ride inversions are banked cruves, air time hills vertical loops, helix's and one break block run.The ride features- Glowing stars, lighting effects, a large rotating solar system model, thuder sounds and effects, evil laughter, a large glowing orb, fire effects.The ride is themed around the roman gods and outer space.2013) Thats all I got time for right now I have some more ideas tho :(2014)2015)2016)2017)I'll post mine later

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  ste193 said:

2012) Supernova opens, a backwards in the dark roller wooden roller coaster, the ride also rises to a new height of 50 foot and speeds of up to 40 mph.The ride inversions are banked cruves, air time hills vertical loops, helix's and one break block run.The ride features- Glowing stars, lighting effects, a large rotating solar system model, thuder sounds and effects, evil laughter, a large glowing orb, fire effects.The ride is themed around the roman gods and outer space.

I love the theming ideas, but the ride itself is a bit, well, much. I mean a wooden roller coaster going backwards, in the dark, with vertical loops? For a good old fashioned woodie, it is a bit much. I love the creativity of the idea and it is Your Thorpe, but it is perhaps a bit to elaborate. Sorry to be negative, as it is a very good, creative idea - but just seems too much really.
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2010-paint Colossus and nemessis inferno, take down all original sources signs, add a new flat to rangers county prefebly a topple tower add water fountins, permantly restore effects for nemessis inferno, stealth smoke and spend money to redo pipes for tidal wave fire and water affects. put a sign up on saw island stating "the games are back and harder then ever!" start more infilling by the second entrance to saw and complete the bridge. for fright night have all 4 mazes back and put a sort of family monster thing in the 4d cinema till 6pm then at 6.30pm have a horrer film in there.2011-clean up all of the park and park opening would be april time, crr would have a longer route with a bit of a story behind it. get a new speaker system for saw the ride, also open the new attraction themed on some of the games in saw, the ride would be a walk through like the london dungeons it would last about 20 to 30 minutes, your guide would take you into the first room where you would whitness the bathroom sceen, after your guide would suddenly get lost in an ally, the room would black out and when the lights come back on you would find your self in a room with a timer on the door. this game would chalenge you phiscly, you would have to work together, obviously not actuly having to harm yourself or others. if the timer runs out 2 doors will suddenly open and smash the side of the walls a light would flicker behind these doors and a jigsaw puppet would cycle out and say what he says when you fail the game in one of the movies, you would then leave the room and climb a flight of stairs about 30 feet tall then there would be a maxi slide called death slide for those who dont know a maxi slide is a normal vertical slide. for people who may not or if you chose not to ride the slide you go down the stairs and tis would be the end. if you do manage to complete the task before the timer runs out you enter a lift with about 12 seats, you take your seat then a lap bar lowers, and a fake beare mask is lowerd onto your face whilst rising in the lift a tv screen turns on with jigsaw on it, he says "congratulations you are still alive as you may know these are beare masks on your head you have antill this lift reaches the top floor antill they maule your face, let th......." the screen blanks the light turns off, next thing you know your plummmting to the ground from about 50 feet. you hit hte ground the effects used makes you fill like you have crashed, the guide brings out the torch they then finds a button and pushes it, it releasses the lap bars and opens a door you are then let out and thats the end of the ride. the ride would be a 15+. . fright nights this year would lose se7en andd just keep hell gate, asylum and a much better curse. x/:no way out would close mid seasson to be completely redone for next seasson.2012-comming soon...

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The main thing I would like Thorpe to do , is install an insanely-well themed dark ride. Preferably I would use the same system used on the ride , The Amazing Adventures Of Spiderman at IOA. Realistically, I would use the same coaster type used on Revenge of the Mummy, Universal Studios, (Manufactured by Premier and lets face it, we need a Premier coaster in the UK :( )Ideas for theming:I think a Mission Impossible sort of theme would work, with on-board audio and plenty of effects such as fire.You would start of, looking up at a screen in-front of the ride vehicle, and you would be briefed for your mission, you then start to slowly meander round immersive themed scenes until eventually "they" spot you and fire at you , the whole vehicle shakes/rumbles and then... the chase is on :( . You're then "fired" ( LIM launch) towards them, occasionally firing a missile (which results in huge fire effects being set off.)But then , you go too far and they have you trapped, the vehicle is now slowed down again to a crawl and you are given an intimidating talk by the enemy. Then you make a narrow escape by launching backwards and twisting round a few helix's.Your still not in the clear though , and the enemy wants you dead. You then are sped through high speed, highly-banked turns and various airtime hills until... your back and you are encouraged to re-attempt your mission. Literally just thought of this off the top of my head, but really any dark ride would be a fantastic addition to Thorpe Park, the idea above is purely what I would do and to be honest I think it would be a world-class attraction, something needed at Thorpe. :(

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  JoshC.4 said:

I love the theming ideas, but the ride itself is a bit, well, much. I mean a wooden roller coaster going backwards, in the dark, with vertical loops? For a good old fashioned woodie, it is a bit much. I love the creativity of the idea and it is Your Thorpe, but it is perhaps a bit to elaborate. Sorry to be negative, as it is a very good, creative idea - but just seems too much really.

