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Posts posted by Marc

  1. Comparisons to Sub-Terror are pointless IMO - Sub terrors alterations were made mid season in haste - the Ghost train is a totally different scale of attraction.


    We all know DBGT had its issues - TP / Merlin know that more than any of us. Personally I still enjoyed it - but i can see where improvements can be made and look forward to seeing what's done over the closed season!

  2. 4 hours ago, huzzellio said:

    Tapatalk appears to be broken for me again.  Any ideas?


    Cheers :)


    Sorry - something we are looking at - they recently changed a few things needed for it to work what we have been working on - hopefully we are almost there!

  3. Tucked in the very end of the press release announcing Thorpes new Divisional Director:


    Further, the new Park Director, who will oversee all elements of the THORPE PARK Resort business including Marketing, Health & Safety and Operations, will be bringing  a new and exciting IP to the theme park’s infamous FRIGHT NIGHTS Halloween event.


    Let the speculation begin! 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Wumbamillio said:

    Since when has this meant anything to the final quality of the attraction? I'm sure the majority of people were looking forward to Derren Brown before it didnt open and underwhelmed "the majority" of riders according to Thorpe's feedback. I'm also sure the majority of people looking forward to the next global headline action movie would rather it would turn out to be good and not a big disappointment. Huge attention is only attracted by promotion, not the quality of a ride.


    Merlin constantly churn out underwhelming attractions, which shouldn't be the case for a company of their size and wealth. Why defend them over clearly shoddy work time and again? If the Gruffalo is a well design attraction, that would be a break through. But we are allowed to demand for more original ideas, otherwise they will stick with brands and IPs forever more if that's what they measure that people want.

    PR and promotion is a whole different thing to the design and build of a good attraction. This is why Merlin spends as much money as they do building a ride as they do to promote and market it. So whether lots of people are looking forward to it or not doesnt mean anything to the finished ride at all, especially if those expectations are based on CGI images and make believe advertising.


    I never commented on how good / bad the attraction would be? Coaster stated that people "Arn't looking forward to this" which I disagreed with.


    Everyone has different opinions - for example I enjoy ghost train, hence why I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Project LC said:

    I am aware of that, but what I'm trying to get at is that they are selling the absolute minimum as exceptional care for their parks when in reality it's far from it.


    I agree the work is what should be done - but to me the towers TLC account is something which is to appeal to enthusiasts mainly over closed season to see some of what's going on - it takes nothing away from the investments the park actually make into new attractions etc.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Project LC said:

    The Twitter account is just a joke. It's all basic stuff that happens at every park and trying to sell it to the public as "towers loving care" is insulting. I get they are trying to show they care but the very existence of this account proves that they don't and that it's all about brand image.


    They would fail the very basics of running a business if their brand image wasn't important to them.

  7. I don't think they are against coasters / flumes at all - they clearly identified work which they feel is needed on loggers leap - I personally think it will get this work and will reopen in the future.


    As for coasters Merlin are building one at towers and I expect it won't be all that long till we start hearing rumours of a new one at Thorpe!

  8. 2 hours ago, KirstyH said:


    Thank you for your response. Haha! Is DBGT worth it? I LOVE horror movies and attractions, but I am not a fan of Derren Brown. I am kind of confused as to why he has a Ghost Train in the first place?! If it provides decent scares or is unique in some way then I will try to ride it however at the moment, I am not really sure what to make of it?


    That's great to know, thanks!


    DBGT is like marmite around here - that said no one knows what it will be like next year so if you've not been on it defiantly give it a go! As Matt said remember the queues shut at closing time and not the rides so if it has a long queue you can jump into it just before park close time and still get on :)

  9. 1 hour ago, Coaster said:

    They're not still throwing the "world's first" rubbish around are they? :lazy:


    I know people dislike it but it does grab people's attention which ultimately is the job of those within the PR departments!


    The concept art looks fairly good actually and Merlin are usually pretty good at getting the final product close to the concept art - quite looking forward to it!

  10. 6 hours ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    They focused on thrills for a long time, but I don't remember them actively pushing away families until around 2012ish?


    By not permanent I mean it appears to be a ride that can just be set up, much like a fair ride.  Unless I'm wrong, aren't Griffin's Galleon, Heave Ho and Longboat Invader much larger models of the ride?


    So can Samurai, Zodiac, Detonator but all serve a good purpose respectively!

  11. 7 hours ago, Han30 said:


    A water ride closing due to rain?! :ph34r:


    I don't mind Storm Surge - as long as it is walk on and there is no water in the bottom of the boat.  Went on it last day of the season and it was ridiculous - I was trying to empty the water out using a bottle but gave up.  The actual ride is ok, it's just the journey up the loooong lift hill and bobbing about endlessly at the end that does my nut in (and having wet feet)


    To be fair alot of water rides are affected by rain! 


    I remember that annual pass day well - I believe they expected around 5,000 guests and something like 11/12,000 turned up - thats when they shifted to making pass holders pre book for these things!

  12. 1 hour ago, Benin said:

    Wonder how much difference would be made if the conveyor worked like all the others in the world and constantly moved, or would it be too dangerous for us?


    Surely surges station is far to short for that to work? Although haven't been on any others so no idea how they compare!

  13. Nope - it partitions your hard drive (think of it like separating your hard drive into more than one) one partition will have windows one will have osx, when you boot your mac you hit the command key and boot into widows, its completely independent of OSX - only resource it will take away from OSX is hard drive space.


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