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Posts posted by Marc

  1. Personally I think the rides biggest problem is that green mist hold scene - it wasn't obviously never meant to play in theory (just like the hold scene in train 1 which I suspect most here have not seen) but unfortunately it does and it totally kills the rides momentum.


    The first train is done very well - the person which ever one you get sets the scene explains what's happening and the story line - the effects on the train are all timed to perfection and when that "thing" is rushing towards you it's actually really creepy.


    9 times out of 10 the evacuation scene is also done well - it's a shame the crashing tube train isn't working at the moment but when it is watching people run out the way of it is pretty priceless - whilst the actors are trying their best without it it don't quite work and always feels something is missing. 


    On the 2nd train the vr again imo actually starts quite well with the creature tearing the side of the train off - again going of reactions it's received well just like the other passenger being torn away and your first face to face meeting with the creature - unfortunately for the ride here the momentum is completely killed by the looping green fog / random ending.


    Im really looking forward to seeing what they do with this over closed season - the ride has imo a tonne of potential - they've invested in the best hardware out there at the moment which also helps compared to the mobile phone VR counterparts. If they can get the ride working reliabilbly with the headsets not randomly moving around and the headphone volume perfect I really do think this ride will do good things for them.

  2. Fairly sure they've already been told that the UK Government will not allow another referendum - wouldnt they have been bankrupt by now with the sharp fall in oil prices which their whole independent economy relied on? 

  3. 10 hours ago, 'Airtime Falcon' said:

    Get the express pass, it'll save you hours of queuing and it's much cheaper than at other parks.


    Plus, DO NOT go in the single rider for Hurakan condor, you will lose the will to live (express passes don't cover HC for some reason).


    I'd guess because of HC's throughput - which is a little strange at possibly the worse operated park ive been too! 


    Still good though - great selection of rides, Express is well worth it - and dont listen to the Baco hate - Front row baco <3

  4. 4 minutes ago, Project LC said:

    Well this is the next major investment thread... 

    With the roaring success of the problem free ghost train (sarcasm) I doubt they are planning a 2nd.


    I dont think reliability has much factor on the success of a ride (Stealth, Saw, Smiler) all hugely successful but with just as many teething issues! 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Benin said:

    What's the context of Thorpe not putting Fastrack on DBGT?


    Oh its because it's still unreliable and they don't need more complaints flooding the inbox...


    They could do it, but I'm not gonna commend them for not doing so because of their inability to have it open...


    I don't believe it's had a day closed since it had its down time in the summer... it's usually open much closer to opening time now too... it's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than it was.


    Easily could have added it on there by now judging by the amount of people who ask for it social!

  6. Just thought would bring this topic up - so often people are quick to slam Thorpe / Merlin for how they "oversell" fastrack without caring for the main queue.


    Well we are in Fright Nights and they are still not selling fastrack for Ghost Train - I assume they are still getting to grips with throughputs and are putting the guests in the queue first when they could very easily sell fastrack and it would no doubt sell - so nice work Thorpe :) 

  7. 1 hour ago, jonny9403 said:

    Thorpe park fright nights 2016 opening night review.

    Cabin in the woods: always a fun maze to do at Halloween. Solid as usual. I found that we ended up being part of a massive conga line for the last half of the maze. Over all 7/10
    Saw Alive: it is roughly the same as it always is. Intense as normal over all I'd give it 7/10
    The big top:
    This is a massive improvement on last year. Very disorienting. Great sound track. Over all a lot of fun. The scares are really good. Even though we had a conga line for the last half and no classical big top ending I still really enjoyed it. 8/10
    Platform 15:
    I can't really properly judge this maze from my 1 run through it. We got stopped about half way through for about 15 minuets which kind of ruined the experience. The last half is .... Interesting and the finale was bad as well. Over all I'd give it 4/10.
    Blair witch.
    Also with p15 I can't really give this a proper review due to the fact that we had an interesting bunch near us in the queue who didn't really like my group to much. The actors in Blair witch were great as usual but I wasn't scared at any point. Over all I'd give it 6/10.
    I really did enjoy fright nights and the event as a whole is a positive. Gj Thorpe


    Was that at about 10:15 tonight? Also was on at that point!

  8. 7 minutes ago, Relentless said:

    Hi folks, *new member alert*


    Sorry if this is in the wrong section but it is Fright Night themed!


    Has anyone taken part in any corporate events for the Fright nights? I am in the John Lewis Partnership and we are lucky enough to have exclusive access on a certain date to the park with Fight Night experience included (10am-10pm). I am just curious to what experiences people may have had and if it is the 'real deal' so to speak? As it will obviously be less busy than a public day, so my fears will be fewer actors in mazes ect. 


    Thank you!






    Ive been to one before and it was very much the "real deal" - being quieter just expect more attention from the actors!



  9. 59 minutes ago, Benin said:


    I wouldn't really expect a major investment to require evolution until several years after opening though as part of a repackaging to tackle falling numbers visiting the attraction...


    Especially if this turns out to be an alternative ending which should have been in operation when the ride opened...


    Depends how much evolution it requires.. feedback from the GP generally seems pretty good until the second train where you hear comments asking whats happening.


    I dont think any new ending for it will be the 2nd ending we never saw this year - i expect it to be completely new :)

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