Hi again guys. Well, I told you the team were working on things and very soon we're going to be able to implement some of them. We have listened to everyone's views and have appreciated all of your feedback. Please remember, if you would like to provide us with feedback about a specific issue, please use the relevant topics provided. This is to reduce spammage!Forum Feedback TPM Feedback Team Member and Forum Member Expectations Last night, The Team spent a large amount of time reviewing our Forum Rules. We're in the process of simplifying our existing ones and making sure that we're all happy with them. This isn't a major change but we felt that it would improve clarity with Forum Members and Team Members as to where they stand.We also listened to your views about our Chat Room. Let me tell you what we're doing with that. We're going to re-instate it within the next few days. Possibly over the weekend, depending on progress made for our rules and moderating strategy. The Team have been compiling a simple, clear list of rules for all Forum and Team Members to abide by, these will appear on the forums in due course as well as appearing before you enter the Chat Room itself. Please take your time to read these; by entering the Chat Room you are agreeing to them and we expect that level of respect from you guys.As we respect your opinions and contributions to the community, we have agreed to keep the Chat Room open permanently. We shall be making sure that there are Team Members who are present during the most popular times, however, we won't be present in there 24/7 so if you are using the Chat Room, please respect the specified rules. Chat Logs will be reviewed and we shall be extremely disappointed if we see any of you disregarding these rules.I'd also like to point out, we shall be using a fair policy, by which I mean, during late at night, there will be a much more relaxed attitude towards the Chat Room rules. Similarly, if you are in chat with just a couple of people who you know very well, these rules shall be relaxed. However, during our most popular times where we have relatively large numbers of members, some as young as 13, we would like you to be considerate and respect our policy, this is to protect our community and for a better atmosphere.If you have a dispute with another Forum Member in the chat without a Team Member present, please use the PM service and we shall sort things out for you as soon as we're able to.We're all very lucky to have a Team that are extremely committed and passionate about this community. We're also very lucky to have members who care. As Daniel9 said, you're moaning because you care (or I'd at least hope you do) and even though sometimes Team Members take it personally, we do realise your passion and appreciate your commitment, so in response to this, we would appreciate your time and patience for us to show you just how much we do care about you guys.We're entering a very exciting time, both for the parks and for Mania Hub, we would love for you to come along for the ride with us. Let's get back to discussing what we're really here for- our love for theme parks, entertainment and a flaming good laugh with friends.Take care as always,Sheepie and the Mania Hub Team.