I know but I'm going wild with my ideas know, since it was said an its obivous to me to, my ideas will never be recognised so its not like it's real.I suppose it could be possible somehow?but I doubt it.besides I have another idea since somebody stated they would like to se a well themed dark ride I'm working on a idea over in my head for one :(
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2012- the return of x/:way out but the name would change to "chemical-X" the outside queueing area would be demolished, there would be flame throwers on top of the entrance that go off on a cycle the pyramid would be painted green and black. once you enter the queueline you walk through diffrent rooms some with actors in them, the first room is a computer room with alot of new hi tech computers in there, on one of the computers theres a lady talking about a science experiment to do with chemicals reacting to make a super speed vehical. the second room there would be scientist in a lab talking about the risks and things that could go wrong with the experiment. then you wait outside a door when the door opens about 10 people go inside, on a plasma screen a man says, thankyou for comming along to test out what we like to call chemical x he goes on about how it was developed, then he talks about ride saftey like if you are under 1.2 you should not test chemical x and so on. once the video has stoped you enter the batching area, all ride ops are dressed up as scientists. when waiting you are infront of a door once the train is in the station the door opens and green neons light up the seats. you then take your seats in themed cars that look like speed cars, the cars are now controled spin when leaving the station, the train is pulled up in what looks like a garadge, a mechanical scientist then turns around and starts counting down, "3..." then a shouting voice from outside says " wait its not ready let me in!" the scientist says "its to late" the brakes are then released you start plummting down about 30 feet at abut 60 degrees. you then turn up abit then stoped by brakes. you are stoped for about 5 seconds then the controled spinning is turned off, you launch at 50 mph, you then go outside by octupus gardens and do a 40ft banked turn, then you go back into the building up a 30ft hill. you then spiral down 280 degrees into a 25 ft air time hill, then go up into a brake run a voice on the tanoid says I think we can get you off just hold on, now you are facing bacwards, you then start to roll fowards a bit then you go down a 85degree drop backwards, then controlled lock is then turned off, you then make a 360 helix and 2 buny hops into a final brake run you then cruise into an off loading platform and a voice says leave to the left for your final breifing, a video plays and says thankyou for testig chemical x, we are sorry for the problames we expirenced, we have now learnt that we can not let this out of the lab yet. you exit into a shop called the x shop there are diffrent ride themed merchantdise for people to buy such as a medal stating I tested chemical x or a badge stating the same. close off most of neptunes kingdom including the fish and start infilling behind it. for fright nights change hell gate to another name like no way out :( , keep asylum and keep curse.2013-comming soon

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2009: - Hotel Building Starts2010: - Colossus repaint - The Bump At the bottom of the drop on Saw the ride is fixed. - Hotel Building Continues. - Everything in the pyramid for X no way out is removed including the track put the main building is Kept.2011: - Hotel Is Finished - Colossus Trains Are Sent away for new spacious restraints + the bars on the side of the train are put back on. - A Gerstlauer spinning coaster is added in the x no way out pyramid, themed around a secret high-tech military Camp hidden in an ancient pyramid ruins. The Red/Orange parts of the pyramid will be painted gold so the pyramid will be gold and blue. the track will be painted Yellow with purple supports, only half the ride will be dark but the rest will be in a lit area in the pyramid soaring over the public, whom will be able to explore interactive scenery, the pyramid/ area will be named Secret Plan and the name of the coaster would be. Code: Red.2012: - A New area on the land behind stealth will be opened, it will be accessible by a path through sunken gardens. The area's name is Rock N Roll City. - A Maurer Sohne X-car Music coaster will be opened in the new area, the coaster will be called, Elvis's New Groove. It will be 110ft high with a 87 degree drop and will include 3 inversions: The Double take inversion, a corkscrew and a dive loop.2013: - A Zamperla Super spin ride is added on the new land rock N roll city, Named Whackey Guitar. - A Mac donalds is added on Rock N roll city. 2014: - Genral Clean UpsCan't be bothered to do anymore lol

