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Everything posted by Sheepie

  1. Hey mate! Yeah they came through. Not got round to replying yet... I think I have to approve them or something because you were a guest. I'll have a look tomorrow. Hope you're well. :) x

  2. The assessment was tonight guys. It's probs safe to say if they haven't emailed you then sadly you were unsuccessful on this occasion. Onwards though.
  3. Semi- spontaneous trip to the world of adventures today. Yay. Getting there for midday I shall report back.
  4. I totally agree with your post and I too am not a great fan of the new lighting sequence in there at the moment. However, it is still definitely an improvement of what it was at the end of last season which was literally just the houselights. No exaggeration.
  5. I think it depends on how you take it. I would personally someone did it behind my back because I think I'd be mortified if someone said it to my face, although I would admire their bravery and honesty and possibly respect them for that.If we don't find out what people say behind our back then we're none the wiser. Some people call it being two- faced, some people call it fake, I call it sparing someone's feelings.
  6. Sheepie

    Youtube Videos

    "I want to put them on a rainbow." She's behind Nyan Cat! :)If I do start seeing rainbows with cats flying across them then I'll go knocking on her door. Oh bless her.
  7. Sheepie


    Sorry to keep going on about it, but RCA have made no comment about the status of Let Me Down. Indeed, it looks unlikely for it to be the new single.What's more, a couple of douche bags are leaking the promo CD that was sent round to radio stations. There are about 7 songs on it. "What Doesn't Kill You" is going to be a gay club anthem .This era is doomed.
  8. I've thought about this, then realised I knew how I felt all along. I do not see attractions as either being thrill, experience or whatever you want to call them, I see all attractions as an opportunity to entertain an audience, to manipulate their emotions and to engage them in a theme/ story.Sure, you get rides that are catered more towards thrillseekers, likewise, you get rides that are aimed more at smaller children, but the main aim is that it has to entertain a very large spectrum of guests as possible because you want them to come back again, recommend their visit to others and in the long run this means more profit and more investment.Greater interactivity is the way forward for all theme parks I feel. Disney have shown this in their recent queueline updates on attractions such as Winnie the Pooh and Haunted Mansion. Both attractions appeal to families yet the beauty is, you can take anyone through them and they will find something that they will be entertained by.I can understand why Merlin are so hesitant to invest in dark rides; to build a decent one you need a budget as big as a multi- million pound coaster, if not more so. With these rides, you do not have the advantage of having the queue interact with the ride and so in order to keep your guests entertained, more effort needs to be put into scenery here. Scenery and special effects are more expensive than what people realise: the Vampire Horseman for example, cost thousands and thousands of pounds just for that one scenic element.However, with the huge spectrum of people that dark rides cater for (due to their accessibility to families), I'd argue that this would make the huge investment worthwhile. I'd love to see dark rides start playing a starring role at our theme parks like they do in other countries, though sadly I feel as though Marketing struggle to find a way to market them and would not be able to guarantee a return on the investment like they would with a new coaster or area, for example.I've sort of gone off on a tangent here, as usual. My main point is supposed to be that you can have whatever type of transit system you want (coaster, water, trackless, tracked dark ride...) but they also need to have substance, story and a great deal of creative depth to them and I do not see them as separate types of attractions. What one person finds entertaining and thrilling, another person may find boring.
  9. Sheepie


    I'm in hysterics. My auntie and uncle booked tickets to see Blue Man Group at Universal Orlando for when we go next month..... they paid an extra $40 just so we can sit in the front and get gunged! You get given ponchos but my auntie and I are clearly not going to wear them.I just found it hilarious because my auntie is approaching 50 yet she's the biggest kid out of the three of us. I love it!
  10. "$40 extra just to get gunged!" ROFL

  11. They are receiving a high volume of applications right now so please be patient with them. They will get back to you; the parks are usually quite good at this and it's unusual for there to be such a delay, but hold tight. :)Also, I know that no assessments have been booked yet so don't threat just yet as you still may hear good news next week. I hope you do!
  12. It's a completely new rig in the finale scene. Most were out of action at the end of last year.
  13. What would be the point though? Prof Burp's Bubbleworks has sung its song, and won't be returning and at this stage I would not want it to. The park needs something fresh and new- a complete set gutting and redesign.You can try but all they will say is that they spent a generous amount of money this season to bring back the lights in the finale scene along with other "improvements".
  14. Sheepie


    That's my point though... I'd rather be out working than at school. It was a terrible part of my life I wish to forget. It gets better with age though.
  15. Sheepie


    She has a 5 album contract. However, the label managed to find a clause so that My December didn't count towards that number. Not many people know. but she had to fight and fight to get that album released, the label didn't like it because it wasn't "commercial" enough. So they promoted the first single and then gave up on the album, on which Kelly co-wrote or wrote everything on and was received very well by respected critics.So basically, because she got to release My December, she has the next album to do after this one (which has to be a proper studio one and not a live/ greatest hits thing) and then she can decide what she wants to do. I can't see her staying with RCA, I'd like to see her move to something like Interscope.
  16. Sheepie


    ^ Finally RCA has taken the song down, though there are now loads of people out there with it. I read online that the version above isn't totally finished in terms of mixing (music drowned out vocals in points).She has spent a large amount of her money hiring lawyers trying to find loopholes in her contract James, sadly they've pretty much cornered her and there's no way for her to be released from it unless she pays the record company millions of dollars. It's also sad because the label has sat on her album for all of this time (it's been finished since February), so in all honesty, I'm not surprised people are starting to leak songs out of pure frustration and desire for new music from her.
  17. Sheepie


    I'd take work over school. Haha.
  18. Sheepie


    *Sigh*Kelly Clarkson's single has fully leaked. RELEASE THE GOD DAMN ALBUM RCA. Bunch of idiots that run that place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTy0mvmuFdQ For those wondering, the song is written as a "love song" but the song is Kelly's views towards her Record Label. Cheeky.
  19. I posted this recently in park music. Here you go buddy. Welcome back.
  20. I would just like to take a moment to say that some of you are being a bit too hard on some of our newer members. I'd like you to think back to the first time you joined a forum and how you felt. I've seen some members on here grow and remember how people perceived them when they were first starting out on the forums.Just because someone is young, has a lot to learn and has some possibly naive views on things, this does not make them a troll. It is our job to educate them and include them in discussion so they can develop their own personal identity just as others on here have had the chance to do so.
  21. I enjoyed reading your trip report- even if I do disagree with the majority of your opinions! A good read and glad to hear you had such an awesome time.Although, did you not do Temple Del Feugo? It's a fantastic little show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy8IT7dBRcQ
  22. Type 1's being the bigger attractions that require the longest training hours. Therefore they have invested a lot of time and money into that staff member.
  23. Personal insults towards other members is not acceptable.Though Kevvy please could you write in ordinary prose in the future? No need to write like a diologue.
  24. Sheepie


    For the first time in a very long time, I'm feeling absolutely fantastic. I've just got myself a part in Broadditch Hauntfest 2011. I'm so excited! They're a family- run attraction and were nominated for a Screamie but narrowly missed out. Their attraction "Spooky Castle" was Michael Bolton's favourite maze last year.I'm gonna see if I can help out with the production side over the coming weeks. I'm over the moon though. What a boost that was so badly needed.
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