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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 12 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    They have.  The park was in very heavy debt for quite a few years, hence why a lot of rides were SBNO.  At the time I was furious, so I'm not making any defence for it, but I will say that the circumstances were extremely different to the Merlin parks; Blackpool's rides were SBNO so the park could actually survive (and individual reasons but that was the main one), whereas Merlin are a big company making a huge profit year-on-year.

    That thing was delayed twice (or was it three times), hardy open even when it was supposed to be and major elements not functioning!  I'd take having Loggers Leap open over DBGT any day!


    Thats not my point though - they still opened up something - and I'd be fairly confident that more people will have rode DBGT despite its issues than would have rode Loggers Leap.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    I know there will be a reason for Loggers Leap being closed - of course there will.

    My point (in line with Pluk's comparison with Blackpool's Log Flume) is that Blackpool's Log Flume was nearing the end of its life, and they knew it.  BPB organised a replacement for it and deconstruction work started immediately after the ride's (announced!) closure, ready for Infusion to open the following year.  The Log Flume was not at any point throughout this process sat idle, rotting away behind a fence.  Deconstruction started the day after the ride closed.


    Then you look at Loggers Leap, which in some ways is a similar situation; the ride has got to a state where it is unable to run, so the choice is essentially refurbishment or replacement.  Oh, but wait.  Neither has happened.  The ride has been left sat behind a fence, rotting away, for an entire park season, and (soon to be) two closed seasons.  If BPB (who were at the time in heavy debt) can organise a replacement, remove the Log Flume and get the replacement built and open within a short space of time, why is the so-called "second biggest theme park operator in the world, second only to Disney" leaving rides rotting?


    I'm fairly certain BPB have had a number of rides SBNO before - ok maybe not their log flume.


    Thorpe opened DBGT (regardless if you like it or not) so it's not quite as if they've removed a ride , reducing the offering without continuing to invest.

  3. I don't disagree - the post I'm making is I've no doubt the park do have plans for loggers redevelopment- be that reopening the ride or a new attraction - just because we don't know these plans don't mean they are not on-going behind the scenes.


    As I said I loved loggers - but the park is hardly short of water rides - and for some reason guests seem to absolutely love Storm Surge so as much as I miss it - i don't think it's closure has an adverse effect on visits.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    (The removal of BPB's Log Flume was IMO a huge loss to the park, as it was by far the best standard log flume in the UK, but at least they announced the closure giving people a final chance to ride it, and it was removed for a reason; not just left to rot).




    Like it or not Loggers Leap will have closed for a reason - just because we dont know that reason (we are guests - we have no divine right to know the reasons behind everything) - does not mean there isnt one. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    In fairness most of those were Thorpe, which is largely down to its close proximity and people I know wanting to go; with that said, I still enjoy a day there, and if I want to visit a Merlin park then that's my choice!


    It speaks volumes that I'd rather make the five hour trip to visit BPB, or pay to get in at other parks than visit the Merlin parks.


    Yes it is your choice - but if you thought they were as terrible as you made out you would simply stop going surely?

  6. Hi all,


    We are currently on the look out for some fresh faces to join the team, in particular the team who are behind the site where it all began, Thorpe Park Mania!


    We are looking for enthusiastic people who have the time and passion to help out with the great content on the website, such as latest park news, images, information and reviews. 

    Over the closed season we will be working hard to refresh and expand on what we offer to our members - so if you have an exciting idea for the site - nows the time to step forward.

    The only real criteria we are looking for is people who are passionate and are able to visit Thorpe Park often and will notice them little geeky things we love to report on!


    If interested please do drop me a message with a couple of lines letting me know why you think you would be good for this role :)

  7. 11 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    Ah, I didn't read it like that but it could well be saying that.


    So essentially, this is what Thorpe could be saying;


    -Loggers Leap has been sat idle during 2016, despite it being initially advertised as renovations. This is a WHOLE SEASON and two closed seasons they have had to complete the work.

    - Despite this, it could get to 2017 before any work actually starts on the ride, and even then, the "redevelopment" may not actually happen.


    By this point, the ride would have been sat SBNO for TWO years.


    Utterly, utterly disgraceful.


    The fact is no one on here knows what work the ride needs - we have no idea of the reasons for its closure, we've no idea how much money it will cost. The park is hardly short of water rides, in a country where at best they are popular for 2/3 months a season.


    I'd love to see loggers reopen but the fact is the ride is advertised no where on their website, no where on the park map and he official word is they "hoped" it would return in 2017 and now they "hope" it will return in the future. 


  8. 4 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    I know that Chessington's was always included in the Merlin pass, not sure on the others.


    How they can justify charging passholders more for things given the frankly appalling state of their theme parks this year is beyond me.


    For theme parks in such a an "appalling state" you stated in another topic you visited Merlin attractions 15 times this year - that's an awful lot of times to visit such "appalling" attractions.

  9. I guess it's the same argument as why should pass holders have to pay to get into thrope during Fright Nights even if not interested in the mazes!


    It sounds more than just the zoo being open and can only assume it would be difficult to allow pass holders entry to only the zoo and not the rest of the event - having never been to one I've no idea how the events set out!

  10. 8 hours ago, Mattgwise said:

    Agree with you fully, even your bit in small print! Entrance/bridge, full entrance theme, dome chart music.


    I'd personally prefer no chart music at all - the Dome had a perfectly good sound track which suited the area really well!


    I guess in the evening there could be a case for it for hotel guests but apart from that would personally like the park chart music free! 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

    I find it the handling of the closure (if indeed, the ride does not reopen) insulting, if they'd given notice and announced a closure then it wouldn't be as bad, but clearly stating the ride is closed for "redevelopment" or "renovation" when neither has happened is just wrong.


    Its perfectly possible that they started to look into what work was required and decided it wasn't financially viable. 


    If in 2/3 years time the next big ride opens on the old Loggers site then it has closed for redevelopment!

  12. By the end of the day all the Restraints had been taken off Slammer - looks like they took

    the time to start closed season work a couple days earlier with it being shut.

  13. Out of the probably 100,000+ people visiting the park over the last couple weeks there will of course be people upset - the park is always busy at Fright Nights!


    On the plus side I thought the park looked great this year - much less of them generator lights, much more theming across the park and tonnes of smoke - bought back a Fright Night atmosphere which has been absent for a while now.




    Park audio was also much improved - nice to hear some old classics back from 2003/4/5 Fright Nights other than the Saw music. 


    Big Top was much improved this year - Platform starts well but does go down hill after the train - if this returns I look forward to seeing how they develop it.



  14. 9 minutes ago, Josh3103 said:

    I really think Slammer needs to go now its been closed for the past 2 days and it's just too unreliable


    2 days over the course of the season isn't very much... there are more unreliable rides at the park to be fair!

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