Well shes famous for doing nothing? So bloody what, I think you will find that there are a few people who are like that. Because of Jade there are many people doing a smear test now. She has 8 weeks to live. Survival rates for other cancers have gone up in the last 10 or so years but Jade wasnt so lucky. Her kids have roughly 8 more weeks with their mother left. I would kill for a day with mine but at the end of the day its not going to happen and her kids are going to wish will all their lives that they could. Instead of sitting there and saying of shes done this, this and this, just think about what her kids will go through because to lose the one of the people who you trust most in the world and love is hard. To spend so many years without them is a terrifying thought when your young. My friends Mum has breast cancer and she has to sit there and reassure her Mum everyday that she's not going to die. With my Mum there was 18 months between her diagnosis and her dying. My Nan was even less. I personally haven't done much charity work because I've sat there and said some stuff which I wish I didn't but to sit there and say shes milking it or whatever, does it matter? Its saving some peoples lives and making people more aware of it. Thats a good thing remember.