Following feedback, we're trialing a Thorpe Park Mania Discord!
Please find the link here!
This can be a place for members to chat, to get to know each other in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. For those who have been on the forums for a while, this is in many ways acting as a new Chat Room.
A couple of housekeeping rules...
-Please keep things friendly, polite and appropriate
-If your Discord username is different to your forum username, please remember to introduce yourself
-As Discord is separate to TPM, we can't necessarily moderate it in the same way as we do the forums. Members of the TPM team are in the chat and can keep an eye on things, but we're mostly there to chat too! If you do ever have an problems/concerns about it though, drop me or one of the team a message
We can look at doing organised chat times and such in the future, but for now, we'll see how things go!