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Everything posted by Mer

  1. YES. It was orgasmic ;)

  2. Omg I am totally assigning that photo to his number on my phone ;)STEAMEH WURLEH!
  3. Stealth does indeed have a lift and it works as far as I know, it never had any issues back in my day in 08 at least :PInferno's lift however has not worked for years
  4. Mer


    Aww sorry to hear that Lauren!
  5. Mer

    Youtube Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZbNR5dgUlk Oh LOL!
  6. It's like they want to annoy their guests and deny them peace!
  7. No there are signs around the park confirming it :(I don't have childhood memories of Thorpe like some here but it's a nice ride to take a break on and has been at the park for 22 years, it is such a shame to see it going :(Definitely need to ride this at the end of season meet, maybe even make it the last ride (and even try to be the last guests, which should be easy I imagine). Very sad news!
  8. Blimey, never had anything like that at my school!Although in Year 10 this guy stole a scalpel from the science block and stabbed this other boy in the stomach with it! Not really sure what the reason was but they made up in the end
  9. Lovely. So have they added any more track today? Personally that's all I'm excited about atm!I want to see a completed zero g roll!
  10. Dude, I know!Oh and also:ToTooTwoSeriously, perfectly intelligent and capable-of-spelling people do this. Why? How could you make that mistake? It's not a typo as I've seen people do it time and again!And then sometimes some people respond with "Oh it's the spelling/grammar police". Very mature, almost as mature as their ability to spell simple words Pahaha!I just don't get why people make themselves look like idiots, because I know they know how to spell, it doesn't even take a second to think about which one it is. Obviously those with learning/spelling difficulties etc is a different story. Maybe it's because in this day and age, people aren't reading as much. Me and my brother have always been amazing spellers and good at English and language, and we were such bookworms as children, my brother still is. And I have actually found that over the years, when I've been reading far less, I've struggled a few times with spelling!Infact, this leads on to a second rant. The attitude people have that books are boring or they are too slow to get into, compared to games, TV shows, etc. Rubbish. Find a good book and I dare you to keep that opinion! I'm a 90s kid, I know all about video games and I know dam well how addictive they are, and how great TV is and all the rest of it. But a book just does not compare to those!I'll happily accept people have differing opinions and interests but I swear I see so many Facebook profiles where they say books/reading is boring, I don't read, etc.
  11. I went with a group of people from here for the meet, although there werent many of us. I was a black cat - black clothes, a black tail and cat ears
  12. Really? We didn't have any problems at all, apart from seeing some n00bs standing up on Storm Surge on the final turn, splashing people at the squirty guns, totally ignoring the staff's desperate shouts to sit down!Theming was dire, espesh as it's an anniversary. Some barrels? Wow. I didn't even see any nooses! Music is all over the place, some rides playing normal audio (Inferno, Storm Surge) some playing FN audio. Some rides have new audio but it's NOT an improvement! Vortex apparently has Th13teen music, well whatever it is, the old theme was miles better and more atmospheric. Same goes for Samurai, ridiculous repetitive dance thing playing. It's not a funfair! Again, the old music was much better!Don't know what actual music Stealth had but at the entrance had the Asylum sirens blaring out. Speaking of recycling the Asylum audio, the queue music was playing in Canada Creek and Ranger County (apart from the day where they both played the awful new Loggers track list!). As for the other rides, no idea what they played, which says to me they can't have been that great or atmospheric as I would've noticed them. Apart from Rush, which still has the same audio Didn't see any roaming actors but some staff had make-up on, as they get free face painting in the canteen. I suppose the only good thing was the lighting. Samurai had a nice change with green lighting instead of blue. But seeing as lights are essential, do they really count? :PLittle things like smoke machines would've really made a difference. Someone on here said Vortex had a smoke machine, well not yesterday! Would loved to have seen it as it's something I really wanted when I worked there! Sources have told us that towards the end of Fright Nights, more theming etc will be added. Right. So we now have to choose between a nice quiet park (like yesterday) with no atmosphere, or a horribly cramped park with atmosphere? Hmm. I know it's because of the FN days atm just being weekends but surely things like smoke machines can easily be removed/put back? And it doesn't explain the lack of roaming actors either! If they were there last weekend, why not the weekend just gone?However the park being quiet, we had a great rid count and spent it with lovely people I shall post a trip report soon, which should be more positive than this post!
  13. LIFT HILL LIFT HILL LIFT HILL!!!! :D Lol Sheepie! I barely know the layout as it was ages since I saw the plans etc
  14. Swarm is costing 20 million? Blimey I didn't know that!3 hours ago the Developer Diary FB page said the lift hill would soon be complete with photos and a video to come. I'm still waiting! Grrrr hurry up
  15. Haha Sidders, I wondered that too :PIt's suddenly hitting me what the scale of this is, that we're getting a B&M, a reliable ride, and something to look forward to and keep me entertained over the next few months :DSAW's construction wasn't the same as this, for some reason (well apart from B&M just being far more epic). As they started construction at the end of 08, I was still working there so witnessed some of it, maybe that's why I wasn't quite as excited? Also I don't remember many photos of its construction, probably because it wasn't easy to get photos of! Either that or I've lost part of my memory!Plus there has been more and better advertising/promotion etc for Swarm such as round the park, the Facebook pages, etc. This is going to be a great addition to Thorpe, especially after the joke that is Storm Surge
  16. Yes, going through at a slower speed should mean more airtime too, or at least you would certainly feel it more! :DI love the website and the effort that has been put into it. I entered the competition and tried the thing where you enter your address...so brilliant! The video is so clever! :DGetting very excited now
  17. There's always one :rolleyes:Well I love the site and think it's awesome :DExciting times now we actually have construction!
  18. Mer

