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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/18 in all areas

  1. JoshuaA

    Fear on a Ride

    You have already done Galactica right? That kinda counts as upside-down, heck the fly the lie element on Airlatica is more intense than most of your usual inversions such as a corkscrew and a loop anyway in my opinion. I'm guessing Speed wouldn't be too bad, it doesn't seem as rough as Saw so it should be a fairly good ride to get you used to inverting. Rameses used to be quite intense though these days it runs fairly sluggish so it will probably bore you more than anything.
    1 point
  2. streetmagix

    Park Operations

    They're still getting hammered on Tripadvisor (I'm aware that people are more likely to complain than praise), things will only get worse as the school trip and summer holidays arrive. Honestly: the next few years could be golden for Thorpe. The late opens have been a success, cheap annual passes and the park is looking better than last year. They just need to quicken the operations, either reopen or remove the SBNO rides and make Project 2020 a success.
    1 point
  3. You're probably being sarcastic but I've just tweeted them Now we wait.
    1 point
  4. Coaster

    Park Operations

    So they're selling a lot (and I mean, a lot) of Fastrack in the full knowledge that ride operations are slow and there aren't enough staff to cope? Guest experience = gone.
    1 point
  5. But the social media team said they hoped Loggers Leap would be making a splash back soon so with that in mind who knows where Vortex will be back ?
    1 point
  6. MattyMoo

    Nemesis: Sub-Terra

    It's finished already ? I can only begin to imagine what's been going on inside after 3 years of Alton Towers Loving Care, going to be incredible.
    1 point
  7. I personally like the comments from people saying it's gone from "Year of the Walking Dead" to "Year of the Brain Dead" ?
    1 point
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