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  1. Yesterday
  2. If these rumours are true I hope Scorpion Express is demolished promptly. The area occupied by Scorpion Express is a sizeable plot. In my opinion a River Rapids ride,of a similar size to the former Viking River Splash at Legoland Windsor, would be perfect. I have always thought a River Rapids would be perfect for Chessington’s demographic. Furthermore being located within Mexicana the River Rapids could have a extravagant theme. A Rapids Rapids themed to Mexicana could be epic. I can imagine the animatronics,special effects and theming such a Ride could include. years ago there were plans for a River Rapids Ride on the area which is now The World Of Jumanji. Just because these plans were cancelled doesn’t me they can’t evolve into a River Rapids in Mexicana. Chessington have shelved proposals in the past and reinvented them years later. To me this signifies that a River Rapids isn’t off the cards. A couple of years before the area’s retheme to Land Of The Tiger,Chessington had planning permission to build a Watermania ride in Mystic East. The ride would’ve been next to Peeking Heights on the site of some Pay Per Play attractions. For various reasons this attraction was cancelled. Fast forward to 2022 and Barrel Bail Out opened in Pirates Cove following its retheme to Shipwreck Coast. Barrel Bail Out is a Watermania like the originally planned addition to Mystic East.
  3. Last week
  4. TBF I think they can do both? I’ve seen a few American enthusiasts praising Thorpe for their transparency and regular updates on Hyperia’s closure, which is ironic when you see people on Twitter demanding more information. Thorpes ride availability page has been updated to state Saw will be closed on the 3rd and 4th May (but really it’s June!), I think it’s safe to assume that will be related to Hyperia. Trains have also been spotted filled with test dummy’s too so fingers crossed if all goes to plan the 8th is the day depending on how much testing Mack will want to do.
  5. The chandeliers are back! Brilliant.
  6. That would certainly make sense. I see the Hyperia shop is now open. I get it, make money but it's giving me DBGT PTSD.
  7. SAW is planned to be closed on Monday and Tuesday, wonder if this is for Hyperia access?
  8. After watching a minute and a half of them patting themselves on the back for how well opening day went it made any apology feel insincere. As @Mark9 said, rubbing noses in those of us who weren't able to attend on the day. The sole focus of the video should've been regarding the 2 week closure with no mention of anything else.
  9. From my understanding, this isn't related to the current closure of the ride. Despite it not being planned, the park are taking the opportunity to continue working on the area where possible.
  10. Any ideas what that is? Lift motor/drive wheel?
  11. I don’t know about that - she apologised several times in that video.
  12. I mean it was a really good day but it does feel like they are rubbing everyone else's noses in it.
  13. Thorpe joining in on the classic YouTube non-apology video train. Spent more time going on about how good opening day was than anything else.
  14. Spelling isn't always Thorpe's socialz strong point. Maybe now is a good time to bring out a Fright Night's construction video to divert attention and think of more positive times xoxo
  15. I do feel so bad for everyone involved. They got it over the line (just) on time, and launched it perfectly - now this… Hopefully they’ll get it back up and running soon.
  16. Someone has claimed something to do with the lift chain. Which given that we've seen engineers on said lift hill and it was making a racket when open isn't a big stretch. Someone's put a camera in front of her whilst making a cuppa?
  17. We will be interrupting this broadcast for an announcement from the Queen very shortly 😁
  18. At least it means the YouTubers can reopen their construction updates series. Wonder if it’s a part that’s required or an engineering issue comprising safety?!
  19. Was off to the Northern line m8. Yes - was thinking the same - surely they will have to pull adverts or reissue with extra text that says "Opening soon" at the bottom... Feel like we need a statement from our Queen, Alice, to quell the rumours and explain what's going on. This is the only way the situation can be fixed.
  20. Omg I was on that escalator yesterday too! Did you go down the abba tunnel or were you heading for the northern / Bakerloo line!
  21. Ouchhhh Gutted for them! I've had a load of adverts for Hyperia the last couple of days, they need to look at pulling all the ads if they still don't have an opening day in site
  22. Just announced - they cannot commit to opening before 8th June. Yikes! Most definitely not a sick one. What an absolute disaster - and I don't think that's an exaggeration. Still, will give them a chance to put more plants in.
  23. Is there any inkling of what might be wrong with it?
  24. Probably be tomorrow and very last minute unless its 100% fixed. They'll be desperate for it to reopen for any of Half Term.
  25. I was waiting for some PP insight, much appreciated. Will my visit for 11th June be OK, in the form of a song please? One would imagine that if Hyperia is not planned to open on Thursday, they'd be announcing that by park close today?
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