    The News

    That house fire that killed a mum and five of her children It's so awful, and according to the LFB, the worst house fire in the capital in over a decade. And the poor father and daughter that managed to escape; as lucky as they are to be alive, it's tragic for them to have lost the rest of their family, and of course their home. How they will get through it all I don't know, but I hope they have other family and friends there for them. The neighbours heard the father screaming "My wife, my wife!" I had tears in my eyes when I read that. And how awful for the neighbours to witness, it's going to be tough for them to cope with it all too. The latest news is that a chest freezer at the bottom of the stairs in the hallway is a likely cause of the fire, the make of it is currently unknown. IMO it would seem likely, considering how the fire engulfed both floors, and electrical fires tend to cause particularly toxic fumes, which is what caused the deaths. Although, of course, any smoke from a fire can kill. I don't know if they had working smoke alarms, and I don't want to make assumptions or seem harsh, but I can't help but wonder. Seeing as, from my knowledge, electrical fires smoulder etc quite a lot before actual flames start, one would assume it would set the alarms off and they all would've escaped. But then it isn't always that simple unfortunately, and it does seem the fire spread severely and rapidly (as I said above, if it did start of the bottom of the stairs then it would explain why so). According to the Daily Mail (!) a friend of the father says the father saw smoke coming from the back of the freezer and the wallpaper caught fire, he left the house to raise the alarm then tried to go back in to save his family. Not sure what to make of it, and it is the Daily Mail...it doesn't seem right that a father would leave his family in a burning house? Yes the sooner you raise the alarm to others/call 999 (I'm assuming this was why he left) the better but one would assume you'd instinctively save your family etc first. Like I said, Daily Mail. Anyway, the reason I mentioned that wasn't to rant or gossip (for lack of better word) about what the father did or anything. It just made me think about how important it is to know what to do in these situations, and how it really is important to have an escape plan etc. As someone with a fire phobia, I will always be cautious, even if seeming paranoid, and I hope me or my family never have to experience such a thing.
  19. "Fred" - was there really any need to use such harsh words towards me? I mean there's having an opinion and then there's just being over the top. Rattle, I bought up his personality because IMO kind people wouldn't post anything offensive. You seemed concerned about his reply to Kevvy so I was just reassuring you it was nothing to worry about. Basically what Sidders said in his last post :)Come on guys, this forum has been so harmonious for a while now, let's keep it that way
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