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2010) Construction begins on a dark ride and a new area behind stealth and Fish.2011) The new area opens called Rouge Cove- Themed around Rogue Agents, but the world play is rogue wich is french for red insinuating blood!A building is inplace themed around a derelict secret base.Riders enter the building under the sign which says mind your heads and features several spike from the ceiling hanging down not at a hieght so to cause immeadiate danger. The ride is not suitbale for those who are disable sadly as it''s very physicaly demanding.First of all you wait for a greenlight and watch a TV, where a general tells you, you have been selected for a mission and tells you to prepare to face your fears! you then crawl through a pipeline tunnel with some water in and some red lights underneath, then they have to climb through several poles, they then come to face a second TV whith another green light system, whilst waiting they watch another pre show video congratulating them for getting this far, they are then told to prepare to die!They then climb a set of stairs where there legs are sprayed with jets of water and a mechanical hand reaches down from the ceiling, they then pass come to face a corridor where smoke pumps out and green lights light up the room, they are then blown air at by jets and hear gun shots, they then come to face a room where a supervisor greets them, straps them into the places and starts up the gravitron, the gravitron then stops and they are told to continue on.They walks along a corridor with glas swindows where they walk along and glass windows are banged on, they then turn a corner where a screma is plaid and skeleton falls out towards them, they then face a corridor where they walk along and all of a sudden alarms go of and laughter is played, they then are told to run for their lives as a laser netting heads towards them, they the run out of this corridor into a sharks head mounted onto the wall and then come to face a small elevator where the group is strapped in by a member of staff and they then start to climb, the lift climbs then an alarms plays and drops in darkness it then climbs again and lights turn on.A staff member free's them and they then await green lgiths to slide down slides. The slides are all different layouts, the darker the colour the nastier they are, this is explained to them by staff, they then pick there slides and go.The bottom of the slide they get out of the are and are shown a final video where they told hey have passed the test and are true soldiers, they are ready to take on Supernova. :)2012) Thats all for now :D2013)2014)2015)2016)2017)I'll post mine later

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2013- remove depth charge, wet wet wet and flying fish also continue filling more of the lake for 2014, start advertising the underworld a sort of under water expirence. to make up for loosing 3 rides, put a filler ride behind stealth like a chair swing ride called johnys wizzer and also put a ride near nemessis inferno called T.N.T a smaller version of detonator about 30 ft tall for younger children. 2014-open underworld with and expanded beach with 5 new top of the the range water slides.also 3 rides, a high tracked ride going around the island called the sea side trolly train which starts where the depthcharge picture booth used to be, the station is themed to neptunes castle with dimmed lights and statues, as you leave the station you travle through diffrent aquriums and sets, the second ride uses alot of the flying fishes land and the infilled land it would be family coaster like thisPosted Image the trains would be themed to neptunes body and head, the ride would come out of the alantis themed station. go up a 30 ft lift then into a left turn up to 25ft, then strait down into a 270 right helix, then up a 20 ft air time hiil, then going under ground -10ft then rising up on a right turn over the station, then headding down over the water into another helix this time 340, then go back onto land into a building themed to more alantis stuff, then travling up a second chain this time 40ft, then decent into a spiral 230 then back over the water into a 30ft hill and a shrp turn to left flying over the trolly train ride then into a left turn hill over a path way into another helix then one last hill then into the brakes. and the last ride would be a jump2 ride that would have smoke fire and water effects to make the ride more fun.2015-clean up all rides finish infilling the left side of stealth, also clear out the arena and rangers county for a new land, advertise the new land with signs saying "explorers ready for some real dinosour action!" guests start seeing alot of artafical and real trees up alot of jungle huts and a big wodden hut. another sign is put up stating,"have you ever wonderd waht it would be like to fly." the park never release any usefull information. a new poster is put up with a safari car and alot of dinosours and trees around it with a what looks like a B&M inverted track, with a flying perodactile themed car going over the safari car. for the loss of the arena, carousel and mr monkeys bannan boat also with the topple tower out of operation entrance fees are reduced to 30 pounds on the day.behind stealth infilling is complete for construction for the following year.2016-comming soon

