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Posts posted by Marc

  1. Visited today and was impressed at the new Security procedure in operation, now with 4 "check points" rather than 2. Got to the park just after 9 am and they were already getting people through the security line - annual pass holders were aloud into the park as far as the access gates, had breakfast at Fins - about £6.30 for a buffet breakfast with AP discount not bad atall!

  2. 15 minutes ago, Ringo said:

    So the only music it plays is the IMAscore now? With all the pop music gone from the island and now the ride I wonder if some accountants realised they’d save money by not needing to pay the PPL fees? Genuinely change for the good though.


    The queue line still has the pop music loop it had before - the IMAScore stuff is playing only within the coaster section! 

  3. 40 minutes ago, Benin said:

    Serious question, why wasn't such an upgrade done in closed season? Was it down to the engineers having to put all focus on fixing Derren Brown?


    If so, then real questions over staffing need to be asked...


    The couple of days before it closed it seemed to be down for large parts of the day - I maybe wrong but I guess they may have just made the most of some time it was down for.


    Also just re-rode it - the light show in thetr seems to be syncing up with the imascore track playing in there - very cool! 

  4. On 03/07/2017 at 8:57 AM, MikeC said:

    Really like the new music played in Lost City - its a tonne better than the shorter Colossus track which was playing around the area previously.


    Hopefully we will see more of the audio fixed too, the music used to play in the Zodiac / Vortex queue lines with announcements but don't think that's worked for a few years now.


    Zodiac queue line audio is working today :)

  5. 2 minutes ago, StevenVig said:


    Nobody has ever said this. 


    Of course they have - which is why they are adding rides smaller guests can go on. Since 2012 we've had X (from 1.4m to 1m), Angry Birds land, Timber Tug and Lumber Jump which are all there to appeal to younger visitors.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Stuntman707 said:

    Oh dear, I guess that's why there was a maze of barriers put up outside the entrance this week. The entrance needs rebuilding anyway, theres so many temporary fences and structures. The ticket booths are no longer used also.


    That will be for the schools over the next couple of weeks - very busy around now!

  7. I expect it was a low priority - as far as I know it was originally not planned for this season (wasn't on the early maps etc) - hopefully it's open soon and gives some much needed attractions for smaller visitors! 

  8. To be fair the company who operates these rides day in day out are in a much better position to determine what is and isn't required.


    Hopefully this is a more short term thing - it's not the first time we've seen this sort of thing on Rumba certainly.

  9. 49 minutes ago, MilesK said:


    Its DBGT 


    Whilst still on the subject of IMAscore, someone jokily tweeted Thorpe asking if they could send him the new Lost City loop, to which they responded 'Not at the mo, but watch this space'. 

    If there's not going to be some form of release of the new music, I am truly baffled..


    I hope so - I wonder if they are waiting till there's enough to justify a cd of some type - they could do a merlin one I wouldn't say no to the galatica track!


    Some of the new imascore stuff in this video 


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