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Chessington 2013

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If you think the Count's Cauldron exterior was bad, that's your opinion - but my opinion is that it was the best piece of theming in Chessington. I know they've uncovered the original facade and it's far from the finished picture, but then my opinion is also that the planning of this could have been better.

Covering up old signs and putting a new sign up over it is common practice, whether it be in a theme park or high street. Basically, the parks are just following the general rule of thumb of high street shop fitters. I never saw the ride itself before it was converted, but online construction archives of the conversion of Toyland Tours to Charlie at Alton Towers revealed some old facades from the 1980's, again a common practice that has been used for years.

Think about the logic. If it's going to cost £500 to take down a new sign and put a new one up in its place, and just £150 to stick a new one up over the old one, I know which option I'd be going for.

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Think about the logic. If it's going to cost £500 to take down a new sign and put a new one up in its place, and just £150 to stick a new one up over the old one, I know which option I'd be going for.

Except that taking down a sign does not cost £350.

And if that were the case, how come this year they have decided to strip all the old layers off if they could have just added a fourth layer? By that logic, in 30+ years the building would have extended an extra metre into the path!

Whatever. I don't really care what the builders do, I just thought it was amusing/interesting how the Black Forest Chateau was still intact after 23 years.

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Sure, the other day the front of my house fell off and I found a wattle and daub cottage behind it!

But I think you missed my point, I understand why they would cover up a sign, but this is an entire facade! They positioned new plaster boarding over it and built on top of that, bringing the building forward about a foot, judging from those images. Wouldn't it be much easier to remove the windows and faux-timber framing from the original wall and just redecorate?

Wait, I think I can answer my own question:


Whatever. I don't really care what the builders do

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Very judgemental. And I have not missed your point. I think you don't understand the logic and costings. I doubt the entire building would have been brought forward by a foot, certain parts of it may have been. Also, clearance has to be considered when the Vampire flies by, so in the 23 years it's been there and the modifications to the building, I bet much has hardly changed as to how far it sticks out.

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Very unnecessary. It most certainly is unusual to have such a perfectly preserved façade remaining under a newer one like that. It almost looks like when they have constructed the newer one they have done it in such a way to deliberately preserve the old, so it could have been bought back if they fancy.

I love it, leave it as it is now!

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Went yesterday, not toooo much to report on...

Lots and lots of random bits of work seem to be on the agenda this year, Creaky Cafe looks really good, the green not as in your face as the pictures make it seem, inside it's a bit basic really but it's a definite improvement...

The facade work in Translyvania is weird, allllll the way along the front up to the backside of Chips Ahoy... Interesting to see how that develops... Lots of old theming on the floor, tempting to take some home really :P Didn't see any work on Vampire's gate (indeed, a train was casually chilling down there though)...

Zufari might be lucky to open in March, LOTS of dirt hills and such... But you can't see much from the Wanyama area because of this so...

Not much to report because of the sheer lack of places to get to at the moment... Hocus Pocus has had the usual repaint of everything though, and Bubbles looks worse every year, nothing ever changes sometimes...

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  On 2/11/2013 at 1:02 PM, RideAddict said:

Is the Creaky Cafe menu different from when it was Refresh?

And what has been painted at Hocus Pocus Hall, and inside or out?

1 - Dunno, didn't eat there, looked to be the same if not similar though...

2 - The usual repaint of the interior 3D effects making them look 3D after a year of wear and tear... At least they do it...

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I believe it will be open for annual pass day but they won't advertise that on the main site in case everyone turns up for the event. I've uploaded some pictures from Zufari today, there does seem to be a lot of dirt still although over the other side huts and buildings are now clearly in place along with walk ways and presumably the loading area. The Fascia to the Burger Kitchen looks like it will be much like Creaky Cafe (probably not green though!) with most of the old fascia being covered for years to come! Update for those who'd like to see here.

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Thank you very much for the updates.

Interesting that they have chosen to cover up the Black Forest facade again, although perhaps only partially this time? It shows they must have a specific plan in mind and want start from scratch. They have also removed the half-timber details from the recently uncovered frontage over the toilets, so suggesting they are redesigning that entire side of Transylvania. This is very unexpected and has the potential to be amazing, as long as they don't turn it into some goofy haunted castle or something.

Currently it's difficult to tell what appearance they are going for, as they haven't really started to theme the new facade just yet. I assume they have bordered up the old windows to protect them before they put the new layer on top, so they won't be visible once they have finished. You can see they have begun replacing the gable end and bargeboard along the edges of the roof as well.

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Forgive me for directly linking to your image, but this view is particularly interesting. For somebody who never visited Chessington in its early years, I am really surprised just how much was hidden. The whole area looks more spacious and Vampire's drop is more of a spectacle - and all they they did was remove some trees!

Look how they have removed the sculpture of the phantom horserider, presumably to get the scaffolding in place. I actually hope they don't put it back or at least relocate it, despite the good job they did on recycling the old Rodeo cowboy. I'm just not a big fan of static theming stuck outdoors where it only looks false, and it made no sense in that position.

Also it's good to see the Creaky Café proving popular, but... monkeys? In Transylvania? And why remove that one turret from the roof but not the other? Please put it back.

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It is nice to see Transylvania getting some TLC, Although I like the vines covering the area it will look a lot more neater by cleaning it all up. The next thing that needs doing will be The Bubbleworks building as that is in some dire need for repair.

  On 2/21/2013 at 7:08 AM, Adam P said:

I believe it will be open for annual pass day but they won't advertise that on the main site in case everyone turns up for the event. I've uploaded some pictures from Zufari today, there does seem to be a lot of dirt still although over the other side huts and buildings are now clearly in place along with walk ways and presumably the loading area. The Fascia to the Burger Kitchen looks like it will be much like Creaky Cafe (probably not green though!) with most of the old fascia being covered for years to come! Update for those who'd like to see here.

Zufari is also coming along nicely! Thanks for these updates Adam :-)!

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This is the biggest change I've seen to Transylvania, and certainly the biggest since the Vampire was modified in 2001. The area's still got a few years left yet, how long is anyone's guess.

A few weeks ago the Burger Kitchen interior was still the same, with the fake trees. Can anyone confirm if it's staying the same inside or are they totally changing it too?

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