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2016-new land is opend and is called the land of the dinosours, guests enter the area by nemessis inferno they are greetead by two dinosours about 30 feet tall (I'm not good with dinsour names :) ) after wallking a few feet there is a big wooden hut where mr monkeys bananan boat used to be. inside the hut is a indoor play area for kids, there are big dinosour themed slides and walk ways, the climbing frame is about 8 floors high! straight ahead on the left by where the carosel used to be is another large dinosour surronded by a wooden fence that when you speek into the tannoid it will repeat what you say but louder and in a grunty voice. next to the dinosour is the entrance for safari tours, the ride starts just behind the large dinosour where jumpin juices used to be, it goes right by slammer after going by alot of sceenery then goes into where the arena used to be near a water feature, then exits by slammer it then travles under a bridge by Colossus the second entrance to the area, it goes behind the topple tower now known as te-rex then goes under the first entrance by inferno and behind the indoor climbing frame called jungle gym then back to the entrance. if you carry on you get to the 3rd entrance which leads on to amity cove, then you can go straight on or into the arena, going to the arena will take you to the new coaster its called peradactil, its a B&M flyer themed to flying like a peadactal over the land. you start at the back of the aren on an artafical waterfall about 20 feet up. the station is a single satation and themed to a rock cave. you start by going down a right curv like nemessis infernos one till your 3 feet on top of the pond from the waterfall, you then lie on your back and turn left next to the safari ride and fountins start going over you and the safari ride. you then turn into a flying position, ang go up a 115 foot chain over the jungle gym. whilst going up the chain there are flame throwers every 10 feet that go off as you past them. you then do a 110 ft drop behind tee-rex curving to the left, then go into an 90 ft wing over by spinning dinos which used to be johnnys whizzers, then travel back into a jungle enviroment and into the arena. you then do a 80 ft hill over the water fall and do a fly to lie position over the nemessis inferno entrance, then travle through jungle gym back into a normal flying position and travle behind tipple tower into a 60ft pretzel loop, and then up a left curv into a 40 ft mcbr, you then go down under the Colossus bridge enrtance along side the safari, then do a zero g roll and around a final helix around a rock feature into the final brake run.this would be thorpe longest and second tallest coaster.

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2010) The Flying fish is given some much needed foilage and an exnteded pond, Colossus and the lost city rides are repainted.The Lost City flast are given some new theming to spice them up.Rush- Air jets are placed around in the que line.Vortex- some stylish vortex paintings are painted onto the pavement for the que.Zodiac- Is painted to feature suns and moons on the cars as well as the twelve zodiac signs.Quantam- A large quantam drawing is painted onto the pavement.Samurai- samurai drawings are painted onto the pavement.2011) Construction begins on a new ride in the spce of MHFS.2012) Ranger county is rethemed to a jungle area with the mascots idea being removed and the carosel has been rethemed to be based around zebra's.Rides:Monkeys Banana Boat- Mr Monkeys banana boat, remains the same.Zebra Plains- The carosel rethemed Hyena Rock- A mine train ride based around hyena's living inside a large rocky area.The ride is que is made by rocks with the old fencing being removed and the ride is an indoor mine train coaster themed around hyena's living in a large rock, the train is a mine train with ivy painted on a hyena head hanging out the drivers compartment, the ride is completely indoors, with a scary family feel to it.Using hyena manequins, lighting and sounds, skeletons, near misses with rocks, skulls.The ride lasts several minutes.2013) X no way out is removed from the park and sold as scarp metal and the pyramid is painted lost city colours.2014) A new ride opens called Sancta, a new walk through dark ride in the X pruamid based around a sacred temple of the lost city it is essentaily a tribal fun house.The ride starts when you walk along a floor that goes back and forth, passing several skelsetons which arms sway the way you go, you then walk along through a smokey area climbing through several spiders web themed area and when you get around the corner face a large spider manequin, you crawl through a tunnel with different lighted areas and water, you then come to face a scene with a man banging drums and a woman tied to a upright log and large red eyes appear behind her and air jets are sprayed at the riders.Riders then walk along a corridor where sectiosn of the floor run left or right and riders are told to run through quickly as slanted walls make it seem like the walls are closing in. Riders then are strapped into a gravitron ride and spin for a a few minutes with thunderous sounds and lighting effects. They then are told to conitnue and walk along a corridor where the floor rises up and down passing a skeleton on a thrown and skeletons on the floor apinted onto the wall. Riders then face several distorted mirrors in a room with skeletons tied to the wall.Riders then climb a set up stairs which move up and down they then slide down a slide at the very top of the pyramid with a large eye painted on the ceiling and red grene lights to tell them when to go, there are three slide all the same, the slides are 50ft tall and are I'm complete darkness and reach a golden ball pit at the bottom. They then come into a large room whith golden chests and treasure painted on the wall they walk through with jets on the floor spraying them and they then come to a a long revolving barrel corridor where riders walk along, after this they come to the shake shack room themed around a diamond being taken and the room then shakes and riders are told to run for their lives and then get of to walk along a corridor with strobe lighting and evil faces painted on and the floor tips from side to side, they then exit the ride.2015) A dodgemes opens in the sunkern gardens next to Stealth themed to Amity raceway.2016) 2017)

