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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 10 hours ago, StevenVig said:

    Not happy about the change I'll be honest. If Lost City & Nemesis Inferno themes are replaced, those are significant 'audible' pieces of history gone, it will be a great shame. Personally I am not a huge fan of IMAScore, the only track I enjoy is DBGT, but most of their compositions sound the same. 


    WWTP should not be getting changed, so I've been told. So hopefully not to worry. I cannot think of any way they could pull off the Amity theme. 


    I agree with you that colossus / inferno are both fantastic bits of music - but I don't agree they couldn't be replaced with something better - things can always be improved upon!

  2. Don't imascore sell their own music directly? I'm sure it's down to what ever deal they have with the parks - I'd love them to release full length tracks of Galactica and Ghost Train (and now of course thorpes new entrance music!)

  3. 2 minutes ago, Martin.C said:

    Whilst it's great to see all this new audio the park and Merlin as a whole have recently been installing over the last few years with their new attractions, it's just such a shame that the company is unwilling to provide the full versions for people... emoji20.png


    Heck, if Phantasialand, Liseberg, Disney, PortAventura, Hansa Park and Toverland to name a few are willing to to sell their audio, why not Merlin who have the biggest collection of any park?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




    See Mile's post - there's talk about it by the sounds of it! 


  4. Glad they've confirmed it! The new stuff played at the entrance and dome sounds really good - suits the park and Island theme they are going for to a tee.


    Will be interesting to see what else they work on with Imascore - Colossus and Inferno would be tough acts to follow (which I'm sure there well aware of!) - but judging on what they've produced with Merlin ( Smiler, towers fireworks, galactica and DBGT) I've no doubt they could top it! 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Wumbamillio said:

    This shows nothing of the ride at all, so nothing can be inferred about the ride from promotions like this. This is purely PR noise and they're not exactly going to show people sitting there looking bored to advertise their new ride are they!

    It will only look promising when they actually show some of the ride itself, or when you're actually there on it. They could have made exactly the same video last year and it would have made no difference.


    Nothing wrong with people looking forward to the ride!

  6. 3 hours ago, Coaster said:

    Unbelievable.  Why do they insist on throwing money away on short-term investments such as this?


    The money they "throw" at these things is so little in the grand scheme of things - they can afford for short term investments to fill a gap.


    Also i wouldn't be surprised if they are the dates it's open and not closed and simply being an error on the site..

  7. 31 minutes ago, Coaster said:
    3 hours ago, Marc said:


    If Thorpe was open in February with a (more-or-less) full ride lineup, I wouldn't be moaning about some of the coasters being one train.


    Out of interest was fastrack or the BPB version of it available?


  8. 45 minutes ago, Coaster said:

    I find it amusing that those moaning about one train in February will be defending Thorpe when they open in March with half the rides shut and low capacity on those open.


    I equally find it amusing you'll go out your way to defend BPB for something which if it was at Thorpe (or any Merlin park for that matter) you would be spitting nails at..and to add to that - No ones moaning about it - as Josh said my post was very much  tongue-in-cheek! 

  9. 1 hour ago, Wumbamillio said:

    Yes, just like propaganda and branding to try hard at keeping fans loyal, having them spend more money on ever-declining experiences run by careless management, instead of just going somewhere else that's more fun! I think keeping people from really seeing what a theme park CAN do or thinking for themselves is the worst part about Merlin really, it's such a shame.


    Tbf it's not really hevaly promoted by the park - it's just an account which posts pictures for geeks to see what's going on across the park.

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