Good morning everyone! Welcome to the brand new Chat Room topic. You're more than welcome to pop in and enjoy the feature whenever you like, however, moderated chat times run from 7pm-1am daily.As you know, The Team have been working hard to improve our site and forums. We really appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we work on implementing some much needed changes. Before we re-instate our Chat Room, we would like to take this opportunity to post our proposed Chat Rules.Please provide us with constructive feedback within this topic and bear in mind that these rules are for the benefit of everyone and are aimed at improving our Chat Room and Forum atmosphere and our Forum Member relationships. Here we go: Chat Room Moderation-Chat Kick= A Moderator has deemed it necessary to issue you with a gentle warning, you may re-enter chat but please adapt your behaviour.Chat Ban= A Moderator has deemed it necessary to ban you from chat, If appropriate your Forum Account shall also be issued with a warning or ban.Forum Account Warning= Moderators have reviewed your behaviour and have taken the decision to issue you with a warning to your forum account. Normal forum rules apply.Forum Account Ban= The Moderating Team have reviewed your behaviour and have come to the conclusion that it was so unacceptable that they have no choice but to ban your account. You shall be emailed notifying you of this and for the duration of your ban.Please respect each other within the Chat Room:Personal insults shall not be tolerated and will result in a ban from the chat room and possible forum account warning or ban. Prejudice aimed towards another member shall not be tolerated and will result in a ban from the chat room and possible forum account ban.We encourage debates and heated discussions, however please consider your other Chat Room members and know when to draw the line. There is a private chat feature and a heated discussions topic on our forums should individual members want to continue.Please respect The Moderators when they feel certain conversations may be better taken elsewhere. Failure to do so will result in being Kicked from Chat This is your warning, please adapt your behaviour accordingly.You are all personally entitled to your individual opinions though please bear in mind the feelings of other members.General Etiquette:Please make everyone feel welcome within the Chat Room. We expect established members to be considerate to newer members and involve them in conversationsSimilarly, if you are a newer member to the community, please take a moment to introduce yourself into the chat and make an effort with conversation, it's a two way thing!Excessive bad language is not acceptable within the chat room. Please bare in mind that using bad language may create a barrier and intimidate some members from taking part in discussion. Similarly, sexually inappropriate behaviour is not tolerated within the Chat Room. To define; sexually inappropriate behaviour includes, linking to explicit images, talking in explicit detail about sexual experiences or aiming explicit sexual comments at other members.A Final Word:Please respect our Moderators and the decisions they make within the Chat Room. The above rules are there for everybody's enjoyment. Moderators will abide by these rules and carry out appropriate punishments should they feel they have been disregarded. If you have a dispute about how you have been treated by a Moderator then please contact either the individual or another member of the Moderating team by PM. Please do not discuss the issue over a public forum or chat, this is to reduce spam._______________________________________________________These are our proposed rules, these shall be permanently placed here and also before you enter the Chat Room itself. By entering the Chat Room you are agreeing to the above proposed rules.Just to recap again, we have compiled this to help clarify what is and what isn't acceptable inside the chat room for both Team Members and Forum Members. Once again, the Chat Room shall be moderated during the most popular hours between 7pm-1am. However, Chat Logs shall be constantly reviewed and monitored to ensure that all members and mods are respecting our proposed policy. We're trusting our members that they will respect our proposed rules outside of moderating hours and we shall be very disappointed if anyone is found disregarding them. We all hope to be able to enjoy the Chat Room once again, please provide us with your constructive thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to read.Take care,Sheepie and the Mania Hub Team.