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2010: Earth and gravel is imported to make small islands dotted around the outside of the actual park in the lake.Like so- : O :(The O is the park nowand the dots are the islands around it in the lake..)-The small islands begin construction.-X:/No Way Out is re-themed to fit the Amity theme and made part of the Amity Cove area.It will be called Beach Zone and it would have lights, have paintings on the wall and structures like the ones around Tidal Wave.2011:-The islands have completed phase 1 and concrete starts filling it in.-Construction begins on the new hotel-Nemesis Inferno Will be painted blue.2012:-The park re-themes everythng in the closed period to match the 2012 olympics.This will include assault courses for children, and sports zones for adults/teeenagers.-The islands are complete. Construction for monorails starts to connect all these up and back to the park.So it will look something like this- :>O<:(The lines are the monorail track and the dots are the islands).2013:-The hotel will be finished and opens to the park-The park is re-themed back to normal after the olympics-The islands around the park start to have rides built on them, around the monorail stations and themed individually.2014:-3 new flat rides are introduced around the Stealth area (behind the Q line)-The islands are complete and boats are available for guests to travel to the islands, but with a £2 charge on every person.-Alternatively, the monorail can be used free of charge with a queue line for every station so it oesn't get congested.2015 onwards.......who knows????? :lol:

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  stealth888 said:

2010: Earth and gravel is imported to make small islands dotted around the outside of the actual park in the lake.Like so- : O :(The O is the park nowand the dots are the islands around it in the lake..)-The small islands begin construction.-X:/No Way Out is re-themed to fit the Amity theme and made part of the Amity Cove area.It will be called Beach Zone and it would have lights, have paintings on the wall and structures like the ones around Tidal Wave.2011:-The islands have completed phase 1 and concrete starts filling it in.-Construction begins on the new hotel-Nemesis Inferno Will be painted blue.2012:-The park re-themes everythng in the closed period to match the 2012 olympics.This will include assault courses for children, and sports zones for adults/teeenagers.-The islands are complete. Construction for monorails starts to connect all these up and back to the park.So it will look something like this- :>O<:(The lines are the monorail track and the dots are the islands).2013:-The hotel will be finished and opens to the park-The park is re-themed back to normal after the olympics-The islands around the park start to have rides built on them, around the monorail stations and themed individually.2014:-3 new flat rides are introduced around the Stealth area (behind the Q line)-The islands are complete and boats are available for guests to travel to the islands, but with a £2 charge on every person.-Alternatively, the monorail can be used free of charge with a queue line for every station so it oesn't get congested.2015 onwards.......who knows????? ;)

No offence but doesn't that seem like a waste of time money and effort, retheming the rides so that they are themed around something thats only a year thing not really that it's mainly summer and then theming them back again, that would cost millions of money, meaning millions wasted on something thats pointless, to be honest I think the park should be saving their money to due up and create brand new rides and cleaning the island.
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  ste193 said:

No offence but doesn't that seem like a waste of time money and effort, retheming the rides so that they are themed around something thats only a year thing not really that it's mainly summer and then theming them back again, that would cost millions of money, meaning millions wasted on something thats pointless, to be honest I think the park should be saving their money to due up and create brand new rides and cleaning the island.

backing up stealth888 here, you were origanly stating in previous pages that money doesnt matter and that it called your thorpe park so it means you can re-theme/theme what ever you want want. ste193 Posted Jul 23 2009, 02:24 PMI know but I'm going wild with my ideas know, since it was said an its obivous to me to, my ideas will never be recognised so its not like it's real.now your saying that they would not have money to do these things. I personally think you being abit of a hypercrit.
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  stealth888 said:

-Nemesis Inferno Will be painted blue.

Jeeze thats a whole lot of themeing you got going on ;) But if its what you'd do with the park, then thats fine. The problem with painting nemesis inferno blue is that the " inferno " part is all about fire and the redness and the 'hell' bit. And as its been themed around a volcano it would kinda take away the inferno aspect if you paint it blue, lol.
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^^I was kinda bored when I wrote that, explaining the stupidly unrealistic scenarios like painting nemesis blue and changing the whole park to fit the 2012 olympics ;) But I still think the monorail/island idea is kinda cool ;)Edit: for the olympics thing, I meant it to be an event thing like sun scream, with tents/stages around the park advertising it and with interactive/physical activities to get involved in ;)

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